The Serbs
People of Serbia are the best Serbian brand !
‘Serbs are a Balkan people of mixed Serb, Slav-Aryan, Illyrian, Vlach (Wallach), and possibly Dacian and Thracian ancestry. The Dacian Serbs origin from the cultures of Lepenski Vir, Starcevo and Vinca – Raska. By migrations, the Tripolye – Trypillian culture and the Cucuteni culture were created out from the Vinca /Rascia/ civilization that flourished from 5500 till 4400 BC for thousand years in the Danube Sedmorecje area – the Seven Rivers region. The Malorussians, and Velikorussians and Antes – border guardians originated from the Tripolye civilization – Trypillian culture. Out from the Cucuteni culture in present Romania originated Dacians and Geatae, who are older than the Antes.
According to a number of historical documents and sources, the ethnonym Serb itself means a brother, a kinsman or a relative and may be older than either the Aryan or the Slav one. Ever-since the earliest time, the Slavic race and its old pre Christian kinship faith are historically extremely important, particularly the Serbs or Servi who nearly completely changed their lifestyle and spiritual pre-Christian beliefs, mythological practices and customs by the long process of conversion to Christianity. In the 6th century the historian Procopius of Caesarea records that ‘the Sclavini and Antes tribes are not ruled by one person, but they live in democracy since the earliest times and therefore they commonly perform jobs, pleasant or unpleasant ones’.
Day by day more researchers and scholars /Atlas Linguarum Europae – Mario Alinei/ fight against the fake and hidden history of Serbia claiming that the Serbs lived in the wider areas of the present Europe, into the British isles and also throughout Russia and beyond, and in the present day areas of Serbia more than 7500 years ago, worshiping their innate ancient Venedi – Vendish Orthodoxy – knowledge on structure of the Universe, functioning of life and death.
In his chronicles Мavro Orbini writes that ‘Slavs moved from Scandinavia to the endless Sarmatia, around 1460 BC where they appeared under various names – ‘Venedi, Wends, Sorbs, Slovenians, Antes, Verlis /Erulies/, Alans /Massageteans/, Hiri, Sciri, Sirbi, Dake ...’, while in the Balkans, he exclusively considers the Slavic population as the Serbs, claiming that those tribes also include Illyrians, Thracians, Spores, Roxolanes and Rascians. He also identifies the Serbs as the Enetes, Thracians, Scynthians, Dardanians, Vendes and Spores. Antiquity of the agricultural Serb population in the Balkans, the Middle Danube River area and the Alpine areas can be traced till the 1st century BC. The Old Serbs – Slavs arrived from the Old Germania to Illyricum into the habitat of their kindred ancient tribesmen Serbs and mixed with their cognate remains by which the identity of the word Slav was not opposed. Remains of the Old Serbs are today found on the border between Saxony and Prussia in Lusatia, with population known as the Lusatian Sorbs, after the diminutive of the Serb word lug /grove/.
‘The Serb tribe of Dardanians – Dardanics – Dardanos were called Troiana prosopia by Solin which used to settle down around the Danube River and Vidin and Orahovac, on the Skitula River in Real Serbia and all along the former Dardania or the southern and the south-eastern provinces of the Real Serbia. Their towns were Rashka on the Rashka River which joins the Maritza River, Stip, Samokov, Skopje, Krusevo or Stari Dol, Radovic, Prilep, Bitol, Kostur and so on from its former living areas around the present Nis. The smaller part of this Serb tribe lives in so-called present Albania as the Serbs in mentioned towns and their surroundings’. Novica R. Grujic
In the Tacitus Histories the author describes contemporary military and civil events from 54 till 70 AC in the Roman provinces created on the territories occupied from the Serbs, there were identified and confirmed by names some ten Serb landholders tribes: Servi, Vendi, Severi, Raci /Raci/, Sveborumi /Svebi/, Undi /Vndi, Vindicis, Vndique populatio, Vindice, Vindonissae, Vindicem, De Vindix/, Boji /Boii, Voji/, Urbi /Vrbi/, Toti /Teti/, and those tribes designated by provinces /Dalmati, Panoni and other/. The Serbian provinces where above named Serb tribes constantly live are Pannonia with Pannonian Alps, Moesia, Illyric, Dalmatia, Vendica on Una, Liburnia, Vendica along the northernmost Adriatic, Racia and Noricum as the pre-Alpine provinces. At the same time, the Serbs live in the western or Pannonian Sarmatia /Sarmatae Servi/ in the free state between the Danube and the Tisa rivers. So-called Illyrians called themselves the Venedi. This was well known to Herodotus and the Romans with whom the Serbs never allied because of the Roman barbarian policy which was seen over time and across various /mainly Germanic/ barbarian groups. The Swiss Historian, linguist and philologist Adolphe Pictet writes: ‘With certainty we can claim that there was a certain pre-nation between India and the ultimate borders of Europe which consisted of the Sorabs, Serbs and Rascians and whose common name was the Srbi=Serbs’. „Inhabitants of Bosnia and Serbia origin from one of the oldest and most spread nations – the old Illyrians“.
The Serbian fascinating Mythology resulted in the Serbians who worshiped a variety of Gods inherited from the Vedic culture /a Supreme source from which everything comes/ that is the concept of a three tiered universe, heaven, earth and the underworld. In Slovenia the pre-eminent symbol of the nation is Mount Triglav, a mountain possessing three peaks and named in honor of the Serbian God Triglav. From the earliest days the Slavonic Race have been prominent in history, and foremost among them the Serbs, or Servians.
The first appearance of the Serb name in written sources comes from the Old-Indian collection of epic narrations of the Rigveda or Rig Veda /3000-1500 BC/ where some Srbinda is mentioned in its eight hymn, Aleksandar Mitić. The earliest documented record on the Serb name dates from latest 69 or 75 AD in the famous book Historia naturalis /Natural History/ of Pliny Ceaecilii Second. In this volume of Plinii Caecilii Secundi Historia naturalis, VI, c. 7, § 19/ Leipzig, 1875/, we find the Serb name in latinised form of Serbi, where he records “A Cimmerio accolunt Maeotici, Vali, Serbi, Zingi, Psesii” /Besides the Chimerians live people of Meotici, Vali, Srbi, Zingi, Psesi/. Fredegar, a Frankish historian first mentioned the Sorbs by name in 631 as being well-established along the Saale River. The 6th and 7th century Greek writers referred to the Sclavenes as Sklavenoi/Sklabenoi. The shorter version, Sklavoi is first used by Agathias in Constantinople in the 580s. In 805, Charles the Great /Charlemange/, the greatest ruler of the Franks established a fortified boundary between his kingdom and the Slavs called in Latin Limes Sorabicus which ran west along the Danube River from Linz /Austria/ to Regensburg, then cross-country to Forchheim to Bamberg, north to Erfurt to Magdeburg to Braunschweig /Brunswick/ and to Bardowiek on the Elbe River. Three years later the line was extended from the Elbe southeast of Hamburg to the vicinity of Kiel.
The Serbs still retain as their national relentless moral ideal the historically recorded ancient Aryan reverence for sincerity, bravery, generosity and honesty, regardless of how far away many of them may stand from such values’ /Momcilo Selic/. The Serbs venerate the symbol of the Da Arya and the two-headed eagle on the coat of arm which represents the four pre-races that settled the four parts of the Pre-Continent, and symbolizing the universal harmony of the Body, Soul, Spirit and Conciseness.
The Slavonians – Slavs are an indigenous European branch of the great Scynthian race, that ever-since spoke single original and common language of the whole race. Their specific name in Latin was Venetae, and their western neighbors called them Wenden. The name they called themselves was Serbi or Sirbi. The Medieval Serbi are not only the ethnic name, but the title and the name for the cast and designates the race. The Slavs – Slavic people were the Slavic population who were part of the Orthodox Byzantine Empire, i.e. the Serbs, the Bulgarians and part of the Russians around the Black Sea as they have obeyed the Christian laws and books – the rightful faith proponents. It is known that during the time of Saint Sava, the Serbs and the Bulgarians and the Russians spoke the same language which we know as the Old-Slavonic language. The name Slavonians – Slavs which has superseded all those original names is of comparatively recent origin /the 6th century/. It is derived either from the native word slava, meaning ‘glory’, or from the native word slovo, meaning ‘speech’. The original territories of these Venetae, Wenden, Sirbi or Slavonians were very extensive and had spread along the Central Balkan region up to the Baltics, the northern and southern shores of the Black Sea and along the Sarmatian Bessarabia, the Carpathians and the Podunavlje – the Danube area. ‘Slaveni’ means Glorious in Slavic. ‘Slovo’ is letter and speech. ‘Skla-Veni’ is combination of two different words – Scoloti and Veneti. Scoloti are eastern Scythians or R1a haplogroups and Veneti are of I2 haplogroup or ancestral European male. Veni, Anti, Vandals, Veneti is full spectrum of the Serb name.
The Serbs are generally of “Balkan genetics“, righteous, freedom-loving, imaginative, creative, highly stubborn and strong people, and family-oriented. Many find the Serbian people are very warm, proud, brave, passionate, open-minded, highly credulous, enterprising, generous, traditional, enthusiastic, caring and extremely hospitable. Some scholars define the Serbs and Serbia ‘one of the gateways to the civilized Europe’ – The Guardians of the Gate, Robert George Dalrymple Laffan
Without prior booking, it is strongly recommended to ask your guesthouse owners if they can suggest somewhere to stay in your next destination, which they will gladly do. People from Serbia /especially younger generations/ can good speak foreign languages, usually at least English, which makes communication with foreign visitors a bit easier. Tourists, especially Americans, are not very common yet, and locals are especially thrilled when one takes an active interest in Serbian culture and History.
A handshake with an introduction of who you are is usually an appropriate greeting style for both male and female Serbs. A handshake is a form of respect but also confirms /from the old times/ that the person who spreads and shakes hand is unarmed. A handshake is often found rude if one does not acknowledge a person by introducing him or herself with a shake hand. Another characteristic Serbian gesture of greeting are three fingers of the right hand risen in direction of the sky. This way of greetings appeared during the First and the Second Serbian Uprising, as three fingers symbolize the cross, that is also the celebration of the Holy Trinity – “in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy spirit“. When we make the sign of the cross, we always use those three fingers which joined represent the unity of the Holy Trinity.
As you become familiar with a Serb, a 3 times – left-right-left – kissing may be used as common way of communication in Serbia related with the Orthodox religion which has the special meaning, as the Serbs kiss each other for life, death and honor. The first kiss in the name of life celebrates the life values, which means dignified life of an chaste and honored person. The second kiss comes in the name of death and is dedicated to remember deceased relatives, and the honored ancestors. The third kiss is in the name of the honor, and determines in the Christian spirit that life should be in the Christian values.
Dinaric people whom the Serbs belong feature live spirit and refined intellect, enriched with vivacious and varied sensitivity, that often go along with their rich imagination, as well as real impulse of excitement and anger. In their actions, Serbs are often inspired by ethical and spiritual impetus, while the material issues play the second role. In order to generate the largest portion of their strength, one should touch into the emotions, sensitivity and individual and national pride of the Serbs, whose matter of honor and the ideal of justice and freedom need to be highlighted. Those are the main causes which generate the passion of the Dinaric people in general, and reasons for conflicts that occur between them. Those reasons make the happy or unhappy courses and outcomes of their lives, much more than from selfishness, avidity and greed. The racial instinct of huge energy, and instinct for life and growth and instinct for their position in the world and their large contribution to it, are widely mixed with those inspirations. The Dinaric person does not believe in any obstacle he-she would not be able to overcome. His-her self-confidence is boundless and commitment infinite. However, those virtues of the Dinaric people and the Serbs also have the negative sides. The sensitivity often make them doing thoughtless things. When they lack experience this strong sensitivity make them naive. They often go along their sentiment and indelicate optimism. Their final sensitivity often becomes their weakness, and their generosity makes them unjust. Sometimes the Serbs are limited with their fear not to make injustice or unfairness to the others.
The South Slavs (or Yugoslavs) are one of the five major ethnic groups of the Balkan Peninsula, incorporating the Serb, Croat, and Slovene peoples. Besi, as well as Getae, Dacians, and Antes belong to the indigenous Slavic population of the Danube basin, whose main branch was created by the Serbs, since long time known by those names. Although the movement for political unification of these people dated back to at least the early 19th century, the South Slavs had historically been separated and controlled by various neighboring powers, such as Turkey, Italy, Austria, Hungary, and Bulgaria. The population of Serbia (2006 est. pop. 9,797,000) consists primarily of Serbs with Albanian, Magyar, Hungarian, Slovak, Ruthenian, Romanian, Croat, Montenegrin, Bulgarian and Macedonian national communities.
Vojvodina is one of the most ethnically diverse territories in Europe, with more than 25 different national communities. According to the last completed census /2002/, the province has a population of about 2 million, of which: Serbs 65%, Hungarians 14.3%, Slovaks 2.79%, Croats 2.78%, undeclared 2.71%, Yugoslavs 2.45%, Montenegrins 1.75%, Romanians 1.50%, Roma 1.43%, Bunjevci 0.97%, Ruthenians 0.77%, Macedonians 0.58%, regional affiliation 0.50%, Ukrainians 0.23%, others /Albanians, Slovenians, Germans, Poles, Chinese etc/.
The Official language in Serbia is the Serbian language according to the Constitution of Serbia; in Vojvodina the following languages are also official: Romanian, Rusyn, Hungarian, Slovak, and Croatian; and in Kosovo-Metohija also the Albanian language. The language which the Serbs speak is most often referred to in scholarship as Serbo-Croatian, spoken in Yugoslavia. This language is used by the Serbs and Croats, as well as by the Slavic Moslems of Bosnia and Herzegovina and of the Sanjak (a region which outlines the modern borders between Serbia and Montenegro). Of all the living languages, present-day Serbian is closest to ancient Sanskrit in vocabulary, phonology, and grammar. It is entirely possible that the postulated “Indo-European language” of many paleolinguists is nothing more than some form of Serb. In the past, there were also groups who used the same language, but who were neither Serbs nor Croats. The Croats call the language Croatian, and the Serbs call it Serbian. Cyrillic alphabet is the official alphabet in Serbia, but used both along with the Latin alphabet. Serbian Cyrillic rule: “Write as you speak and read as it is written” Vuk Stefanović Karadžic. Due to historical reasons, Serbian once being a part of the Serbo-Croat unification brought Latin usage into Serbia. The Cyrillic alphabet /also called the Serbian azbuka, from the old name of the first two letters/ is an alphabet used for several East and South Slavic languages – Belarusian, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Russian, Rusyn, Serbian, and Ukrainian/ and many other languages of the former Soviet Union, Asia and Eastern Europe.
“Gorani People – good people from Sar-planina Mountain are an ethnic community with a specific identity whose existence is located on the crossroads of today’s Serbia, Albania and Macedonia. Their origin is related to old Serbian settlements in the Sar-planina area, which during the medieval Serbian state was located in its middle part. After the fall of Serbian countries under the rule of Osmanlis, among the latter they converted to Islam, long resisting pressure and impositions of the conquerors. The beginning of the process of Islamization of Orthodox Goranians dates back to 16. century and it was going on with less and more intensity. Still, all the way to the mid-19. century, in Gora there were Orthodox. Apart from Brod, Gorans live 18 other places on the Serbian side of Sar-mountain. In Albania there are nine Gorani villages, and in Macedonia two. In this area today there are 7,000 to 10.000 Goranians, and in Serbia and in total around 60,000. They call their language Našin (nashen) or Goranic dialect, which is closest to modern Serbian (Prizren-Timok dialect) or old-fashioned Serbian language, with certain specifications, localisms, Turkisms and archaisms. Generally most Serbian historians agree that Goranci are of Serbian origin and that they are mentioned even in Roman times. There are also names and places, toponyms, that unequivocally confirm their Serbian origin, and many classify their language as Old Serbian language. Many authors cannot escape the fact that Emperor Dušan classified them among his best subjects, to be mentioned in founding charter – chrysobull of Emperor Dušan that they were also under the protection of King Peter the First. Immediately after the war in Kosovo in 1999 there is an expansion of countries’ appetite in the environment of appropriation of Goranians into their ethnic minorities. Historians from the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina claim that Gorans are Bosniaks, from Romania a claim comes that Vlachs are – Aromunians, Turkish authors claim that they are Turkish by origin, then Macedonians that because of the language and customs they are Macedonians – Muslims, while Albanians claim that Gorancians are Albanians by origin. On several occasions Bulgaria, which also recognized the independent state of Kosovo, is trying to in all possible ways by frequently sending requests to Kosovo authorities to appropriate Gorans as Bulgarian national minority which according to their statistics count about 15 000 citizens and to live in the municipalities of Dragas, Prizren, Orahovac and Strpce. However, it has to be taken into account as a sexual proof, the personal statement of Goran people about their origin who still claim to be Serbs of Muslim faith. Source: Eja Kolhida u zlatnoj dolini Peka
The Hapsburg’s and the England ‘repaid’ – compensated the Serbs by taking away all the Serbian territories who had exited to the sea, like Arbania /today the South Albania/, when they have had created a synthetic nation from the indigenous Serbs and the Turks /Albanians/ from the Serbian history. The letter of the Montenegrin Metropolitan Petar II Petrovic Njegos to the British diplomats best illustrates the Europeans using the NATO Turkish patent in the Balkans, two and half centuries later. Njegos accused European politics of being an enemy of the Orthodox genus whose sword ‘a dead Turkish hand holds under our throat’. The compensation was forgery of the Serbian history, and the history of Poles and Slavs from which Germany and Austria picked up their primogeniture in Europe although their states did not exist in the time of the Charlemagne.
Repeated suffering under foreign invaders purified the Serbian courage and chivalry and contributed to their huge ethnic identity, energy and precious intellectual features. The Serbs have created their tradition in constant fights for political independence and cultural self-consciousness, by develop of particular epic narcissism as kind of illusion that it is possible to withstand any power, regardless its strength. The Sretenje Constitution of Serbia adopted on the feast of the Presentation of Jesus into the Temple – on the 15 February 1835 had determined that every slave who steps into the soil of Serbia shall become a free and dignified man from that very moment. Serbs are emotional and express dignity often placed within the context of their history and their hopes. Serbian people are very tough and have positive attitude, most probably for the energy inherited by genetics. Serbs remain fairly positive, tenacious, freedom-loving, resilient and open-hearten people, looking forward to the renewal of their beloved country. Although carrying scars of the almost two decades after the brake-up of Yugoslavia and the recent war and aware of problems still facing the country /15 years of sanctions crippled a once-strong economy/ Serbs look into the future.
Nikola Tesla, born July 10, 1856: “Hardly is there a nation which has met with a sadder fate than the Serbians. From the height of its splendor, when the Empire embraced almost the entire northern part of the Balkan peninsula, and a large portion of what is now Austria, the Serbian nation was plunged into abject slavery, after the fateful battle of 1389 at the Kosovo Polje, against the overwhelming Asian hordes. Europe can never repay the great debt it owes to the Serbians for checking, by the sacrifice of their liberty, that barbarous influx.”
I wanted to illuminate the whole earth. There is enough electricity to become a second sun. Light would appear around the equator, as a ring around Saturn. Mankind is not ready for the great and good. In Colorado Springs I soaked the earth by electricity. Also, we can water the other energies, such as positive mental energy. They are in the music of Bach or Mozart, or in the verses of great poets. In the Earth’s interior, there is energy of Joy, Peace, and Love. Their expressions are a flower that grows from the Earth, the food we get out of her and everything that makes man’s homeland. I’ve spent years looking for the way that this energy could influence people. The beauty and the scent of roses can be used as a medicine and the sun rays as a food.
One should do good to the point of exhaustion, one should terrify the universe with goodness as we are horrified by the amount of evil in the world. One should do goon to the point of stupidity. And beyond it. And when there is no reason, one should do good. One should intentionally, every day, melt someone. The Universe should be confused. The good should be done even when the good does not return to the good it should, in spite of everything it should, because it is the only thing and because nothing makes sense. And the only blow to nonsense is the good, it should be done well and when let’s think that doing good doesn’t make sense either. Only meaningless good smells to me in some sense. Perfect, pure good, without any meaning….”