Starcevo archaeological site – 5800-5000 BC

Starcevo archaeological site – 5800-5000 BC

Starcevo archaeological site is situated on the left bank of the Danube river, 8 km away from town of Pancevo along the road to Kovin and Smederevo, on the right side of the road Pancevo-Starcevo. This site is actually located at the entrance to the Starcevo village, about 8 km areal distance from the Vincha archaeological site.

The Starcevo archaeological site represents the earliest agricultural, and cattle-breeding population in the central Balkans dated as far back as 5,800 B.C. Thanks to significance of artifacts found on this site /especially ceramics specifically painted in white black and red color/ the culture of the Later Neolithic of the Central Balkans is named the Starcevo culture. Here are found the oval and ellipse underground logs wide from 2 to 6 meters of which two comprise heaters and furnaces.

The Starčevo site was discovered in 1912 during exploitation of earth for the brickyard which operated until 1919 and up to now it is highly devastated (Fewkes, Goldman, Ehrich 1933: 35). In the center of the Starcevo settlement few tombs were excavated amidst the logs, as well as numerous stone tools and weapons made of bones. The rectangular homes of the this site were built on the ground or partially buried, often accompanied by some form of fire pit. Researching of specific Starcevo ceramics and its connections with the painted ceramics of Neolithic cultures in Ponudavlje region, Greece and the Middle East provides the evidences of movements of earliest Neolithic humans in our regions. The Starcevo Culture existed in its earliest period parallel with the Vincha culture during the period of the Earlier Neolithic. The effects of the Starcevo culture were significant for not only Transdanubia region, but also for the rest of North Central Europe, as it expanded approximately during 200 years into north and central Europe, occupying the region covering 400.000 sq km that spread from the Rhine river in the west to the Bug River in the east.

Visitors interested in ancient heritage and the Neolithic culture are warmly recommended to visit the Starcevo Museum in the House of Culture of Starcevo where they have opportunity to see the Starcevo through centuries exhibition with expert guidance. This exhibition presents 7500 years of continual life in the Starcevo area with highlighted Neolithic culture displayed, and the Banat Plain Military Frontier and industrial heritage of Starcevo.