Novi Sad Hotels

It is proven by the archaeological excavations that the human life existed in the form of settlement in the wider area of Novi Sad nearly continuously from the prehistory until the modern era.

By the royal decree of Tsaritsa Queen Maria Theresa signed on 1st February 1748 the present town of Novi Sad was proclaimed the free royal city of the Hungarian Kingdom when the previous name of Petrovaradinski Sanac was abolished. Local citizens of the settlement – mostly rich merchants and members of the nobility had paid 80.000 golden francs for such privileged status of the free royal city. The administration was arranged, and functioning of ruling bodies, the city got is judiciary system,…. According to this act the town was named Neoplanta, in Serbian Novi Sad, in Hungarian Uj-Videgh, in German Ney-Satz and in Bulgarian language Mlada Loza. Among the main historical causes for creation of such circumstances are the Siege of Wien, the Great Wien War – the War of the Holy League, the Russian-Turkish War, the Venetian-Turkish War, the Great Migration of the Serbs in 1690, the Russian-Turkish Warm the Great Migration of the Serbs in 1739, the War for the Austrian legacy….