We inform you that our web page that until recently had included nearly 5000 single pages, will not be adorned with so plentiful number of published photos as earlier. With the achieved aim to gain market positioning, besides published tours and other products and offers to increase demand of visitors, our posts had contained descriptions and plenty of photos of numerous attractions, landmarks, monuments and numerous suppliers in Serbia and the region we closely, proudly and successfully cooperate with. Change was caused by misunderstanding and intolerable relationship of some authors of photos with whom we have not succeeded understanding and respect for aims and results we gain in tourism and congress businesses, so we were forced to use another way of promotion. Long live awareness, honesty and common sense !


Be welcome to inquire and make booking for all of you – clients who expect memorable hospitality, life-changing experiences, surreal beauties, well-preserved traditions and customs, eye-catching landmarks, tempting surprises, magic wild life and nature, ancient castles, medieval towns, charming wine and rakija producers and inspiring locals waiting to be safely discovered.

Balkan tours

Serbia guaranteed departures :

We are at your service for all your/clients’ additional questions and tailored requirements which will provide amazing experiences and fun of the real Balkans.


Air Serbia New York flights now on sale


United Nations declares 2017 as the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development