Mineral Hotel Bogutovac Banja Spa

Mineral Hotel Bogutovac Banja Spa

The Bogutovačka banja Spa – Bogutovac Spa is famous medical, spa and health center of Serbia which provides extraordinary therapies for nerves and neuro-psychiatric and other diseases. The Bogutovac Banja Spa features moderate-continental mountainous climate which highly contributes to the improvement of the human health conditions. The Bogutovačka banja Spa – Bogutovac Spa is located in Central Serbia, at the elevation of 520 meters, 200 km south of Belgrade and 25 km south of Kraljevo. Extraordinary results for decades in curing neuro-psychiatric and other diseases, and especially during time of Yugoslavia, were the best recommendation for numerous guests from country and abroad to come to the Bogutovac Banja Spa – the famous ‘paradise for nerves’, set on slopes of the Stolovi and Troglav Mountain in Central Serbia.

Thanks to protection of the surrounding mountainous ranges that rise to 1100 meters  – the Zeljin and Stolovi Mountains in the east and Troglav and Cemerno Mountain in the west, visitors and patients of the Bogutovac Banja Spa feel benefits of outstandingly quiet and perfectly clean natural environment, without strong winds and mixture of air flows, and big climatic storms. The nature which surrounds the Bogutovac Banja Spa is fully preserved and pure, and features fresh mountainous air that highly impacts health of the spa guests and patients.

The Bogutovačka banja Spa – Bogutovac Spa is named after the village of Bogutovac which is some 20 km away of Kraljevo in southwestern direction, along the popular Ibar road that is well connected with other parts of Serbia. During history the Bogutovačka Banja Spa was frequented and attractive for numerous guests and patients who used to enjoy and find relief and cure in its healing waters as well as to lovers of fresh air, intact nature, crystal clear Lopatnica River, wonderful pastures and meadows, and richness of medicinal herbs and lush vegetation. The Principality of Serbia carried out chemical research of the healing waters of the Bogutovacka Banja Spa in distant 1835. The Bogutovačka Banja Spa has two sources of healing waters that are rich in cations and anions and is used for curing various illnesses.

The curative waters of the Bogutovačka Banja Spa belong to the oligo-mineral sulfide hypo-thermal waters with significant content of Natrium, Magnesium, Calcium, hydro-Carbnates, Sulfates, and Silicium Oxides. The water temperature of the springs of the Bogutovačka Banja Spa varies from 24 to 27 degrees Celsius. Later examination by the referrals institutions proved the curative features of the medical waters of the Bogutovačka Banja Spa are extraordinary suitable for healing negro-psychiatric diseases and illnesses of the neuro system – psycho-neurosis, neurotic syndrome, liability of the vegetative nerve system, neurotic migraines, migraines, neuralgia, multiple-sclerosis, consequences of poliomyelitis, functioning of heart and blood vessels – heart neurosis, high blood pressure, labile and paroxysmal Tachycardia, irregular heart performance connected with nerve irritability, recovering from rheumatic endocarditis and miocarditis, and functional irregularity in peripheral blood vessels like varices, Thrombophlebitis, as well as healing of illnesses of human digestive system – diseases caused by over-irritated vegetative system, Diffuse esophageal spasm, gastralgia, irritable colon – over irritated colon, and spastic colon – narrowed colon, and curing of rheumatic illnesses of patients with damaged blood vessels, degenerative rheumatism and joints rheumatism, gonathrosis, spondilo-arthrosis.

The speed development of the Bogutovačka banja and the surroundings as the medical and spa center of Yugoslavia started in the sixties of the 20th century by establishment of private villas and apartment accommodations for guests and especially by opening of the Mineral Hotel, in distant 1985.

Local producers used to sell their healthy and tasty produces in the spa market or in their households – milk, dairy products, lamb and beef meat, honey and other produces which made them good income. Historical events and migrations to big cities greatly influenced the lowering of interest for the spa treatments and usage of the medical services in the Bogutovac Banja Spa.

Successful privatization of the famous Mineral Hotel enabled the present high quality of services and medical treatments that await guests and patients, as this fully refurbished and modernized tourist facility in Central Serbia became favorite place for invigorating holidays and medical services, as well as destination for team building programs with various relaxing activities in healthy environment.

Now the Mineral Hotel in Bogutovac Banja Spa has 106 comfortable rooms and suites and makes excellent destination for relaxation in nature, highly enhanced by pools with mineral healing waters, tasty homemade food, walking and hiking trails, friendly and cordial staff… All rooms of the Mineral Hotel in Bogutovačka Banja Spa are equipped with comfortable separate beds, wall-to-wall carpeting, chair and work-desk, optical Internet, cable LCD TV, direct phone, air conditioning, heating, bathrooms with shower, bathrobes.

Guests who stay at the Mineral Hotel in Bogutovac Banja Spa are served with rich buffet or continental breakfast, and choice of tasty traditional dishes that are prepared from fresh and locally grown supplies.

Hotel restaurant features spacious covered terrace with some 200 seats and nice view to the lovely arranged park with benches which make place for relaxing with favorite drink in fresh air between therapies that improve health in indoor and outdoor pools with mineral healing waters, or after touring nearby cultural and historical attractions of Zica and Studenica Monasteries, the Maglic medieval stronghold, or after memorable outdoor team building activities as the challenging rafting on Ibar River, or after hiking along the surrounding mountain trails…