Matica Srpska Gallery Novi Sad

Matica Srpska Gallery Novi Sad

Matica Srpska Gallery in Novi Sad is the richest artistic museum of the Serbian modern art. The Gallery of Matica Srpska was founded in 1847, but it works as independent institution since 1958. Its permanent exhibitions show chronologically about five thousand selected artworks significant for the new age of the Serbian history of art and the Serbian culture artworks in Vojvodina at the end of the 17th until the end of the 20th century. All artworks kept in the Matica Srpska Gallery were received from the Serbian Orthodox Church as present and from numerous donors and are treated with special care and used in related conditions. In terms of physical, artistic and cultural historical characteristics, Matica Srpska Gallery fund is divided into systematic collections of Serbian painting, graphic, drawing, sculpture and copies. All collections of the Matica Srpska Gallery are available to public and can be seen at the Permanent Exhibition and at periodical exhibitions.

By substantiates and complexity of collections in Matica Srpska Gallery the Serbian painting, graphic and drawing of the 18th and the 19th century attract special interest. They fully represent the complex processes of Europeanization of Serbian art in the period from the Great migration of Serbs in 1690 till the Unification in 1918. Matica Srpska Gallery Collection of the 20th century, besides the works of painters and sculptors from Vojvodina, contains arts of authors from wider Yugoslavian area. Final segment of the permanent exhibition which contains the greatest works of Serbian painting from the first half of the 20th century is opened for public from 1992. Expansion on the collection of the Serbian art from the second half of 20th century is achieved in 1997, so on the celebration of the 150 years anniversary of existence of Matica Srpska Gallery. Matica Srpska Gallery in Novi Sad organizes periodical exhibitions with mono graphic and thematic character and publishes catalogs and other special publications on the latest Serbian arts. Beside regular presentation of permanent exhibition, independent or in cooperation with other museums and cultural institutions, professional lectures, promotions and concerts are organized in the Matica Srpska Gallery lavishly arranged spaces.