‘Magareci mlin’ locality Apatin
“Magareći mlin” is one of the most important archaeological localities in Serbia from Mesolithic period which dates from 8000 years, located some 4,5 km away from Apatin. In the territory of Apatin Municipality there have been explored and researched 46 archaeological sites. At the Magareći breg site Archaeologists have excavated finds that include human remains and other found items that contain remains of ceramics, metal object and items from the Bronze age and later historical periods which date from the Bronze age on. Research and excavations campaigns at the Magareci mlin have been carried out during past decades under support of the Ministry of Culture of Republic of Serbia, the City Museum Sombor and the Apatin Municipality. Results of excavations exceeded expectations and proof that the locality of Magareći mlin is far larger and richer then assumed, as it covers the surface of even 10 hectares. The latest discoveries of the Serbian archaeology were presented in public by David Firanj, the director of the City Museum of Sombor, and members of the archaeological team – Andjelka Putica, Kristina Penezić and Viktorija Uzelac and ethnologist and anthropologist Ivana Srdić.
The archaeological locality was named the “Magareći mlin” thanks to archaeologist Vladimir Leković who first started excavations in the eighties of the 20th century. The name of this archaeological locality comes from the fact about grain mills which were pooled on this spot by donkeys in the 18th and the 19th centuries, at the place in the vicinity of Cigan hat. Finds from the locality of Magareći mlin testify on the continuity of life in this area for several thousands of years.