North Macedonia
The Republic of North Macedonia is small, warm, sunny and beautiful Southeast European country, south of Serbia and north of Greece and west of Bulgaria. North Macedonia is one of the wonderful hidden gems of the former republic of Yugoslavia and present Balkans, that hides a great cultural, historical – geographical value which offers its visitors a unique blend of natural wonders, traditions and cultures, as well as long tradition of unrivaled hospitality.
North Macedonia is a natural paradise of mountains, fantastic lakes and rivers where life moves to a different rhythm amid the sprawling grandeur of rich historical treasures and idyllic villages that have remained practically unchanged for centuries. Wonderful mountains of North Macedonia are exceptional destinations for hiking, suitable for fit and active people with some hiking experience, but also for hikers with good level of fitness who like long and steep ascents and descents, and rugged terrains.
Historical and geographical Macedonia was recorded in the New Testament of the Bible within the travels of Saint Paul the Apostle, where also were mentioned Dalmatia and Panonnia and the other Roman provinces of that era. Historical Macedonia includes one fifth of the present Republic of North Macedonia while the true Macedonia actually begins south of Demir Kapija. The rest of the territory of North Macedonia is actually the Stara Srbija – the Old Srbia or the Vardar Serbia or the Prilep Serbia or the Metohija as it was called during the reign of the Mrnjavcevics whose capital was Prilep. In geographic sense, the significant part of the present North Macedonia truly belonged to Metohija, including the throne city of Skopje. In the areas of Skopje, Kumanovo, Skopska Crna Gora, and so on,… there are numerous Serbian shrines as those territories used to belong to Metohija, including Skopje, Prizren and Pec as the main axis cities of Metohija.
The name of Macedonia is of Greek origin and means tall, and slender. The Greek tribe of Dorians named so the country where they lived, which was recorded by the antique historian Herodotus, as well as the Greek poet Homer. Meaning of the antique name of Macedonia comes from high and mountainous areas with the highlander population of those high mountains called the Macedonians – the highlanders and the Greek Dorians who used to live in the north of the Greek world.
North Macedonia’s geographical and cultural position as the bridge between East and West, and the crossroads between the Christian Europe and the mystical Orient, is attested to today in its inhabitants featuring fascinatingly deep spiritual roots. The importance of North Macedonia as the state and historical-geographical area is in its strategic position. North Macedonia is together with Serbia, the center of the Balkan Peninsula. The former Yugoslav republic and the present state of North Macedonia is artificial creation of communism. Since the beginning of time Macedonia was part of Serbia, as was the whole territory of Greece in the early past. It was not the Macedonians /the Serbs/ who stole the name of the present Macedonia, but the Greeks had stolen the land from the Macedonians – the Serbs. There are evidences on the Serb population in Macedonia in the 2nd millennia BC that testify on hidden cultural and historical heritage and truths about the ancient Serbs. Those truths are interwoven in the lyric songs of the Macedonian people that have been recorded in Skopje, Prilep, Ohrid, Kumanovo…. The wonderful Medieval church dedicated to Saint Stephen – Sveti Stefan in southeast Macedonia, some 20 km south of Radovis is endowment of Nikola Stanjevic, the duke of Tsar Dusan. Knowing that the Turkish rule will be over and removed from the Balkans, the European countries and the Vatican decided to create a non-Serb nation, to establish a non-Serb state and to proclaim a non-Serb Macedonian Orthodox Church from the Serbs in Macedonia. The Serbian state authorities and the Serbian intellectuals did not prevent this, but assisted in performance of this plan in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, by creation of the Vardar Banovina and and the Republic of Macedonia within the Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia.
Although just a little country, North Macedonia is a true cradle of culture, holding several antique theaters, thousand of Medieval Monasteries and well preserved Byzantine churches and over 200 Ottoman mosques, in addition to the remains from the early’ Christian and Stone Age and even earlier periods of human civilization. Alexander the Great of Macedonia was one of the greatest army commanders in history, and with some 43,000 infantry and 5,500 cavalry had changed the face of Europe and Asia forever when created an empire that stretched from the Adriatic Sea to India and Egypt. The Illyrian Paionians, Dardanians and Taulantii, the Thracian Odrysai, Getai and Triballi, together with the prosperous West Pontic Greek cities, all acknowledged the sovereignty of the Phillip II of Macedon and his son Alexander who had established loose personal hegemony over much of the Balkans. In 1977 were excavated spectacular golden tomb that contained earthen remains of several humans of the ancient Macedonian royal family. It was ascertained that in one of the coffins of the royal mausoleum 1 there were remains of Philip II, father of Alexander the Great, while in the tomb 2 some relatives of Alexander the Great, like the King Arideus and his wife Euridice. When the archaeologist Manolis Andronikos started excavations of the mausoleums in Vergina in 1977 he had discovered that four of the tombs were not opened for long time and that they include astonishingly rich treasury. Philip II – Filip II was the 18th king of Macedonia /359-336 BC/. He restored the internal peace to his state and conquered the whole Greece in military and diplomatic ways, when he had established foundations for the further extentions which were performed by his son Alexander the Great. Philip II – Filip II is described as the powerful king with complicated love life, as he married some 5 to 7 wives, that caused mess in heredity. Filip II – Philip II was killed in 336 BC at the wedding ceremony of his daughter, most probably by the order of his former wife Olympia. Alexander the Great inherited the throne from his father and became king.
Vlaho – the earliest Neolithic locality in the wider area of the Balkans is dated to 6400 BC and is positioned in Pelagonija of North Macedonia. Terrain excavations and C14 analysis are carried out by the Center for Prehistorical Research of Skopje under leadership of dr Goce Naumov which will define when population movement and formation of settlements of the Vlaho locality had happened. It is the tel type of locality in the area of Pelagonija which contains several cultural layers of which all belong to the Neolithic period. Results of excavations and research are published and available in the Documenta Praehistorica. The authors and scholars highlight that „the marshy and alluvial Pelagonia soil might have been essential stimulus for the agricultural societies to settle here some time around 6000 BC “.
North Macedonia’s cultural richness is expressed in its extraordinary archaeological legacy of Heraclea, Stobi and Skupi, strewn with amphitheaters and temples, and decorated with intricate mosaics and frescoes. Positioned on the old Roman caravan road Via Egnatia the area of present day North Macedonia provided inspiration for artists and scholars who created magnificent works of art and learning that were to become a glorious legacy for the entire world. UNESCO has recognized the special character of this gorgeous country by designating Ohrid Lake and the City of Ohrid as one of the natural and cultural UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
Skopje is the capital of North Macedonia with over 600000 inhabitants. Major tourist centers of Macedonia are Ohrid, Struga, Prespa, Dojran and winter ski centers are Shar Planina Mountain, Pelister Mountain/National Park, Mavrovo Lake/National Park and Krushevo. The three ancient tectonic lakes of Ohrid, Prespa and Dojran have been protected by law, owing to their unique natural characteristics and their importance for science. Scenic Ohrid and Prespa Lakes are located close to each other and are surrounded by spectacular mountain ranges that provide abundance of natural and cultural attractions. In the gorgeous mountainous area above Ohrid and Struga are the municipalities of Debarca and Vevcani with some of the most interesting villages in the world. Every village has traditional architecture including churches, which are filled with burning candles, ancient murals and icons of Orthodox saints. There are picturesque stone houses and barns and outdoor ovens for baking bread and orchards and vineyards and fast flowing streams and old women dressed in colorful traditional costumes….. Here shepherds and their dogs tend flocks of sheep and goats and donkeys laden with hay nostalgically make their way down narrow trails and up cobblestone streets. In Vevcani village there is a complex of textile “washing mills“, more than 300 years old, unique in the region and real rarity of Macedonia. All kinds of textile products are being washed and milled in these textile washing mills, but most of all the products such as bed covers, carpets, rugs etc are made of natural wool. When being dried on the pleasant Macedonia sun in the heart of the nature, they get beautiful. Every where there are friendly people eager to offer you priceless insights into their timeless existence…