Kosjeric rural tourism – Skakavci rural household 045
This typical rustic Serbian household in tiny Skakavci village in Kosjeric Municipality welcomes guests for more than 25 years, and also groups of hikers and climbers who come here for great lunch or refreshment of homemade sweets and preserves /slatko/ and excellent rakija /plum brandy/. Hosts are awarded with respectable tourist prize “Tourist Flower” for their excellent hospitality and uniquely positive feedback of visitors. House contains: 2 triple and 1 double rooms with usage of three bathrooms. Delicious meals are served in the large living-room /dining room/, full of artistic paintings, as the hosts are self-taught artists. Outside is the garden full of vegetables and fruits with a number of domestic animals about which the whole family takes care. Hardworking hosts are exclusively dedicated to the guests and arrange traditional rural experience /daily routine/, or take them to nearby peaks or make children play freely the whole day….
Activities : climbing, walking, hunting, fishing, picking-up medicinal herbs and forest products and eatable mushrooms… Nearby places of interest : Divčibare tourist resort, Zlatibor, Log Church in Seča Reka village, mountains of Drmanovina and Crnokosa…