“Kolo” Professional National Folk Dance Ensemble
Kolo Professional Dance Ensemble had been established by the Republic of Serbia on the 15th May 1948 with the aim of professional and dedicated work on maintenance and to configure traditional dances in choreographic and artistic way while simultaneously preserving its origin, style and the basic characteristics.
Serbian word KOLO means the wheel/circle and refers to the circle of sun, solstice that symbolizes divine influence of sun.
By that attitude Kolo Ensemble had succeeded in obtaining its role of the keeper and ambassador of the Serbian traditional art. By its artistic presentations on scenes during the period of 60 years, Kolo Ensemble shapes the distinctive performance of communication between people, that is easily understood in the whole world, no matter the race, the religion, the language and the culture. The ultimate aim of the art that kolo engages is the art of vanishing borders and assembling peoples.
The most substantial mission of KOLO Ensemble is to collect, reclaim and save from oblivion the Serbian folklore dances, songs and music inheritance. KOLO Ensemble was entitled to artistically perform dances and songs of our people and ethnic groups that represent their cultural heritage and to popularize them in Serbia and abroad. This art implies the outstanding artistic and high professional engagement in all components that make the unity of the folklore art, of which every element is the particular artistic value – the dance, music, song, costume, traditional instrument, customs, scene … All of such artistic elements are equally represented in the concept, preparations and performance of the program making the integral work or art. During its history, KOLO Professional Ensemble begun from the traditional dances, music and costumes found on terrain, but also when it was possible by reviving the scholar recordings that maintained the style of dances and their basic choreographic characteristics. The vision of artists of KOLO Ensemble is strongly dedicated to the youth and its cultural education, as well as stressing attention to the true artistic assets of the traditional culture. The goal is to obtain that concerts of KOLO Ensemble achieve myriad messages both of cultural and artistic characters, and also the substantial message of the past to the future.
KOLO Ensemble demanded from choreographers who participated in creation of the artistic programs to adjust collected folklore dancing materials to the performance on the scene and to enrich it and develop it enabling its artistic forms, simultaneously preserving its traditional style. Ensemble was entirely responsible while it had been creating the choreographic issues according both to the criteria of scene and the traditional originator. During its history in terms of such approach KOLO Ensemble had created about 140 choreographies. KOLO Ensemble experiences outstanding reputation both in Serbia and abroad, that was gained by its highly professional and artistic performing, and also various programs performances of each scene, that made them acclaimed numerous awards and prestigious gratifications for their contribution in culture. Since its foundation KOLO Ensemble had performed to about 10 million audience in more than 5000 concerts attributed to the most famous concert halls in all continents…
In recent 6 years KOLO Ensemble inaugurated 7 programs beside its original repertoire such are : ”Golgota i Vaskrs Srbije” /The Calvary and Resurrection of Serbia/, ”Balkanska Odiseja” /Balkan Odyssey/, ”Igra je kolo”/ The Dance is kolo/, ”Promenada”/Promenade/, ”Nasa riznica” /The Treasury of our/, ”Vilinsko kolo” /The Dance of fairies/, and the latest performance that was inaugurated in November 2007 in the well known Stuttgart Concert Hall under the name “The KOLO Vision”. The most eminent choreographers and composers of Serbia, as well as professional advisers /musicologists, ethnologists, ballet dancers/ contributed to the creation of KOLO Ensemble artistic repertoire who had achieved the recognizable artistic style featuring substantial diversity of the scenic and musical forms. Those elements highly contributed to the various methods of artistic issues that besides the special forms of expressions provide distinctive stylization and composition that belong to the highest artistic performances of KOLO Ensemble making simultaneously their scenic expressions the modern in style.
KOLO Ensemble Dancers:
Andjelka Petrovic – KOLO Ensemble Champion
Goran Mitrovic – KOLO Ensemble Champion
Bojan Đorđevic – solo performer
Biljana Marinkovic – solo performer
Vladimir Miladinovic – solo performer
Visnja Jovanovic – solo performer
Milica Miladinovic – solo performer
Dejan Cubrilov – solo performer
Aleksandar Brankovic – solo performer
Andrija Karaklajic – solo performer
Distinguished KOLO Dancers and Singers:
Ljiljana Stojakovic, Marijana Stojceski, Jelena Cubrilov, Zorana Mitrovic, Vladimir Radonjic, Milena Vuletic, Milan Radovanovic, Stanko Stupar, Aleksandar Jovanovic
Nikola Jovanovic
The Kolo Dancers and Singers First Team:
Danijela Basic, Vladimir Zutkovic, Dragana Puretic, Darinka Markovic, Vera Matic, Aneta Belic, Danijela Leskovac, Bojana Gluscevic, Milan Backulja, Aleksandar Rakic, Danijel Cirkovic
The Kolo Dancers and Singers First Team:
Marko Jezdovic, Janko Dimitrijevic, Djordje Petrovic, Milos Lazarevic, Milos Vulovic, Vasic Zeljko, Vladimir Stokovic, Dalibor Milovancevic, Rainovic Branislav
The Kolo Dancers and Singers Second Team:
Kalina Panic, Ivana Obradovic, Jelena Nenadic, Sanja Djokanovic, Nenad Glumac, Nebojsa Badnjarevic, Marina Bogdanovic
Art Director of Kolo Professional Ensamble is Ljiljana Kuzmanović Tubić.
Everyone is enchanted with performance of the Kolo Ensemble, and we are proud to have our clients enjoying their wonderful dances and songs on special occasions.
Mosaic of Serbian Traditional Songs from Kosovo and Metohija – Kolo Ensemble
Gornja Nisava and Stara Planina dances