Galičica National Park

The slopes of fantastic Galichica National Park, a spectacular mountain range rises to 2254 meters between Ohrid Lake to the west and Prespa Lake to the east. These stunning lakes are set high in the Galicica mountain range, created by tectonic shifts in the Paleozoic period cca 300 millions years ago, with Prespa Lake at 850 meters and Ohrid Lake at 693 meters, covering an area of 22750 hectares of gorgeous nature. Galichica Mountain was declared the National Park in 1958 and encompasses area of the shores of both Prespa lakes as well as the island of Golem Grad in the Prespa Lake, which is rocky unpopulated island, known as the island of snakes, as there is huge habitat of those vertebrates. The highest point of Galičica National Park is the summit Magaro – 2255 meters above sea level while the south border of the National Park is also a national border with Republic of Albania. On the north, the Galičica National Park border line passes through several landmarks, and connects both lakes making scenery of incomparable beauty.

130 different forest communities have been discovered within the Galičica National Park what indicated that the vegetation in the Galichica National Park is very rich, including extremely rare floral types. Particularly distinctive are the relief characteristics of the Galicica region : the high mountain peaks that exceed 2000 meters, the forested area, and in the higher areas, the vast pastures with plenty of various medicinal herbs which decorate the mountain scenery. Well marked mountaineering and hiking trails and rich cultural inheritance of the Galičica National Park and surroundings attract nature and culture lovers. The lower slopes of Galicica Mountain reach the edge of the both wonderful lakes and provide views of extraordinary and unforgettable beauty.

Macedonia Mountaineering and Trekking

Macedonia and Albania Mountaineering