Testimonials/Impressions/Feedback – tell us what you think :
Thank you so much for your help with buses this Sunday! You are absolutely amazing! Buses were PERFECT!
Thank you, Sasha – /Alexandra Rozhkova/ Operations Manager Fivetran fivetran.com
Hallo Dejan,
wir sind Freitagabend gut angekommen, aber leider gab es wieder Probleme mit den Flügen.
Der Flug nach Frankfurt war verspätet, am Ende so 1,5 Stunden. So hätten wir unseren Flug nach Hannover kaum noch erreichen können, aber der war dann auch verspätet und so kamen wir doch mit dem geplanten Flug in Hannover an. Ich hatte gestern noch einen längeren Termin in meiner alten Uni in Braunschweig und bin heute bereits wieder per Bahn weiter gereist und nun bei mir in Marl. Habe noch einmal recht herzlichen Dank für die tolle und interessante Woche. Wir haben viel gesehen und einen großen Teil von Serbien kennengelernt und das sind herrliche Eindrücke, die wir da mitgenommen haben.
So richtig wird mir das sicher erst gewahr, wenn ich die vielen Bilder durchschaue und alles noch einmal nacherleben werde. Und neben den Bildern bleiben die Erlebnisse, so wie unsere Bahnfahrt mit der Sarganer 8 oder die tolle Führung durch Petrovaradin. Und und und…. Dank deines Einsatzes hat auch alles sehr gut geklappt und wir haben die Zeit bestens genutzt. Viele Grüße und alles Gute, Gerhard Germany
Dear Team,
Thank you for sharing the feedback. I know 90% of the participants had a fantastic experience and yes, the Kablar mountain was a bit challenging but everyone (except the 2 who turned back early) made it and most were thrilled with themselves at the top! I made it up at the front of the group and took photos as people reached the summit! It was great to see the pride and pleasure when they realized they had gone it! Thanks to the whole PanaComp team for managing what became a large and diverse group!
Melissa Black Loder, PhD, PLLC, Dallas, Texas 75240, USA
Hallo Dejan,
Wir hoffen, Ihre letzte Sommertour mit Touristen läuft gut. Wie angesprochen, hier ein kurzer Kommentar zur gemeinsam verbrachten Serbienreise.
Die achttägige, eigens auf uns zugeschnittene Rundreise mit Dejan durch das wunderschöne Serbien hat uns beeindruckt. Wir durften die landschaftliche, kulturelle und geschichtliche Vielfältigkeit kennen lernen und bekamen so einen guten Eindruck über das in Westeuropa kaum beachtete, kulturell reiche Land mit ihren überaus freundlichen, aufgeschlossenen und wachen Bürgern. Die Reise führte uns u.a. in den Nationalpark Tara, in Schluchten, mittelalterliche Klöster, dann an die Donau mit den Highlights Golubac und Lepinski Vir, zu den Vratna-Felsenbrücken und Felix Romuliana (Unesco).
Serbien, wir kommen wieder! Fam. Müller-Tsvetkova, Alles Gute! Viele Grüsse, Dieter & Svetlana
Our company Virtuozzo wants to state our gratefulness for your unwaveringness and continuous help being a reliable partner throughout the whole team building event in Serbia.
It was the worth arranged and great organized process of helping our Virtuozzo family learn to work effectively as a team. Our Virtuozzo squad was involved in the activities and events which were motivational to help the team build skills like problem-solving, planning and communication.
It was provided a well-conducted detailed plan with variety instructions. It has been a delight to be served by your company made impossible and found extra opportunities for our people like producing t-shirts and finding even Russian trainers for children in short deadlines.
It was the worth investments in our team building, not only for being there, but for giving us exactly what our Virtuozzo team needed at the time. Hope to see you on our other upcoming events. All the best & success to your company!
Kind regards, Anna Zueva | Global Marketing Project Manager | Virtuozzo | azueva@virtuozzo.com | +7 965 144 6942 | Skype:annazoueva |
Lieber Dejan,
wir sind gestern nach einem angenehmen Flug ,wenn auch etwas verspätet gut in Salzburg angekommen und genießen das Zuhause, wenn auch Monika noch immer mit der Aufräumarbeit der Reisekleidung beschäftigt ist.
Wir haben zum Frühstück Deine Marmelade zum Hochzeitstag aufgemacht und ihren delikaten Geschmack sehr genossen. Zugleich kamen auch wieder die Erinnerungen an den Ausflug zum Freilichtmuseum hoch.
Die Bilder werden noch etwa auf sich warten lassen, bis wir alle Fotos aufgearbeitet haben. Wir wünschen Dir noch Gesundheit und viel Freude an Deinen weiteren Reiseleitertätigkeiten und an Deinem schönen Naturjuwel! Herzliche Grüße aus Salzburg, Monika und Fritz
Lieber Dejan,
bevor uns der Alltag wieder einholt (einige von uns arbeiten ja noch), wollten wir Ihnen noch persönlich schreiben.
Die Reise hat uns mit ihren Angeboten sowohl hinsichtlich der Reiseroute als auch der Unterkünfte wirklich sehr gefallen. Obwohl wir uns in der Gruppe schon sehr lange kennen und auch schon verschiedene Länder bereist haben, gibt es natürlich immer Dinge, die jeder anders sieht. Aber dazu haben Sie ja Ihre kleine Umfrage gemacht. Im Namen aller kann ich Ihnen sagen, dass wir uns sehr gut aufgehoben fühlten und jeden Tag wieder etwas Interessantes entdecken konnten. Vor allem die Vielfalt der Unternehmungen war äußert reizvoll.
Die Idee mit den regionalen Reiseführer*Innen hat uns auch sehr gut gefallen, war natürlich für Sie mehr Arbeit durch die Übersetzung. In jedem Fall ein großes Lob an Sie und die Agentur für Organisation und Durchführung unserer schönen Reise.
Wenn Sie Lust und Gelegenheit haben, können Sie uns ja ein paar von Ihren Bildern schicken?
Sollte Sie eine Reise nach Berlin planen, sind Sie uns immer willkommen. Ganz herzliche Grüße, Doris und Miroslav Nikolic – Gruppe Nikolic
Dear Ivanka, first of all thanks for the wonderful day we spent yesterda with such an interestingand prepared person like Miroslav ! Let us keep in contact, it would be useful for the next steps of our trips, Francesco and Oscar, Italy
Hallo Herr Knezevic.
Perfekt – Herr Zechberger hat bei seiner nächsten Flugbestellung gemeint, dass alles perfekt funktioniert hat und ihm das Land sehr, sehr gut gefallen hat. Danke und bis zum nächsten Mal. Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Marcus Todeschini, Gallo Reisen, Austria
Dear Miroslav,
it is almost the end of our tour with you through Servia. We really want to thank you for showing us so many nice and different things. All of us enjoyed the trip very much. Now and then you are – were a bit grumbling but I know from heart you are a very kind person. Just a small gift from our side and we all wish you and your wife Ivanca all the best. Hope we will meet again. Hermien, Conie, Babs, Eli, Nelly, Janet from Netherlands
Hallo Dejan,
wir sind wieder zu Hause angekommen und möchten uns nochmals für Ihre sehr gute Reiseplanung und -begleitung bedanken. Serbien hat uns in jeder Beziehung positiv überrascht. Gerne denken wir an die schönen Tage und individuellen Erlebnisse zurück. Novi Sad und Belgrad sind sehenswerte und junge Städte voller Leben. Besonders in Erinnerung bleibt uns auch die private Kirchenführung in Werschetz und die Möglichkeit, Einsicht in die Kirchenbücher nehmen zu dürfen. Die Naturerlebnisse bei den Gänsegeiern – einmal die Bootsfahrt und am nächsten Tag die Wanderung zum Aussichtspunkt „Molitva“ – waren großartig. Die Rückfahrt nach Belgrad, entlang der Drina war ebenfalls beeindruckend. Die Mittagspausen bei den Bauernfamilien haben einen guten Einblick in die traditionelle serbische Küche gegeben und mein Mann denkt immer noch an die ausgezeichnete Bohnensuppe.
Unsere restlichen Tage in Belgrad waren mit Aktivitäten ausgefüllt. Gut, dass wir 3 Nächte gebucht hatten. Wir haben noch eine Stadtrundfahrt mit dem Bus und am nächsten Abend eine Bootsfahrt auf der Donau und Save unternommen. Am Morgen sind wir zur Festung gelaufen und konnten tolle Fotos von Donau und Save machen, das Licht war optimal.
Den Dom des hl. Sava haben wir gleich zweimal besucht, einmal abends mit Beleuchtung und einmal am Tag. Besonders beeindruckend war die Krypta. Wir haben auch das Nationalmuseum besucht, war sehr interessant und natürlich einen Kuchen im Hotel Moskva probiert. Eine „Serbische Bohnensuppe“ haben wir allerdings vergeblich gesucht, dafür aber ein ganz trendiges Lokal am Ufer der Save entdeckt „Ambar“. Das absolute Kontrastprogramm zur Bohnensuppe. Wir wünschen Ihnen alles Gute und vielleicht sehen wir uns ja noch einmal in Serbien. Herzliche Grüße, Elisabeth und Leander Novotny
Sehr geehrter Herr Knezevic,
auch wenn unsere Rückreise gestern eine Katastrophe war (Verspätung bereits in Belgrad, Flugannulierung in Frankfurt) und wir erst um 3.00 Uhr heute Morgen unser Ziel erreichten, möchte ich nicht versäumen Ihrem Büro ganz Allgemein und Miroslav im Besondern für die schönen Tage in Serbien zu danken: Miroslav ist der beste Führer, den ich je hatte: umsichtig, freundlich und mit großer Sach- und Ortskenntnis. Ich komme gerne wieder und melde mich wegen einer weiteren Tour mit Miroslav im Herbst !
Herzlichen Dank und freundliche Grüße ! Dr. Stefan Moeller
Hi Ivanka,
Please accept by apologies for this late reply to your email. (Summer has been busy & has also included a trip to Rome. So I am behind on my house keeping!). I really enjoyed my trip to Knjazevac and my memories are still happy & vivid. It will always have a special place in my heart. I quickly felt very much at home and it was a real pleasure to meet so many big and open hearted people. (I can see where my Dad got it from!). Strale was a great guide – he is mature way beyond his years! (He will be a great asset to any organisation).
I must say a big thank you to everyone who worked behind the scenes to make my trip a success – particularly with finding Dads birth certificate, which was very touching. I didn’t expect to find any distant relatives as it is almost 100 years since dad was born and he gave no indication that there was any family or even distant family or friends back home.
Never the less it was still important to me to tread the streets and cross the bridges that he would have walked along. So a big thank you to you & your organisation for making this happen. I also enjoyed your local food. I have such happy memories of sitting & relaxing on the terrace in Castello’s restaurant by the river Timok, drinking your local wine, listening to the conversations of the people around me & not understanding a single word but still feeling very much at home!
One of my other treats was when Strale took me to a wine tasting at the Jovic winery. (I love wine & I loved your local wine & this reminds me that I should order several cases!) As for returning I am not sure when this will happen. Life is busy for all of us.
My sister is a professional tennis coach and unfortunately she has other priorities. Her daughter Regi is trying to get onto the professional tennis circuit. So for the rest of this year and most of next year she will be accompanying her around the circuit and so we have no plans to return, just yet. Once again may I thank you for making my trip happen, introducing me to the Tosic family and for your warm welcome when I arrived and the little chats during my trip. (You see I remember these things – excellence is always in the detail!). Thank you, again. My warmest regards to you & your family, Charles Ristic UK
Hello, Everything OK. We are back in Belgium after our tour. It was very nice to stay with the Vracaric Family. They were very friendly. The house and the meals were very good. We liked it very much there. Kind regards, Ann Verbrugghe
Dear Mrs. Suzana
It was a wonderful tour. Thank You for all your organization. I wrote to Prof. Dejan that I will write him a detailled resumée with programme elements interesting for furher planning of thematical excursions of this kind. Special thanks for our Hungarian guide, who was a most nice person and highly competent in managing all the daily necessities and flexibility and furthermore his innumerous stories about his Homeland. Best regards, Martin Schöffberger
Lieber Dejan
Die Reise ist perfekt abgelaufen. Ich habe schon deiner Kollegin Suzana kurz geschrieben.
Es war toll bezügl. Programm, den Hotels, den Essensabenden, der flexiblen Handhabung mit den Museumsbeuchen bzw. den dortigen Führungen und. v.a. der Reisebegleiter, der das Timing und die Programmgestaltung hervorragend im Griff hatte. Ich schreibe dir noch detailliert zusammen, was überall das Charakteristische war.
Auf jeden Fall kannst du uns jetzt wieder, wie im Vorjahr, die Bestätigungen für die Reisezahlung für jeden Teilnehmer einzeln zusammenstellen lassen und mir als E-Mail schicken. – Damit ich spätestens im August die Anfragen dazu beantworten kann.
Was meine Reise durch Serbien betrifft, werde ich dich knapp vor der Rückreise aus Griechenland anrufen. Vielleicht könnten wir uns in Novi Sad am 29. oder 30.Juli kurz treffen. Viele Grüße, Martin
Hi Edin.
Just heard from Mrs McConnell and she told me what a wonderful time they had in Serbia and how helpful you all were!! I reallllyyy appreciate that and its so good to get these comments from clients! She will tell everyone how much she loved Serbia now!! Thanks to all of you for being great!!! Ellie Marr – Russia & Europe Travel & Product Specialist, D: +44 (0)20 7666 1349
MTB Serbia tour – Redhead Group, 21-28 June 2019 :
Goals and objectives : back home intact and healthy, enjoyed the ride, get to know new landscapes, improved riding skills.
Week summary : Alex prepared suitable routes for riding, and responded positively to afternoon additions. During the week we have revealed stunning landscapes and warm people. The hospitality of the lunch hosts was extraordinary. Thanks for the cooperation and the event supervision. A little tip that can be delivered only to chosen groups : every night before dinner to toast Raki in honor of the God of the weather. Eli Carmon and friends from Israel
dear all,
Just wanted to pass on this great feedback from the Vojvodina tour…. its from the Crossley couple – please see attached. Its really useful I think! And we also had some lovely feedback from the Jones couple, that they sent to the office:
“The entire trip was excellent and Miroslav went above and beyond to ensure the success of the trip. We haven’t eaten, drunk or laughed so much on any other trip, and this is all thanks to Miroslav.” ‘An excellent holiday well put together. It reinforces our opinion that Regent offers excellent trips and we hope to continue traveling with you.’ So please pass on our huge thanks to Miro!! ? Thanks so much to everyone! Ellie Marr Russia & Europe Travel & Product Specialist D: +44 (0)20 7666 1349
Hello Ivanka, I was expecting a survey in order to answer you. As I told you several times by phone, this week in Kacer have been absolutely perfect. Misha and Milica (and their family) have been helpful every day and the food was incredible ! I will never forget this stay in western Serbia. Vidimo se ! Guillaume, France
Dear Radostina, Ljubisa, Ivanka and Tijana,
Hereby I would like to thank you on behalf of all the participants for the excellent organisation of our fam trips along the Danube!
I think we all had a fantastic time and discovered many interesting places along the Danube. I think both programmes were really well prepared, so our compliments for all the work ! We have sent an evaluation form to all the tour operators to hear about their feedback. I believe this information will be very valuable for all of us for the further development of the product and for your business together. As soon as we have evaluated all information, of course we will share it with you so you can use it for your benefits. Also from our side we will work out some proposals for further package development, based on our experiences during the trip and the feedback that we will receive. Thanks again for the organisation and all hard work ! Dennis and Emilie
Dipl.-Geogr. Emilie Bitz mascontour GmbH, Schwiebusser Str. 9 10965 Berlin/ Germany Skype: emilie.bitz
Lieber Herr Knezevic,
wir schätzen es, dass Sie sich so um Ihre Kunden kümmern. Der Ausflug hat uns sehr gut gefallen. Wie ich schon sagte, Olgica war eine ausgezeichnete Führerin, die sich bis zuletzt sehr um ihre Gruppe gekümmert hat. Die Gruppe war sehr angenehm und wir sind zu interessanten Gesprächen gekommen – meine Frau hat in den 1970er Jahren in Zagreb studiert und kann deshalb Serbokroatisch – ich kam mit Englisch und Deutsch zurecht. Die Donaufahrt war sowieso sehr schön und die verschiedenen Etappen mit dem Bus waren sehr interessant. Glück hatten wir ja auch mit dem Wetter – erst pünktlich zum Schluss, als wir aus dem Bus ausgestiegen waren, setzte ein gewaltiger Regen ein, der uns trotz Schirm und Busstationsdach, bis aufs Hemd durchnässte – dank Olgica kamen wir aber zu einem Taxi. Nochmals : wir bedanken uns sehr für Ihre Bemühungen, wir werden diese Tage immer in Erinnerung behalten, Götz Perll und Verena Rutschmann
Lieber Herr Knezevic, gerade kommen wir aus Griechenland zuruck. Es was Alles OK und wir hatte eineen schoenes, amuesanten Tag. Herzliche Gruesse, S. Moeller
Dear Ivanka, we are now boarding Swiss Air. Thank you for everything snf your effort to make a trip complete joy. Plus helping us professionally for passport loss. We keep in touch. Jay USA
Dear Ivanka and Miroslav,
Warm greetings from Indochina Voyages, based head office in Hanoi. This is Tim who visited you and the office last week in Novi Sad, together with Doug from Costless Travel. I’m writing this email to you to address your sincere thanks for such a warm reception offer by you and Miroslav and to give us a good time at Dragon’ place for an exceptional lunch. I have just got home after a long trip and start to put things in place. Should any questions come up in the time ahead, I will definitely contact you and ask for further cooperation.
I wish you and Miroslav all the best, Tim – Tim Lee (Mr.) Managing Director
Skype: timhanoi1, Add: 41c Tay Ho Road, Tay Ho District, Hanoi, Vietnam
Tel: (84 24) 3972 6886 | Mobile: (84) 91-322-5650 Email: timlee@indochinavoyages.com
Idochina Voyages | Halong Junk Cruise | Luxury Cruise Mekong
Dear Ivanka and Miroslav,
Dennis and I arrived home safely early this morning Michigan in Pennsylvania time. There were massive storms in New York that caused about a 3 hour delay for each of us. But thank God we arrived home safely. I just wanted to let you know that fact, and also to thank you and Miroslav again for accommodating our special requests for our Balkan tour to see our namesake village, to have a slava with a Serbian family, and to see our cousins in Belgrade. It was a memorable trip that will last for ever. I will tell all my friends on Facebook and at church what a wonderful organization that you have and what a wonderful historian, expert, and driver that is Miroslav. Again thank you for everything. Have a wonderful trip to Singapore. S Bogom! Warm regards, Radoslav – Robert Mrdjenovic USA
Dear Ms Ivanka,
We are now back in New Delhi. It was a pleasure meeting with you, we really had a fantastic time there and would like to thank you for your wonderful hospitality. We believe there is a lot of potential for tourism from India to come to Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro etc for vacations.
It would be great if you could send us some more information via email in English with some pictures, videos, vacation types and options with pricing structure etc. Will help us to build our marketing and sales material to the customers in India. We could then get on touch with you to modify packages based on the individual requirements. Look forward to hearing from you soon and will be in touch. Regards, Aditya Khanna, aditya@reboundaceindia.com
Hello Ivanka,
I should have sent you email a little bit earlier, but it was terrible busy after long vacation… I would like to say that we are lucky finally to accept your quotation, I really really thanks to you for recommending us such a good guide and car so that we could have a perfect Balkan tour. We all like Marko. And we believe that we can NOT have so good trip without Marko’s accompany.
And what a pity that we could not have drinking time when we were in Novi Sad since we were busy for cooking in the evening. Anyway we heard your voice and feel you full of energy and very kind. Thanks a lot for everything. As for pix, I suppose you need we 3 are inside, right? I will send you 2 or 3 since we didn’t take too many together.
Hello Marko, I appreciated you many times, but seems still not enough. 11-day in Balkans tour offers us too much because of you. I am looking forward that you come to Shanghai again, and I can have a dinner with you.
Thanks, Mandy WANG 王晓磊
FES SHTC Faurecia Clean Mobility, Shanghai, T +86 21 61951888 * 2985 • M +86 15601921981
I like the mix of local logs and fancy hotels. Nikola did a very good job, caring and very nice person.
I appreciated the walk in the countryside with farm and animals and crops. The canyon was great and also ‘city walks’ and monasteries. Darko is very nice person but unfortunately we could hardly communicate as his English is too poor. Excellent choice of restaurants, especially those on local farms.
Good standard, good service, nice locations, safe driving. Good mix of walking, scenery. A bit more driving than necessary. Tour guide, service minded, friendly. Walking guide professional, friendly, a bit shy, possibly due to language. Excellent food through the trip ! Poor information on where to fill up drinking water.
Accommodation : Very good, fantastic food, especially the lunch occasions. Transport very good. Activities very nice, good mixture of walking tours and cultural places. Guide very good, nice people. Improvement of English would be good, the guide knew many things but had a hard time explaining. Quite a lot of time spent in the car.
Accommodation very good and nice places. Good food and hosts ! Even the lunch occasions were excellent. Transport : good and safe driver. Special good English when explaining many things. Quite a lot of driving. Activities : The walking tours were very good and good mixture. The first monastery St Nicholas was very nice ! Guide : very nice and friendly, the English could have been better…. Notes : the food had been impressing, nearly a little too much… but varied. Torneke Company, Sweden, SEP 2018
Dear Jelica,
All the Greeks are now back to our country with very nice impressions from the 7th Balkan Botanical Congress. I wish to express our sincere thanks to you for your important contribution to the success of the Congress. All the Greeks agreed that you have been very helpful, precise, accurate, willing to face any possible problems and effective.
A big THANK YOU for all your efforts! I hope we did not drive you crazy with our requests! Also, I wish the best success to the next Congresses you are going to deal with!
All the best from Greece, Theophanis Constantinidis, Αssociate Professor, Department of Ecology & Systematics Faculty of Biology, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens Panepistimiopolis, 157 03 Athens GREECE
Marko keeps talking about his trip, especially about last night… They learnt how to make fire and grilled their dinner. He said it was the most delicious dinner he ever had – Stara planina Expedition, ISB, SEP 2018
Hi Karen, just feedback from our tour and winery lunch. Can I say Leonie and I have just had a wonderful experience. Our guide Rade was terrific and the lunch/ wines were brilliant. Very small family winery with lunch with owner. Could you get this experience with a large group no way !!!!!! The local tour company checked up twice so please feedback our complete satisfaction with the arrangements, exactly what we wanted so thanks to all concerned. Greg Nelson, Australia
Snjezana, our guide, was fantastic. A great communicator and she has a wonderful sense of humour….John Moore, 2018
Sehr geehrter Herr Knezevic,
auch wenn unsere Rückreise gestern eine Katastrophe war (Verspätung bereits in Belgrad, Flugannulierung in Frankfurt) und- wir erst um 3.00 Uhr heute Morgen unser Ziel erreichten, möchte ich nicht versäumen Ihrem Büro ganz Allgemein und Miroslav im Besondern für die schönen Tage in Serbien zu danken: Miroslav ist der beste Führer, den ich je hatte: umsichtig, freundlich und mit großer Sach- und Ortskenntnis. Ich komme gerne wieder und melde mich wegen einer weiteren Tour mit Miroslav im Herbst ! Herzlichen Dank und freundliche Grüße ! S. Moeller
Liebe Frau Eggenberger,
Sorry für das späte feedback! Ja es war alles sehr gut und planmässig und Dejan war ein angenehmer und gut informierter Reiseleiter. Den können Sie wirklich weiterempfehlen und ihm mitteilen, dass wir seine Präsenz sehr geschätzt haben. Ich habe nichts zu kritisieren, das mit der Reiseorganisation zusammenhängen würde. Ich war etwas enttäuscht von den serbischen Dörfern, die ich häufig in einem desolaten Zustand fand- dafür haben uns die vielen unberührten Landschaften sehr gefallen. Mit bestem Dank, M. Schneider
Slovenia Expedition Nice hostel with clean rooms – apart of one room – but the problem has been solved the next day. Very nice and friendly staff, breakfast and dinner very good. Responsible driver – well done. Program widely as planned – interesting and dynamic activities. Kid could ‘walk and hike’ more than 1 h. Guide open minded and nice with the group, always laughing and in good mood. The idea of doing outdoor activities has widely been realized. Kids could hike more or ride a bike etc… Slovenia is perhaps too far for such a trip, could look for a similar program closer to Serbia, Gabriela Von Schoenburg Deutsche Schule Belgrad
Dear Ivanka,
Thanks very much for organizing such a wonderful trip for us. Your service is not only professional but also meticulous, so that we had a wonderful and unforgettable trip in Serbia. We told our story and experience to our friends, and at the same time to highly recommend your company to them.
非常幸运和明智地选择了他们家的包车服务,全程旅游体验很不错,看到了很多原生态风景和历史人文景观- 完美!Denise Chen and friends
Hello Ivanka and Miroslav. Thank you for a wonderful visit to Serbia again. We had an excellent time. The visits enabled us to see more of the country and Rachel enjoyed her time with Tatyana and her family. I am sure we will return in the not too distant future. Thank you Ivanka and Miroslav. Best wishes John, Wendy and Rachel
Dear Marina!
we really enjoyed the days with you in Sremski Karlovci! Everything was perfect organized and the students were extremely friendly and creative! Thank you so much for that great experience 🙂 Can you offer us already for next years some possibilities? Kind regards, Oliver Repp
dear Miroslav,
Once again we will thank you for the marvelous days we spent together with you in Serbia. It was fantastic to meet all these nice people at the countryside and of course also to see all the wonderful places. We will also thank you for the perfect organization of the trip, the great information about your history religion etc. Of course the introduction to the rakia culture was one of the highlights and of course some of your jokes. So we could not have had a better trip. The trip back home was without problems. So Miroslav once again a great thanks. Of course you’re very welcome to visit us if you come to Sweden, Owe and Irene
Wir sind gut in der Schweiz gelandet. Nochmals herzlichen Dank für die tolle Organisation unserer Serbienreise. Alles hat bestens geklappt. Ich schicke Ihnen im Anhang einen Reisebericht, den Sie gerne auf Ihrer Homepage oder auch sonst verwenden können. Wenn wir sonst noch etwas für Sie tun können, lassen Sie es uns wissen. Natürlich können Sie den Bericht mit Fotos ergänzen.
Belgrad und Novi Sad individuell : Beim Recherchieren für unsere erste Serbienreise sind wir auf die Homepage von NS-Geotours gestossen, was sich als grosser Glücksfall erwies.
Wir reisten im Oktober 2017 für 6 Tage nach Belgrad und Novi Sad und wurden dabei von Dejan Knezevic hervorragend beraten. Auf alle unsere Fragen bekamen wir innert 24 Stunden eine Antwort, sodass wir bald eine individuell auf uns zugeschnittene Reise geplant hatten.
NS-Geotours sorgte für die Transfers vom Flughafen ins Hotel und organisierte eine sehr gute Stadtführung in Belgrad, wo wir zahlreiche Tipps für unsere zwei individuellen Tage in der Stadt bekamen.
Am 3. Tag holte uns Dejan Knezevic pünktlich im Hotel in Belgrad ab und fuhr mit uns zur Fruska Gora, wo wir zwei Klöster besichtigten, eine kurze Wanderung machten und zum Mittagessen auf einen herrlich gelegenen Bauernhof fuhren. Dort wurden wir sehr gastfreundlich empfangen und verpflegt. Rund um unser Hotel in der Fruska Gora konnten wir zwei weitere kürzere Wanderungen unternehmen und diese herrliche Landschaft richtig geniessen.
Für die letzten zwei Tage fuhr uns Dejan Knezevic nach Novi Sad, wo wir in einem netten, kleineren Hotel unmittelbar bei der Fussgängerzone abstiegen. An unserem Abreisetag wurden wir von Dejan Knezevic für einen letzten Einkauf lokaler Spezialitäten in einen Supermarkt gefahren, bevor wir auf einem schönen Weingut ein grossartiges Dreigangmenü mit verschiedenen Weinen genossen. Auf dem Weg zum Flughafen reichte die Zeit für den Besuch eines weiteren Klosters.
Fazit: Serbien hat uns rundum begeistert und immer wieder positiv überrascht. Die Leute sind unglaublich gastfreundlich und offen, die Stimmung auf den Strassen und in den Restaurants ist entspannt, die serbische Küche sehr lecker, landschaftlich gibt die Fruska Gora viel her und Shopping und Ausgang waren abwechslungsreich. In den unzähligen traditionellen Cafés sitzen jederzeit viele Menschen, und in den beiden Städten Belgrad und Novi Sad haben wir immer wieder hippe Lokale entdeckt, die uns überraschten. Zudem hatten wir grosses Wetterglück und erlebten 6 wunderschöne, milde Herbsttage. Eva Schmid, Zürich, Oktober 2017
Dear Ivanka, Thank you so much. Our trip to Novisad was marvellous and comfortable because of Guide ? Derby Djokovic (sorry forgotten his name ). He resembled Jesus Christ. Please forward him his photographs. Best regards, Dr Malini India
We greatly enjoyed our afternoon at the Banstolka Salas. It was relaxing, yet full of laughter, and oh ! the food! Finishing the lunch with a lesson in Serbian Calligraphy was a real experience and now I know how to write my name in Cyrillic. The outing to Backi Petrovac was so interesting. We learned about Slovakian culture, art and food. I thought we were just going to have a small snack, but they kept bringing out more for us to eat. I would definitely recommend this for other groups to experience. Kimberly and Dwayne, SEP 2017 ———————————————————————————
Dave and Jeanne Smith, Serbia and Montenegro Tour, 27 MAY – 23 Jun 2017
Lieber, wir sind gut und sogar pünktlich wieder zu Hause angekommen. Dort überfiel uns eine Menge von nicht vorhergesehen Arbeiten, sodass wir erst jetzt dazu kommen uns zurück zu melden.
Die Reise war sehr beeindruckend für uns: die Vielfalt der Landschaften, teilweise paradiesische Hügel mit Wein und Himbeeren. Beeindruckend auch die schönen romanischen Klöster mit ihren orientalischen Rosetten, die Stille und Besinnlichkeit, die von ihnen ausging. Auch die prähistorischen Hinterlassenschaften haben uns verwundert: Wie konnten vor 8000! Jahren die Menschen mit ihren einfachen Hilfsmitteln schon so ausdrucksvolle Skulpturen schaffen?
Gestern ist auch die zweite Karte aus Brcko bei uns eingetroffen, etwa 21 Tage später als die erste Karte, obwohl am selben Tag eingeworfen und beide Postämter und -kästen nur 200m voneinander entfernt waren.
Deine Bilder sind sehr gut gelungen. In den nächsten Tagen werden wir auch unsere Bilder durchforsten und dir welche schicken. Gerne hätte ich noch ein Gänsegeierbild von dir, wie du es mir auf dem Hof an der Uvac-Schlucht gezeigt hast. Unsere sind nichts geworden.
Besonders die persönlichen Begegnungen mit den Menschen auf den Weingütern und dem Hof auf dem Karst neben der Doline haben uns die Freundlichkeit und Offenheit der Menschen spüren lassen. Insbesondere deine Ruhe und Ausgeglichenheit auf der Reise hat uns beide trotz der Fahrzeiten Erholung gebracht. Stets warst du bereit, dich unseren Fragen zu stellen und hast abgewogen auch die heiklen politischen Auseinandersetzungen erläutert. Dafür möchten wir dir ganz herzlich danken. Gerne empfehlen wir dich und deine Dienste weiter. Eine sehr gelungene Reise!!! Danke!!!
Wolfgang und Constanze – Wolfgang Apel
Theodor Storm Straße 3, D-22941 Bargteheide, Tel: 04532 25886 wolfgang.apel@geoklima.eu
Thanks for you hospitality. We had fun the food was grand. Hope to meet you again. Have a good day, Shimon
Dear Ivanka, Servia was amazing. We enjoyed from our tour very much. Southern Servia was the highlight for us. Although, the visit in Perko’s farm was the best including the lunch. I wrote in web site of Israel about our experience and added your contact information, hope that it would help. Thank you very much. Best regards, Yaniv
Ivanka, We had a fantastic time today. The food and hospitality were wonderful and our guests gave this excursion very high praise. There is nothing we could suggest to make this excursion better – everything was perfect. We are very much looking forward to working with you again in a few months! Hvala puno! Kimberly Baldwin and family, UK
Hi to Ivanka and her team, Just wanted to say thanks so much for arranging our stay, back in October, it was perfect. Ljunbinka and Mr Mico are great, made us feel like part of the family, fed us and kept us warm. It is amazing where they live, so glad we stayed there, the vultures and country are special. Please find attached a picture of us all together, it’s a lovely one. Ljubinka and I had cuddles and kisses when we left, it was lovely. We felt comfortable and part of their world, so lucky to have been able to stay there, it is an amazing part of the world. Kind regards, Hvala hvala hvala! Regards, Judith
Dober Dan,
I recently travelled with yourselves on a group tour booked here in the UK through Regent holidays and I wanted to send a short email to you to express my thanks for the excellent trip I had. Miroslav was our guide and Nickolas the driver and they were excellent throughout, everything was very good and they were very patient and friendly. It was like traveling with friends I had already known for years. Hopefully I will return to Serbia one day, keep up the good work. Thank you. My apologies for not writing in Serbian. Matthew Howard, UK
Dear Ivanka & Team,
Good day & I hope this email finds you well. I know it has been over two weeks ago since we were in Novi Sad for the World Congress, however I would like to take this time to thank you for your services especially in handling our delegation. Your team has been a great help in organizing last minute requests and providing us a great service J. Our delegation is really happy with your services and were happy with the guides you have provided us for their day tours.
Thanking you from Malaysia. Regards, Rachele Chwee, Administrative Officer WMAM.org
Level 17, Menara LGB, No 1 Jalan Wan Kadir, Taman Tun Dr. Ismail, 60000 Kuala Lumpur
T: 03-2788 9200 Ext.3008, F: 03-27889201
This is a long overdue E-mail, to respond to your earlier e-mails, thank you for the photos, and reflect on our visit to Serbia. We very much enjoyed our trip and everything included in the Itinerary. We found Miroslav to be an excellent guide, driver and companion. He has such good experience as a guide, and also broadly in the tourist/hospitality industry. We very much enjoyed our time with him. Although our time with her was brief, we also had a good experience with local Belgrade city guide, Ms. Snjezana. Ivanka, we also appreciated your taking time from a busy schedule to spend time with us.
If we ever make it back to Belgrade, we will want to stay in the Petit Piaf Hotel. Great location, small and charming, with all of the amenities we could want. I hope that more Americans, and Overseas Adventure Travel (OAT) in particular, will include Serbia as a part of their trip to the Balkan/Adriatic countries. I understand that OAT is moving forward with plans to do so.
Thank you for the photos. There is no doubt that the “Roman” photos of Anne prove that she is the more photogenic of the two of us. I will attempt to attach a couple of Photos, one from our Roman day, and one with Miroslav.
We have been very much occupied with travel in the U.S., since returning from Serbia. We spent a week with our Son and family at the California coast. He lives near Santa Cruz, CA, but we spent a few days North of San Francisco. Then, we made a 10 day trip to Estes Park, CO to spend time with our other son, who traveled from Dallas, TX to be with us there.
Watching the Olympic games also occupied much of our time for two weeks. We were cheering the Serbian and other Balkan country teams, except of course when the Serbian Men’s Basketball team played the USA. The athletes from your area performed extremely well. As a percentage of population, collectively, the Balkans perhaps fared better than the USA. Again, thanks for providing us with a great experience in Serbia. Anne and Ted Clark. USA
Dear Ivanka,
I would like to thank you VERY MUCH for all your support. Everything was just fine, the Brazilian group was very happy with all the services in Serbia and Sarajevo and I hope that they will leave this part of the world with very nice memories. Eduardo just called me and thanked me for everything and he said that this group was a good experience for us, so we can operate future groups without any mistake…Hopefully this will come true!
In any case, I really appreciated your precious support and I am sure that we will be able to have more successful operations together!
I would really love to have the opportunity to meet in person and discuss some more ideas of cooperation for the next coming year. Meantime, I wish you a hot summer, with many satisfied clients! All the best, Roxana Dorobantu – Incoming Manager
Tel./Fax: (+4) 021.3350604 int. 125/ (+4) 021.3350574
e-mail: roxana.dorobantu@sftravel.ro
41 Candiano Popescu street, 040581 Bucharest, Romania www.sftravel.ro
GSM Travel Management – www.gsmtravel.com
Thank you for sending the memorable photos. The man who joined the dancing was not from the cruise ship, he was passing by on the quay. We thought that Miroslav was the best of our several tour guides, and that the visit to Perkov Salas was the highlight of the trip. I am so glad to have met you and enjoyed a few hours of your company. Fondly, Andrew and Ellen Dutka, USA
Guten Abend Dejan, Endlich sind wir nach unserer sehr spannenden und eindrücklichen Reise in Zürich auf dem Boden gelandet. Wir sind immer noch am Ordnen, Werten und Verdauen der sehr vielen – auch divergierenden – Informationen, Erfahrungen und Erlebnisse unserer Balkanreise.
Gerne geben wir Ihnen ein Feedback:
Allgemein haben wir gute Informationen über Serbien erhalten, so dass wir auch etwas vom Land und den Leuten verstanden haben. Da ist gute „Dolmetscherarbeit“ nötig. Sehr eindrücklich war der Besuch des Klosters Crna Reka, das hängende Kloster. Die Religiosität war spürbar, gelebte Spiritualität. Sehr eindrücklich war auch der Mönch im Klosterladen.
Novi Pazar war spannend, orientalisches Flair. Die Gegensätze der verschiedenen Bevölkerungsgruppen waren sicht-und spürbar. Kloster Sopocani war wunderbar, Lage und Fresken, sehr guter Slivovica. Ein grosses Erlebnis für uns war die Fahrt über die Pesterhochebene im Abendlicht und den Zlatar.
Der Empfang im Kloster Mileseva war unfreundlich – kein „Must“ für eine Übernachtung, Zimmer und Boiler kalt. Jedoch war das Fresko des weissen Engels in der Basilika sehr schön. Sehr genossen haben wir das Morgenessen in der lokalen Bäckerei mit Einheimischen am Tisch. Ein Erlebnis, das wir nicht missen möchten.
Die Uvac-Schlucht mit Geiern, Falken und Flora eindrücklich und wohltuend. Bewirtung bei Ljubicka sehr gut und herzlich, beste Bratkartoffeln. Ein Highlight. Schöne Fahrt durch Schlucht durch Visegrad, Hotel Andricev-Konak ok, Andric-Grad , das 2. Hollywood von Kusturica wirkt künstlich, nationalistisch. Sehr schöne Bootsfahrt am nächsten Morgen und eindrücklicher Blick vom Aussichtspunkt auf Brücke und Stadt. Anschliessend Mokra Gora: kurios. Wir waren froh, in Visegrad und nicht in Mokra Gora übernachtet zu haben.
Sv. Nikolje in der Ovcar Kablar-Schlucht: Beeindruckend, rührende Schichtheit. Freundlicher Empfang.
Kalbfleischsuppe beim Restaurant „Bruder“ wunderbar. Guter Tipp. Wir lieben solche Berührungspunkte mit den Einheimischen wie auch bei Ljubicka und das gemeinsame Morgenessen mit der Bevölkerung in Mileseva.
Eher anstrengende Weiterfahrt nach Belgrad. Laute und schwüle Nacht in Belgrad. Hotel Petit Piaf ist keine ideale Adresse zu dieser Jahreszeit – zu viel Rummel und Lärm die ganze Nacht. Jedoch sehr freundlicher Staff.
Führung Kalemegdan – leider ohne “Untergrund“. Konak der Fürstin Ljubica sehenswert. Essen Im Restaurant “?“ teuer und schlecht. Novi Belgrad und Besichtigung von Hotel Jugoslavia interessant. Spaziergang der Donau entlang, in Zemun der schöne Blick vom Hügel aus und der im Ort noch spürbare der habsburgische Touch gefielen uns sehr gut. Würdiger Abschluss in Tito’s Mausoleum.
Herzlichen Dank für Ihre umsichtige Fahrweise durch die wohltuend weiten Landschaften. Im Gespräch haben Sie uns Ihre serbische Sichtweise von Politik, Geschichte und Gegenwart näher gebracht und neue Blickwinkel eröffnet. Danke auch für schönen Fotos über der Geierschlucht.
Mit freundlichen Grüssen aus der nassen Schweiz, Ulrich und Silvia
Dear Ivanka and team,
Just to let you know that we arrived save in Belgium. THANKS again for everything you did for Paul and Lieve !!!! and of course for the excellent program etc.
Special thanks to our guides and (perfect) driver , who where day and night to our disposal , but also thanks for those who worked behind the computer etc. ! It takes a good team to have this nice result.
Concerning our evaluation : We are waiting for the result of our own evaluations forms that we ask the participants to fill in. If we have that, I will complete it with my own opinion and send it to you. I think, you may expect this within 10 days. Greetings to everyone ! Patrick Hauman, Govaka Pasar
Hi Ivanka. I just wanted to pass on the thanks from Mr Nickless, just in case you hadn’t already heard from him;
Hi Ellie Wanted to tell you that we had a wonderful time. Rachel met up with Tatjana and her family. Wendy and I enjoyed the visit to the monasteries and Perko’s salash farm. The ladies in Kulpin dressed a teenage granddaughter in a traditional wedding costume. The Ahoj and Urbancek galleries in Backi Petrovec were also well worth the visit. Miroslav, husband of Ivanka from Panacomp Travel acted as our guide and driver. He was very helpful and informative. All in all it was a brilliant week. Undoubtedly we will go again especially as Tatjana is expecting another baby in the Autumn. Thank you for all your help. I have tried e mailing Ivanka but if you have contact with her please pass on our thanks.
Best wishes John Nickless
Thanks for arranging a great trip for them!
Ellie Marr Travel Specialist, Balkans | Central & Eastern Europe | Indochina
Dear Ivanka,
Thank you for your message and for all of your work organizing and putting us in touch with such amazing people on our trip. We had an exceptionally wonderful time with Boško and Iva at Baba Maras. They hosted us with a lot of care and the food they prepared for us and taught us about was a rich experience. The menu included fresh picked herbal teas, their local wines, and main courses of stewed Wild boar one day and fresh Skuša fish another and even breakfasts with eggs, wild asparagus that we picked together, and Tartufi (truffles) on top. We highly recommend their location for a traditional, private, and incredibly beautiful experience.
We had a very educational and full day around Trebinje with Marina. She was an excellent English speaker and had so much good information to share with us. The women’s weaving cooperative visit was a highlight. The agro-tourist lunch at the farm in the village with Marina was well prepared and organized. The hosts offered us several courses of homemade foods and we even bought some of their smoked “slanina” to take along with us.
Boško warmly accepted our invitation to come with us to Zavala manastir and we had an excellent time at the end of liturgy exploring the property with one of the Brothers. The community of believers there really included us in the celebration of Easter and it is an experience we will cherish.
Thank you for the gift of hand made cards from the Manastiri that you shared with us and also for Boško. They are beautiful and were a very kind personal touch. We look forward to staying connected with Panacomp and encouraging others in our organization to be in contact about future holidays and retreats in the region. Thank you, Cornelius Frantz
Nickless Easter Tour – 20/27 April 2016
Accommodation : Veliki City Hotel Novi Sad, National House Aroma Backi Petrovac, Villa Skadarlija Belgrade
Activities : Novi Sad, Monasteries in Fruska Gora Mountain, Perko’s Salash Farm, Backi Petrovac, Sremski Karlovci, Belgrade
Tour guide : Miroslav. Absolutely wonderful not just a driver but a guide and interpreter.
Notes : Miroslav has been a marvelous host and guide and a wealth of information. We really enjoyed the visits to the Hopovo Monastery and Perko’s Salash Farm. Watching the young lady model the traditional wedding costume was a delight. I sampled broom making at the Ahoj craft centre in Backi Petrovac. We strongly recommend a visit to the art gallery of Vladimir Urbancek also in Backi Petrovac. Miroslav drove us back to the Villa Skadarlija where we had to say our goodbyes. The Nickless family, Ellie Marr, Regent Travel, 20/27 April 2016
Ivanka, Thank you for a wonderful time in Serbia. The arrangements were perfect. We really appreciated the help from Miroslav who was also wonderful. We will return again in the near future. Many thanks and best wishes The Nickless family
hi! my name is william wohlrab and we have been to the guca brass festival last year. and because it was so wonderful the two of us want to come again this year! So i would like to book accommodation in guca with breakfast (2 single rooms) 11/14 august 2016 if possible in the same house, the family there was very, very sympatic! thank you! william wohlrab, Austria
Liebe Frau Eggenberger – Dear Mrs. Ivanka – Lieber Dejan
I would like to thank you very much for the professional organization of our journey. We had – apart from the bed bugs, which had nothing to do with you – a wonderful experience. Dejan was a very enriching tour guide that showed a lot of patience with our students group of young people.
The drivers were very confident, patient and very professional even in the snowy conditions of Njegusi.
What is about the hotels (which of course where our choice):
– The Hayat in Sarajevo we wouldn’t consider the next time (see below)
– The Villa in Mostar was very good and professional (no objections for a future cooperation)
– The Lero is Dubrovnik had a perfect location for us (between university and old town) and was ok for us. But in my personal opinion the service lacks a bit (no big know-how at the reception and by the way also in the tourist information)
– Again: The Guest House in Kotor was perfect for the group and Mrs. Olga very service oriented. It might be though maybe a good idea to book the driver and guide in another hotel to allow them a bit more privacy as it is then very familiar. Maybe Dejan can tell better…
So thank you very much for all your help and cooperation. I will definitively keep your contacts for a next trip.
My best Wishes, Ursula – Ursula Oehy Bubel, lic. phil., Lecturer & Internship Coordinator
Höhere Fachschule für Tourismus Graubünden
Academia Engiadina, Quadratscha 18, 7503 Samedan
Tel: +41 79 471 26 88, Fax: +41 81 851 06 46
ursula.oehy@academia-engiadina.ch www.hftgr.ch
Thank you Suzana! The tour was wonderful with our great tour-guide Srdjan and driver Saša. Also the transport to the Airport was in time and now I am soon leaving your beautiful country. Kind regards! Silvia MENSA Switzerland
Sehr geehrter Herr Knezevic,
Herzlichen Dank an Sie, Ivanka und Miroslav für diese abwechslungsreiche, spannende und informative Reise mit einer Vielzahl von Höhepunkten. Natürlich war es eine lange und manchmal auch anstrengende Fahrt aber wir haben bis zum Schluß jeden Tag genossen.
Zu den Unterkünften: wir fandes es nett und angenehm nicht nur in Hotels zu übernachten (obwohl diese auch sehr gut gewählt waren, ein schöner Schlußpunkt z. B. das Zimmer im Excelsior mit Blick über Belgrad, nicht zu vergessen in BiH das Hotel Muslibegovic), sondern auch in den privaten Unterkünften, herausragend Kuca Colovica, aber es war auch in Arilie, Sipovo und Zlatibor familiär und sympathisch. Wir wurden überall sehr freundlich und zuvorkommend aufgenommen und behandelt, wir haben uns meist mehr als gern gesehene Gäste und nicht Touristen gefühlt, wobei sicher auch beiträgt, daß wir mit Miroslav als ganz kleine Gruppe nur zu zweit unterwegs waren.
Essen und Trinken: Rakija connecting people. Da haben wir bei den teils ausgezeichneten Selbstgebrannten gerne mitgemacht. Die Weinverkostungen ganz nach unserem Geschmack! Das Essen balkanisch deftig, oft ausgezeichnet, nie schlecht. Ich sagte zu Miroslav, alleine die Tomaten wären eine Reise wert.
Reiseroute: wie schon bei der Planung besprochen eine wirklich große Runde, auf oft schwierigen nicht ungefährlichen Straßen. Aber wir wurden belohnt mit vielen Eindrücken, die nicht von der Stange zu haben sind (off the beaten track) wie z. B. die kleinen Klöster Nikolje und Davidovice und viele andere neben den bekannteren Destinationen, auch manche interessante Gespräche! Freichlich hatten wir auch großes Glück mit dem Wetter.
Reiseleiter: Miroslav ist ein Routinier und sein Hirn eine Bibliothek balkanischer Geschichte, aber nicht nur das, auch in vielen Städten Europas scheint er ganz zu Hause. Obwohl wir manches schon wußten, besser gesagt, geglaubt haben zu wissen, haben wir sehr viel von ihm gelernt. Freichlich haben wir schon manche Bücher vor der Reise gelesen, Andric ist ja Pflichtlektüre (geradezu prophetisch in Bezug auf Bosnien die Erzählung “Brief aus dem Jahre 1920”) ,und Danilo Kis, Milos Crnjanski, sowie verschiedende journalistische Berichte zu der schweren jüngeren Geschichte, die so unterschiedliche Standpunkte vertritt. Wir haben versucht zu verstehen und sind dabei wohl unbewußt in manches Fettnäpchen getreten, wobei die serbische Seele durchaus eine empfindliche ist. Wer eine längere Reise in den Balkan unternimmt, kann und soll der Geschichte, der alten wie der neuen, nicht ausweichen. Man kann Parteien verurteilen, aber die Menschen muß man verstehen. Der Balkan ist eine Region, die in Zentral- und Westeuropa nicht immer richtig verstanden wird. Miroslav meinte kryptisch, man werde den Balkan nie richtig verstehen können. Ich hoffe aber, daß wir ihn, dank Miroslav und dieser Reise besser als zuvor interpretieren können, und das war uns auch ein Anliegen bei der Planung unserer Tour.
Noch einmal vielen Dank an Panacomp und das gesamte Team, herzliche Grüße auch an Ivanka und Miroslav, Markus und Ilse Prenner, Austria
Dear Ivanka,
Klaus had an hard attack in the hotel on Friday night. He got a stent yesterday, but he is fine and can leave hospital today. Monika and Klaus will arrange the flight back with ADAC, then it is free for them. Thank you again for your help and the great journey we had with Panacomp, best and kindest regards, Michael Germany
Dear Ms Ivanka,
We are now back in New Delhi. It was a pleasure meeting with you, we really had a fantastic time there and would like to thank you for your wonderful hospitality.
We believe there is a lot of potential for tourism from India to come to Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro etc for vacations. It would be great if you could send us some more information via email in English with some pictures, videos, vacation types and options with pricing structure etc. Will help us to build our marketing and sales material to the customers in India.
We could then get on touch with you to modify packages based on the individual requirements. look forward to hearing from you soon and will be in touch. regards, Aditya Khanna India
Group tour “Balkan Duo – Serbia and Montenegro”, 24 AUG-07 SEP 2015
Dear Ivanka: Time flies, and I just realized that I have been back in Canada for an entire week already! So, sorry for this delay in writing to you to say “thanks a lot” on behalf of our little group.
We thoroughly enjoyed the tour of Serbia and Montenegro and were very pleased with all the arrangements, such as hotels and food. A special thanks for including some extra lunches and snacks! Our guide, Srdjan, and driver, Aleksandr, also looked after us very well, so thanks to them too!
I hope that we will be able to work together again in the not-so-distant future, and for next time I am thinking of a “circle tour” starting in Belgrade and moving into Montenegro, much as we did, but then continuing to Dubrovnik ( 2 n.), Mostar and Sarajevo (2 n.), returning from there to Belgrade. Finally, it was a pleasure meeting you personally during our excursion to Novi Sad! Best wishes, Jacques, Canada
Accommodation : For the most part, hotels were great. Hotel “Ras” didn’t welcome or accommodate very nicely. Drive : Wonderful, careful driver. Always alert and very organized with luggage. Strong! Activities : Great variety of activities- birdwatching, boat rides, cave exploration as well as historic walks and visits to important buildings. Busy, interesting days! Tour guide – Srdjan Boskovic was excellent! He is most intelligent, learned and passionate about his country. He gave extra time to answer questions and prepared a special lecture “Soul of Serbia”. I learned a great deal from him. Notes : Our final dinner party was outstanding! I will always be looking for Serbian news and will recommend travel to friends and family. Robin Medcalf, Canada
Accommodation : Belgrade hotel the best – great way to start tour ! A couple others were winners – Kolasin, Becici and rest were just fine, if maybe a little improvements here and there. But we did realize that interior was less developed, all part of experience ! Transportaton – Driver : Some long drives although worth this to see so much – van a bit rough-riding at back, but again worth at to see and do so much both in the way of scenery and attractions. Wonderful variety, giving us a great overview of a country we knew so little about. Guide – the best ! Srdjan made thetrip for us -giving us so much great information, answering our questions, keeping me happy and entertained. We loved his passion for his country. Maybe we’ll see you in Canada some day !!! Activities : This will be a trip to remember forever !! And we’ll take home stories and impressions to pass on to our friends in Canada – to do our part in correcting false impressions that Canadians might have about Serbia. Notes : Thank you for opening our eyes and minds! Great effort by Panacomp and Srdjan !! /Hope you can read this, I am doing this on the van/, September 7, 2015
Accommodation : The accommodation, in all its variety, was comfortableand restful and met the needs of myself as a traveler. Our days were often long and very busy and I doubt made us of extras such as pools, saunas, casinos, etc. Me needed rest. Driver – Excellent fellow, who managed hs difficult jog responsibily and felt secure, which was very important to everyone. We loved his manner, his confidence and full marks here. Activities – A good blend of nature tours, cultural demonstrations and historical facts and figures, ideal for the history build, very interesting and filled with data for people of other interests. Guide – Our guide was excellent. He set the tone and spirit, both positive and filled with enthusiasm for the entire tour. His honesty, his love of Serbia and its people has left a lasting impression on me. Notes : The bus in which we spent so many hours had a few faults. Air instalation did not always handle the job. Echaust fuell entered the passanger compartmentfrom the back /perhaps the add on luggage compartment did not allow gas to escape free from the the vehicle ?/. The knee space in the back 3 rows was insuficcient, visibility was obstructed by seats unnecessarily too high. Roy Brankley
Accommodation : Most of our accommodation was good. 30 minutes wait for hot water in Montenegro was unacceptable. Our driver was skillful, cooperative and friendly. Activities have us a good overview of the 2 countries. Excellent guide – knowledgeable, dedicated, good overview and explations with a sense of humor. I am leaving with a sense of wanting to return thanks to excellent organization and friendly approach by your staff and associates.
Accommodation : good to very good range. Driver excellent – very safe driver. Activities : good with some surprises i.e. the caves. Too many monasteries. Guide : excellent, the Best ! Very knowledgeable, polite and accommodating. His love and pride of Serbia made me want to know more about it. I hope tourism continues to grow in Serbia. Odette Sabourin
Accommodation : generally good to excellent. Hotel Ras had several annoyances and deficiencies, but was okay for 1 night. Transportation – driver : Driver Aleksandar was very good. He helped anyone. The journey made us comfortable and drive around the countries was wonderful, even on tough roads. Activities : very well planned, with unique experiences – walks, climbs, ice cave unique and also good exercise for an actual group of “eldsters”. Guide : Srdjan Boskovic was exceptiona ! We love the history, culture, folklore, facts and legends – and he have all to us. His caring for each of us and his sense of humor made this a delightful experience for me – and I thank everyone ! Notes : as stated, this was a unique experience, thanks to again Srdjan, and all the guides that you had to help us along the way. /They all were informative and delightful/ You have opened my eyes and others. I believe to the beauty and history and struglles of Serbia and Montenegro, and the experience of Dubrovnik ! Thank you ! Hvala ! Nancy Freeman, Virginia USA
Accommodation : wonderful. Transportation – drive : excellent, very efficient + very friendly. Activities : enjoyed them all, especially the boat ride to the griffin vultures nests. Perhaps too many monasteries. Guide : the BEST ! Very intelligent, very dedicated to the group, very proud of his country. His English was perfect. Could’t ask for anyone better. Notes : keep promoting tourism in Serbia, but it was nice to see it not so spoiled by tourism, e.g Budva in Motenegro. Guide + driver worked together very efficiently. Both very helpful to me /somewhat handicapped/. Can’t find the words to praise them as much as they deserve.
Accommodation : all accommodation was good, except the hotel just accross the Montenegrin border. Transportation – driver : excellent driver, unbelelivable skill in the mountaines. Activities : great, maybe too many monasteries. Guide : wonderful, sincere, accommodating, very emotionally tied to Serbia ! Notes : the days were about 1 hour too long. I did want time to relax – only possible one day. The people we met were very generous and welcoming. Ruth Durward
Accommodation : Crowne Plaza was excellent, good hotels given circumstances. Transportation – driver : excellent. Activities : excellent tour. Maybe one less monastery. Guide : first rate. Notes : great tour and we learned lots about Serbia and Montenegro. Volkswagen van was poor. Air conditioning was inefficient, Hard ride. J. Wismer
Accommodation : Beds have been comfortable in our 2-4 star hotels. Breakfast have been great, especially in Belgrade and Budva. All different in various locations. Transportation – driver : Aleksandar has been a professional driver, handling all situations calm = we felt very comfortable. He was kind and courteaus. Activities : too numerous to list, but so enjoyable. the lunch at farm, resting on the hay ball, climbing to the monasteries, our last evening in CACAK and the fabulous entertainment and meal ! Guide : our tour guide can only be described as fabulous. Informative, organized, patient and always willing to help. He is a passionate young man, loves his country and wants to share it with us. We have been so lucky to have him. Notes : I joined this trip to see the countries I had only heard about. I received so much. I come for the scenery, geography and customs. I have learned so much more and will certainly share all I know with my follow Canadians ! Thank you ! This was superb ! Maureen Brankley
Thank you for lovely stay with you in your nice country, Regards from the Swedish Girls Anne-Louise, Sonja, Cecilia, Ann Margret
Hereby a few comments for the tour you’ve made for us in Balkan this summer: Thanks for following us on the mobile – sms. Accommodation – the hotel in Beograd we didn’t like. Bad service in the reception, and the kicthen-service had lack of propper hygiene. Miki know about the reception already. No problem with the other hotel, especially the one i Sarajevo we came to love. Drive – the drive were good and safe; activities – superb, excellent; tour guide Miki – excellent, kind, informative, lots of humor and flexible according to our wishes and the “schedule”; Note – we will recommend your company to friends and we ourselves like to return.
Thank you, Ivanka, for the loan of Mike. Thanks, Mike, for showing us your country and teaching us. Wonderful days. Helene Silkjær Denmark
Dear Ivanka,
Apologies for such a long delay in saying an enormous thank you to you and Miro for what both Gillian and I agreed was the holiday of a lifetime. But there was a lot of catching up to do when I got home; and then I wanted to get my photographs sorted and my diary written up before embarking on thank-you e-mails.
The trip more than met expectations. You covered all the places we’d highlighted when we planned our programme but what we didn’t foresee was the extent to which we would be “going native”. It was the opportunity to interact with local people – in museums, in monasteries and convents, in private homes, at the Perkov Salas farm, at lots of other individual venues – that made it all so special. And, of course, that only happened thanks to Miro’s being an almost non-stop interpreter. He really was amazing. We learnt a lot, we had a lot of fun and we came home with a lot of food for thought.
I think I’ve got e-mail addresses for some of the people we want to thank directly but there are some that I am missing: Anna at the Museum of the Serbian Orthodox Church; Sister Bridget at Manasija; Dragan at Studenica. Can you help?
I will put together some notes and photos which you may be able to use on your web site. And I would be delighted if there were a chance to meet you again when you come to London in June (and Miro if he comes with you). Let me know your dates when they are finalised. I can get to London very easily which might be best for you as I imagine that you won’t have that much spare time. But, of course, if we could manage for me to bring you down to my country village for a very brief look around, that would be a whole lot of fun.
One final thought: as we mentioned, we really would like to visit Pec and Gracinica and Decani, which suggests a week in Kosovo. But we appreciate that this could pose problems for you and Miro. Could you let me know whether, come next year, the pair of you would like to organise something for us (with Miro acting as guide, chauffeur and indispensible helpmate) or whether we should pursue it via another company? I look forward to hearing from you and, in the meantime, love and good wishes from us both to the pair of you. Jane Wooley, UK
Dear Ivanka, I got some feedback from Ms De jong and Ms Wolley and they said they had a brilliant time and Miroslav was an excellent guide, really going out of his way to make sure they had a memorable time! It sounds as though you really did a great job so thank you so much for this! Only negative thing they said was that some of their rooms were very cold but again Miroslav helped! Many thanks, Ellie Marr Travel Specialist, Regent Holidays UK
Dear Ivanka,
just few lines to express our FULL appreciation of the whole service we received Yesterday! Miljan has been a GREAT guide and tour companion (always ready, polite, precise and caring)! SUPERDOBRO! And even Your two calls during the day were definitely perfectly caring and appreciated! Thank You so much! When we are back … You and Miljan will be our very first choiche for sure! Have a perfect time and new year! Take care! Cristian + Angela
Dear Srdjan, dear Team of PanaComp!
Thank you for this very interesting and perfectly organized excursion with so many extra benifits! It was a big pleasure for the children and for us as well. We saw as much as possible and had wonderful impressions – really great! All the best to you and thank you again, Caslav and Oliver,
Deutsche Schule Belgrad, Petra Čajkovskog 4, 11040 Belgrad, Serbien, Tel: +381 (11) 3693135, Fax: +381 (11) 3066985 www.dsbelgrad.com
Assessment of Our Days in Serbia, August 25-28, 2014
We knew we would have excellent services when Srdjan Boscovic promptly came forward from a crowd of people to greet us after deplaning at the Belgrade airport.
Serbian roads and freeways are good. Panacomp provided good automobile drivers, and we always felt safe. It was interesting to listen to Srdjan’s historical accounts of the country and its people – especially the humorous anedcotes.
The Hotel Aleksandar had very modern and comfortable accommodations. The taste and wide variety of breakfast food was better than we have seen in many of our travels.
We liked the format of having PanaComp services for traveling and translating in the morning, and then exploring Novi Sad by ourselves in the afternoons. The maps that PanaComp gave us were helpful in navigating Novi Sad. We enjoyed seeing the many small shops in Novi Sad, and regard the Serbian people as very industrious. For out granddaugher, Trudy bought a beautiful Ninia dress designed by Sanja Konjovic. In the evenings, we enjoyed walking along the Danube River and eating in the parkts. We observed a healthy nation of people boating, swimming, and excercising.
Srdjan’s suggestion that we visit Petrovaradin was great. For me, the highligh of the entire trip was visiting my ancestral village of Crvenka, I located and videoed the spot where my 5xGrandfather Nicholas Klien lived between 1784 and 1807. I spent over an hour among weeds and thick brambles, taking many photos of crumbling headstones in the German portion of the cemetary, and discovering a related family name, the Scherers. I explored the hillside wine cellars that are still there.
Srdjan’s attentiveness to our wishes was greatly appreciated. For example, when I said I would like to see an old thatch-foored house, he showed us several of them in Novi Sad; and when we couldn’t find any postcards to buy in Novi Sad for our children’s families, he ran back to the PanaComp offices to get four postcards.
The hard work of PanaComp for us to gain access to information in the archives is understood and greatly appreciated. The many hours Mrs. Tanja Stevanchev spent searching for Klein Surname information in the Sombor Archives is also greatly appreciated. I will read and treasure the 7 gift books from the Sombor and Vojvodina Archives.
Apparently the 1785-1944 Lutheran Church metrical records for Crvenka are not in any Serbian archive. If these records are ever found, it will be of great interest to the many descendants of those who once lived in Crvenka. /Places and families of origin for some of the founding German families were assembled by Angela Hefner in the book, Unser Tscherwenka, by Roland Vetter and Hans Keiper, 1983./
Summary : There were too many good experiences and not enough superlatives to convey the excellence of the accommodations, friendliness, and hospitality of PanaComp and the Aleksandar Hotel. The PanaComp travel agency is very honest and economical. They provide a range of options only among the best hotels, as well as country-side living experience with rural families.
The only drawback is the paucity of early genealogical records in Serbian archives, and the difficulty in quickly accessing the genealogical records that do exist in the archives; but we understand this. Maybe in the future this will change with more funding for Serbian archives.
I have submitted contact information and high recommendations of PanaComp and Hotel Aleksandar to Michael Miller /director and biographer of Germans from Russia at North Dakota State University Library/. These recommendations will be in a presentation of my visit to Serbia at the 45th Annual GRHS Convention in Bismarck, North Dakota, July 15-19, 2015.
As a scout for Mr. Miller in 1995 for establishing Journey to the Homeland Tours in Odessa, Ukraine, if anyone in the U.S. shows interest i conducting group tours to visit the former German colonies in Serbia, I will definitely recommend the services of PanaComp. We admire and thank PanaComp’s derector, Ivanka Tasic, very much. Serbia has much to offer ! Thanks again for planning our wonderful time in Serbia!
James and Trudy Klein, 575 Dana Dr. College Place, WA 99324, 509 525-3123, james.klein@wallawalla.edu
Dear Ivanka,
we are all back home again with great impressions about Serbia and its people. All your good arrangements made this wonderful tour. Also in Belgrad everything was fine, Mr. Vladimir felt responsible and was a nice person too. The dinner on the boat was very fine, we all liked it. Personally my wife and me, we are so happy that we met you. We want to thank you for everything. The next tour we will plan directly with you. All the best and kindest regards, Michael and Eva Huber, Germany
Hello Ivanka and all Panacomp team! It’s been few month I wanted to express my gratitude to you personally and your team for arranging our traditional Serbian wedding (I just waited for the pictures ). It was an amazing day, everything was organized exceptionally well and I could not wish for anything better. I just had the idea but you made it life better that i could ever imagine. All performers were highly professional and made our wedding unforgettable. I will not stop praising you till the end of my life you are simply THE BEST!!!! Irina Salangina xxxxxxx
Hello Ivanka!
I’m home safely and have finally uploaded all the pictures to my computer. Here attached are the best of them. I want to thank you once more, you treated me so nicely and I really enjoyed my trip. I got very much information and I hope I will create a successful product for Serbia and its tourism. I’m starting to write my thesis now and if it’s ok I would like to send you an interview by e-mail when I’m ready with the questions. There will be some questions about tourism in Serbia and so on. Have a good weekend, Johanna Lukic Finland
Guten Tag Herr Knezevic,
wir sind am vergangenen Montag den 11.08.2014 vom einwöchigen Serbienurlaub zurückgekommen. Es war eine sehr schöne, erlebnisreiche Woche, faszinierend auch, weil wir anfänglich gewisse Vorbehalte, bedingt durch geschichtliche Ereignisse und die entsprechende Medienberichterstattung hatten. Vielen Dank für den freundlichen Kontakt im Vorfeld, mit dem Transfer nach Guca hat es vorzüglich geklappt, der Fahrer Darco war super zuverlässig und sehr freundlich, auch die Klosterbesichtigungstour war sehr interessant. Grüßen Sie bite auch ihre reizenden Mitarbeiterinnen Marina und Ivanna die uns sehr professionell und freundlich unterstützt haben. Vielen Dank auch für die sehr schöne und ruhige Unterkunft, das waren wirkliche Traumgastgeber. Wir werden ihre Firma vorbehaltlos weiterempfehlen. Alles Gute für Sie und viele Grüße, Alexander Renkert und Belinda Hirche, a.renkert@gmx.de
Sehr geehrter Herr Knezevic
Ja genau – Guca ist vorbei und der Alltag hat uns wieder fest im Griff. Wir waren sehr zufrieden! Ivana und Marina waren sehr hilfsbereit (sie haben uns sogar Eintrittskarten für das Konzert von Svetlana Ceca organisiert) und Dragana unsere Gastgeberin erlebten wir als zuvorkommend und nett, wir haben uns bei ihr sehr willkommen und total wohlgefühlt. Die Unterkunft war absolut okay, vor allem haben wir geschätzt, dass wir 2 Paare im selben Haus untergekommen sind. Mir fällt „leider” nichts Kritisches ein, ausser vielleicht das instabile Wetter, aber dafür kann ich Sie ja nicht verantwortlich machen ;-). Für uns war alles prima. Freundliche Grüsse, Bernadette Bühler
Liebe Frau Eichenberger,
Seit einigen Tagen sind wir, rsp. ich von unserer wunderschönen Rundreise durch ein unbekanntes Balkanland wieder zuhause. Gerne schreibe ich Ihnen eine ausführliche Rückmeldung, doch sie kommt etwas später. Trotz meines Alters bin ich wieder mit meiner freiwilliger Arbeit engagiert – Leiterin vom Tischlein deck dich Burgdorf – (wws.tischlein.ch) und musste gerade ins kalte Wasser springen. Ab 6. August gibt es “Luft”, dann kann ich differentziert rückmelden.
Doch: Es war wirklich wunderschön, die 5 Mitreisenden waren nett, tolerant und überaus angenehm, mit meiner Anrschrift “Marianna Luder” hat alles geklappt, ebenso dass ich mit der ID nach Bosnien hinüber konnte, und ganz besonders zu erwähnen ist unser Reiseleiter Dejan Knezevic. Wie Sie in der Jubiläumsbroschüre geschrieben haben …. mit feinfühliger Gesinnung und wunderbarem Geist, ist Dejan ein differenzierter Botschafter und begeistert uns nachhaltig … ja, so war es. Korrekt, aufmerksam, mitdenkend, helfend, zuvorkommend, überaus höflich, sehr wissend und doch bescheiden. Mit guten Gedanken kam ich zurück. Ich wünsche Ihnen einen schönen ersten August und grüsse herzlich, Marianne Luder
Liebe Frau Eggenberger, Lieber Dejan,
Ich hoffe, dass es Euch gut geht und Eure Jubliäumsreise nach Serbien ein grosser Erfolg war; was ich nicht bezweifle, am liebsten wäre ich auch mitgekommen…..
Gerne gebe ich anbei ein Feedback zur meiner Reise. Die Reise hat meine Erwartungen definitiv übertroffen. Ich war absolut begeistert und hätte nicht gedacht, dass Serbien ein so schönes und vielseitiges Land ist. So fällt es mir auch schwer zu sagen, was mir am besten gefallen hat. Jede Region hat ihren ganz speziellen Reiz. Das Programm war perfekt zusammengestellt und umfasste alle Highlights. Natürlich hatte ich auch überaus Glück mit Dejan; der perfekte Reiseführer!! Abgesehen von seinem enormen und umfassenden Wissen, ist er auch sehr zuvorkommend und überaus geistreich. Es ist immer bereichernd, wenn man aus erster Hand Lokales erfährt und sich mit jemandem unterhalten kann, der auch interessante Begebenheiten erzählen kann und über Informationen verfügt, die in keinem Reiseführer stehen. Das ist ein echter Mehrwert für den Besucher! Also nochmals herzlichen Dank für an Sie und Dejan für diese unvergessliche Reise.
Beste Grüsse und noch einen guten Sommer! Petra Helfenstein
Dear Srdjan,
We had a good flight back though the plane was delayed at both ends because of so much air traffic above London. I was home by 15.30. I felt very sleepy and disorientated, and still do but am trying to keep regular hours.
I have looked at my photos in the camera, read my guidebooks and studied the map and of course realise what an all-encompassing tour we had. You worked very hard and believe me, I DO know all the planning and confirming that goes on behind the scenes. You can enjoy the satisfaction that everything DID go well and for a first tour planned between Regent Travel and your company, it was a great success. Remember next time to have the welcome sign at the airport with the name of Regent Travel as theirs was the only name we recognised. I don’t know who planned the itinerary but I saw that you tried to have the best sights as well as a variety of other things, like the boat ride and the trumpeters’ concert at Guca. However, I think we all found that there was too much time spent in the coach in very hot weather and a vast amount of driving so it occurs to me that another time you might try to find similar places and monuments of interest but closer to the centre of the country. But I will leave those arrangements to those responsible.
As for your help to me, your patience, kindness and professional efficiency were exemplary. Now that I am feeling a bit better, with no headache, I realise how dreadful I did feel. I have had similar bad episodes in the past but usually the medication cleared the pain, but I think I was just immensely overtired and I needed much more sleep. It never occurred to me to cancel Subotica but it was Joan who was very concerned. Once the idea was in my head, I found it very difficult to think and decide because I have never changed a flight in my life, though I did get the wrong date once in Italy and just missed the flight!! I am still astonished at the speed with which you contacted your boss and got the ticket to travel back with the group. I think it was the right decision as I slept 12 hours last night.
I also want to thank you again for all the effort and planning and extra work for you to organise Milesceva. It was a beautiful place and the memory will always be vivid, helped by the photos which remind one of the details. One of the tourist booklets I picked up on our arrival talked about the monasteries as ” being what Serbia does best”. The monasteries are a unique patrimony in your part of Europe, especially as there is so little left from earlier centuries. I found the same in Hungary. The Ottomans destroyed everything and so you must promote what is unique to your country. Would there be a way to include more of a visit to Petrovaradin in Novi Sad? It was a pity only to see it at night but I can see how the timing worked. Could more time be managed at the Iron Gates which are so spectacular and so unique? Planning is very complicated , I know!!
Thank you again for all your care and attention not only towards the group but also to me. I really hope our paths will cross again. Perhaps Joan and I will return to explore some more monasteries! Meanwhile, I hope you have had some time to recover and rest and give some time to that BEAUTIFUL girlfriend! SHE is lucky as well in having you!
Have a good summer and 3 kisses to you – Miranda
To Srdan Boskovic
Thank yuu very much for replying so quickly. As I said in my questionnaire, I really enjoyed the tour of Serbia. I tasted some really good wines and the food was really tasty and interesting (possibly too much at times – but I can’t really complain about that, I suppose!). The farewell dinner in Belgrade was excellent. I enjoyed the picturesque scenery and boat trip and I was also lucky to be part of a good group of sociable people of different ages and backgrounds, and we were led by a very good guide (Sergio – unfortunately, I’ve probably spelt his name wrongly!). I’m looking forward to seeing some of the photos he took on the website.
If you could send me a hat, that would be great. I’ll even cheer on Novan Jokovic at Wimbledon although, as a Scotsman, my first loyalty has to be to Andy Murray. Thank you….. Stewart Allan
Ivanka and the team.
We had a very enjoyable tour and saw things we did not even know existed. The guides were very knowledgeable and communication was excellent. (although Ivan had trouble with my Aussie accent) Both Miro and Ivan spent a lot of time with us making sure we never needed anything and that everything was comfortable for us.
The accommodation varied from very good to basic but always clean. Meals were very good quality and apart from sometimes being too much we enjoyed the variety and the trouble you took to organise special meals. We found the Bulgarian diet more similar to what we eat usually but none of the meals on the trip weren’t unsuitable, they were well prepared and plentiful.
Transport was excellent for the first part of the trip with Miro but the car Ivan had was too small to carry two peoples luggage and for older people it was not easy to get in and out of the car with only two doors. Ivan was surprised that we were two oldies with lots of luggage. There was nothing wrong with their driving and getting to the destinations on our tour.
The day at Sharr mountain was incredible and the girls in national costume were delightful – it was also a bonus to see all the school children in their outfits and smiling so much at us. PS Hope you enjoyed the photos. Regards, Merilyn – Australia
Hello Ivanka,
Thanks for a wonderful time. Merilyn is replying in detail for both of us but I must comment on the itinerary. We thoroughly enjoyed what you had planned and saw places that we did not know existed. Miro, with his encyclopaedic knowledge, magically gave depth to the names and places, which I had only read about in the Herodotus histories. The incredible welcome and lunch at Shar Mountain will remain in our memories for ever.
The only things I can propose for improvement were the “too small” car in Bulgaria and the arrangements for the last day. With a long drive to Istanbul we thought the plans for sightseeing as well were unrealistic and we simply forfeited the planned visits, lunch and dinner. No complaint, as it was our decision, and we appreciated the thought that went into trying to provide us with things to see. However I believe that the car in Bulgaria and the final day arrangements were perhaps provided by another agency and not directly by Panacomp. Thanks for the marvellous experiences – Jim Melrose – Australia
Bonjour, Je viens d’envoyer un compte rendu complet sur notre voyage à M. Thierry Laprévote, directeur de l’agence Zig-Zag. Je vous envoie les passages qui vous concernent :
“Les visites se sont passées d’excellente façon. Les présentations étaient faites par moi-même complétées par notre guide, avec échanges d’informations en parfaite harmonie, ainsi que souvent l’aide d’un moine ou d’une moniale du lieu. Nous prenions tout notre temps.
Notre guide Bosko Studen, professeur de français dans un collège (36 ans), a aussi de réelles connaissances sur l’histoire de son pays et des monastères. De plus ses relations avec les responsables de plusieurs monastères nous ont fait bénéficier d’accueils privilégiés. Chaque fois qu’il l’a pu, il nous a obtenu le droit de faire des photos et nous étions parfois conviés à prendre le café ou le raki après les visites. Nous étions attendus en plusieurs endroits : par exemple à Arilje par le prêtre et la responsable de l’Office de tourisme local (nous étions en train de prendre le café avec gâteaux et raki quand vous nous avez téléphoné) et surtout à Decani où un père que notre accompagnateur connaît bien nous a accueillis et nous a même ouvert (privilège extraordinaire) la châsse du saint roi Decanski, sans compter le repas monastique pris dans ce même monastère, avec la communauté des moines : une visite privilégiée que nous ne sommes pas prêts d’oublier.
Notre guide Bosco Studen et notre chauffeur Georges efficaces et toujours aimables ont tout fait pour nous faciliter le séjour. Grâce à leur sens de l’organisation, ils ont su adapter le trajet et les étapes en fonction des difficultés, tout en respectant le programme prévu, afin que nous puissions faire nos visites dans les meilleures conditions possibles, sans trop de fatigue,. Ils nous aidaient pour nos bagages, approchaient la voiture le plus près possible des monuments, par exemple, pour la visite d’un monastère situé en hauteur (Djurdjevi Stupovi), notre guide a même obtenu que la voiture pénètre dans l’enclos monastique. Nous n’avons que des éloges à émettre à leur sujet, ce qui fait que, même si nous étions contents de nos précédents voyages faits en petits groupes avec ZigZag, le voyage en Serbie-Kosovo a atteint une qualité exceptionnelle, grâce surtout à cette équipe accompagnatrice. Nous pouvons exprimer ici notre satisfaction totale.”
Dear Ivanka and all your team,
Congratulations, I am happy to be „small” part of your great team. I wish you all the best,
Maja Vuletic – Applicon Tours, Od maslinate 3, 20000 Dubrovnik, Croatia
tel: +385 20 440 558, fax: +385 20 440 557, cell: +385 99 807 0471
maja.vuletic@applicon-tours.com www.applicon-tours.com, ID – HR-AB-20-090015841
Dear Ivanka and all your wonderful Team! Greetings from St.Petersburg!
I’m sorry I didn’t write you before, I was on my holidays and last week came back to the office.
THANK YOU VERY MUCH for the tour your company organized for your group! All our clients were really impressed by it and they said that the logistic, hotels and everything was great! Especially I would like to mention that the guide was so professional and so nice!
It is your success and I’m happy to inform you that we will repeat this tour in September 2015, and I have already clients who are in a list. Also we will have shortened variant of this tour in May 2015, as soon as we fix dates and itinerary I will write you!
Thank you once again for everything! It’s always pleasure to deal with so nice people who at the same time are so great professionals!!! All my best regards, Liubov Gorlova, Globus Tur Russia
Dear Ivanka,
This is Anna and Raphael. We stayed in Kacer at Tadic family for 2 weeks last year.
We have heard about a terrible flood in Serbia quite late, as they don’t consider it news here, so, we just came across some pictures of the flooded villages in the Net. How are you? How are Milica and Mico in Kacer? And how are the other rural households? We are really concerned about Serbia and Serbian people, whom we love heartily since we have met them during our last year travelling in Western Serbia. How will they restore their homes now? Is there any support from the government? We were planning to come this year to Serbia again, but meanwhile we see that it’s impossible as many roads are ruined by water. How sad… Will God help Serbia and Serbian people!!! We will come back when it is possible. Waiting for your letter. Warmest regards, Anna, Raphael and the children – Jerusalem
UNWTO calls for support to Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Croatia
UNWTO is deeply saddened by the news of the devastating floods currently affecting Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Croatia. On behalf of the international tourism community, UNWTO conveys its heartfelt sympathy to the affected communities and to the Governments of the three countries.
“Our thoughts at this difficult moment are with the all the people in Serbia, Bosnia and Croatia.” said UNWTO Secretary-General, Taleb Rifai. “Many livelihoods in this part of Europe depend on the tourism sector and we are calling on tourists to continue to visit the destinations and establishments still in operation as this can help speed up rebuilding efforts.” he added.
UNWTO is confident that the area will recover from this tragic occurrence and stands ready and committed to support the national authorities in any tourism-related recovery programmes for the affected areas in order to ensure that tourism continues to thrive and contribute to the region’s future socio-economic development.
Contacts: UNWTO Senior Media Officer: Marcelo Risi, Tel: (+34) 91 567 81 60
UNWTO Communications & Publications Programme, Tel: (+34) 91 567 8100 / Fax: +34 91 567 821
Hi all, I hope you and your families are all safe during this difficult time. Our thoughts and best wishes are with you all, Michael White
Wish you all the best, guys… we are next to you and hope the floods will soon ends, without too many victims – Best, Ionut – CarpatBike
Good luck and sending you support for your difficult time in Serbia – it is shocking news to see what has happened. We have done our best here on the coast to assist in what little way we can- we collected funds and filled a whole shopping cart with baby food, diapers and all the other essential items which my friend from Belgrade (working in the Volunteer centre) told me is needed – we also sent clothing for kids and babies and several trucks have been going daily from Herceg Novi and the Montenegrin coast with these donations. I hope it can help. Take care, Hayley and Jack
Draga Ivanka
It is so sad what is happening right now in Serbia and Bosna. Please, tell me how can we help you and your beautiful country in this situation – as I come tomorrow I can bring any help needed or do something – just tell me!!! warm greetings, Dr. Radostina Yotova, Produktmanager
Odysseia-In Ltd
20-V Al. Stamboliiski Blvd. 1301 Sofia, Bulgaria
Tel. ++359 2 981 05 60, Fax. ++359 2 980 32 00
radi_yotova@odysseia-in.com, www.wandernbulgarien.eu
Dear Ivanka,
thank you for all your assistance with our group in Belgrade April 26 to May 3rd. Everybody was very satisfyed with all services and especially with Milian who was outstanding. We will of course contact you when we will have something with Serbia. But you know we are a smaller company and we work with almost the whole world so we will see when it will be next time in Serbia. All the best to you and your company. Kind regards, Anki Schölin, trans/touring production ab, Hantverkargatan 44, SE 11221 Stockholm, Phone: +46(0)86510050 Fax: +46(0)86515154, Mobile: +46(0)707684718
Hi Ivanka,
Just wanted to send you a quick email to let you know how much we all enjoyed our trip. The hotel in Vilovi was wonderful! When it snowed overnight, the scenary was also incredible and I got some great photographs of the hotel in the snow and the surroundings. Everybody loved the hotel and great food too. If only we could have stayed for longer!
Bosnia was a great trip too seeing Mostar and rafting the Neretva, and today I am now back at work after a long days driving yesterday. I will arrange for my cousin to get the movie of when he fell in to the river sent to you/the rafting company. It was an entertaining moment although rather scary for my cousin. The rafting company also took some photographs of us, hopefully they will be able to email us some.
Does your company/you have a facebook page? I could comment about your company and you will also be able to see some of our pictures too.
As someone who has travelled a lot, I would strongly recommend using this company when in Serbia and wanting to plan anything. Faultless in every respect. Regards, Ian n Co, UK
Grateful greetings from Sibiu/Hermannstadt, Dearest Ivanka,
There is always the smile on my lips, if I think of you and it stays since I left you and later Dejan and Serbia. You gave me a great time and unexpected time. Thank you so much, Ivanka, for your great hospitality and your precious time too!
Most with you, I enjoyed the day with you “on the road”, when we had a closer look of how Serbian uniforms are made off and how they fit the man….!!! Was that funny! The colours I have encountered since, where nowhere so shiny and generous – no matter if with or without borders (or how was that saying) ?
Tell me, when is your birthday, Ivanka? I think I have not notes it. But I would like. Today I have written to Dejan about our tour 2014. His/your program is just the right one. Dejan is such a fine and extremly precious men, since a true and devote partner both for you at Panacomp and at home as husband and father!
We must skype soon, once we find a moment of time and löaugh some further. My skype address is “gaea.tours”. Meanwhile working on the brochure and many other things. Take care and best greetings!!! Elisabetha Eggenberger Peng, GAEA TOURS – Reisen in Osteuropa
Dear Ivanka and the Team,
First, we would like to thank you for the wonderful experience. Our group has greatly enjoyed the trip. Here is the feedback of my friend Alex Barel and myself:
Everything worked impeccably, from the meeting in the airport to the goodbye. All details, even small ones, were well thought out. Ivan the guide was excellent. He knew every turn and never made a mistake. Both he and Milos are very nice persons, with a sense of humor, and we have enjoyed their company very much. Ivan was also flexible enough to arrange an additional hike following our request.
In our opinion, the following hikes could be improved:
Day 2 – Jankov Kamen. We had an afternoon hike there, and it was not very interesting – an ascent on macadam roads. The descent was better, on small roads. Maybe it was a result of time limitations, due to a long drive. In its present form the hike did not justify the long drive, and it would be better to add, for example, another hike in the Tara park instead.
Day 3 – Uvac reserve. It is a beautiful place for hiking, one of the best. However, hiking back on the same route was less interesting. Maybe, there was a possibility to continue the hike after the Molitva mountain and to arrive to some point, where it would be possible to take a boat and to return by it to the camping site? It would be very attractive!
The driver was excellent. All hotels were good or excellent (Carobni Breg was amazing, and the service there was extraordinary).
The rural households were of varying quality. Some were very nice, some too basic. In some places there was one shower for six persons. In Kamena Gora our room for three was so small that there was no furniture in it, just three beds. There was even no hook on a wall to hang a jacket.
Nevena was very good. She took care of every little detail and left us in the airport only when she was sure that everybody was ready for boarding. You should be proud to have such an addition to your staff.
The Belgrade tour was fine. The farewell dinner was not very successful, because the restaurant could not seat us all together, and we were split between three tables.
In most places the food was excellent, diverse and ample. On one day (after a hike in Zlatar and visit of Mileseva Monastery) we had a huge lunch in a restaurant in Priepolje and then a dinner in Kamena Gora, which was even a bit too much. On the other hand, a standard breakfast in some places (like Vila Angelina) was insufficient. That was probably a matter of different traditions: a standard breakfast in Serbia does not include coffee (or tea), and for your Western clients a breakfast without a coffee is unthinkable. May be, for your future groups you should think about ordering a hot beverage for everybody in advance – it is a small cost and a lot of satisfaction for the clients.
All our overnights were in different places. It is OK, but maybe it would be better to stay in some places for two days and to make two hikes in the same area, instead of driving long distances. For example, we think it would be better to stay another night in Carobni Breg and do another hike in the Tara park. I will send you links to picture galleries in a couple of days.
Best regards, Alex & Alex – Alexander Karnovsky DrAlex Software
FamiliaBuilder & Familia Online – Web publishing of family tree and photo album
Web: http://www.DrAlex.com Email: alex@DrAlex.com
Thank you Ivanka !
I have just seen all the photos which Jack took on his trip in Serbia and listened to the music which he heard – it all looks AMAZING !!! Our son would love the Šargan 8 railway, so I told Jack we must travel to Serbia in spring next year before our busy season and visit these places and come to see you !! Until then – veliki pozdrav 🙂 Hayley
Hayley Wright Black Mountain Active and Cultural Sustainable Travel through the Western Balkans and beyond
T +44 23 92 160 758T +382 67 268 971W : www.montenegroholiday.com Supporting the Western Balkans Map Guide promoting geotourism principles – Black Mountain Montenegro Ltd’ is a UK registered company.
Hi Danijel,
I just wanted to drop you a quick mail to thank you for recommending Panacomp agency to me. Ivanka has been great and I went with her and a team of regional collaborators for the Western Balkans Geotourism Council to Western Serbia this weekend.
I mentioned you and your goal to engage with sustainable tourism to the project manager for Nat Geo map guide, Gergana Nikolova, who I have copied in on this mail as she is interested in making contact with as many suppliers in the region engaging in sustainable and responsible processes. I have also copied in Ivanka as the portal manager for Serbia to see if there is any mutual work you can do together. I had the idea that maybe you or your student interns could possibly help in setting up good social networking channels for Serbia to promote their activities and information regarding travel in the region.
Anyway, thank you again for your recommendations, it has been invaluable to me. I hope to work with you in the future, best wishes, Liz Radice Backstage Balkans Ltd
Dear Tour Operators,
The whole team of the Business Support Centre for SMEs in Bulgaria is extremely happy to have welcomed you in our wonderland-the Danube region of Bulgaria ;o)
We would like to thank you for joining our FAM trip! You have discovered some tourist treasures in the Danube region of Bulgaria and we hope you will show them to new tourists! We are here to help you with contacts of accommodation facilities. transport companies and tourist attractions and all other tourism stakeholders so please, whenever you have questions: get back to us! We will gladly assist you!
I & Ekaterina are immensely proud we have truly touched you on a personal level and you have enjoyed the FAM trip so much! We will send you our photos next week on Monday. Thank you again for all your amazing presents! We are flattered that you have enjoyed everything so much! We will try our best to convince the Mayor or the Municipality of Elena, Bulgaria to organize such a FAM trip in their region for you in April 2014! We will keep you updated!
Please, send me until October 1st 2013, Tuesday all boarding passes for your return/inbound flights-you can just scan them and send them by email.
Kind regards, Devora Fileva
Business Support Centre for SMEs
7000 Ruse, Bulgaria, 14 Kresna Street, Tel: +359 82 821 472, Fax: +359 82 821 472
E-mail: d.fileva@smebg.net, http://bsc.smebg.net/ http://enterprise-europe-network.smebg.net/, http://bsc.smebg.net/ecotourguide/
Dear Friends,
Thanks for this, Carna; and it makes me very sad that I could not join all the hairy monkeys on the bicycle tour! I hope that everyone has returned home safely. I wrote to Devora and Ekaterina to thank them for such a wonderful visit and for everything they did; but I really believe that the word ‘excellent’ is not enough to describe their efforts – and we need to invent a new one!
I enjoyed so many things about the visit, but I never expected to meet such a great group of people and be able to forge friendships so quickly and so easily. Just imagine what we could do to improve the world if we had more initiatives like this that brought people together to celebrate our similarities and diversity! Thank you for your company, humour and kindness; it reminded me of all the best parts of my previous work in international relations and has definitely made me want to visit all of your countries.
As you know, I am not a tourism expert, but please feel free to contact me if you have any queries about the UK – even if my only contribution to the group was teaching you how to say ‘cheers’ in Estonian! Please keep in touch. Susan xx UK
Hi Ivanka,
I have already sent emails with both my personal and formal comments to Devora and Ekaterina but wanted to send you a quick email.
It was genuinely great to meet you. I know little about people from Serbia but, having met you, my impression is that the women are very strong; they say what they think; and, if you are typical, they are funny, warm and extremely kind. Once again, thank you for organising the collections – something we all wanted to do, but it was you who took action. I will try to adopt the Ivanka approach in future situations.
I enjoyed your company very much and we really did miss you on the third day – or the third week, if we apply Bulgarian time. The last day was easier, as we spent a long time on the bus. The Thracian burial tombs were interesting, particularly for history/archaeology buffs. The ornithological site/guest houses were lovely. I’m not so into birds, but found it really peaceful and beautiful around the lake; and for those who do like birds, it is heaven. In the evening, some of us went for a walk along the Danube, just by the hotel, which was fun and then we had dinner in the hotel’s Panorama restaurant. So-called because of the great views over the Danube at sunset. A more formal setting with white table cloths, the food was wonderful. Sadly I missed the bicycle ride as I had to leave at 5.00 am the next morning with Nora for the airport.
I wish you all the best and hope that our paths cross again. I am not a tourism professional (in fact, at the moment I must look for some more contract work and hope I find it soon!) but if you ever want any advice on the UK, I would be happy to give you my own personal views.
Finally, I really believe that if our group can generate such good feeling after three days, this experience of bringing people together should be replicated all over the world, and then the UN would be obsolete! Take good care and very warm regards, Susan xx
Dear Devora, Dear Ekaterina, Dear friends,
After arriving back home safely, on behalf of Macedonia Travel, I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratefulness for the unforgettable FAM-trip at the Danube region of Bulgaria.
The organization, thanks to the professionalism both of you have shown, was outstanding, enabling us to feel very comfortable, thus running the daily site’s visit smoothly. The Business Support Centre for SMEs has to be proud being represented by such professionals, doing their job with great love and excitement.
From the other side, I was really happy to meet such a homogenous group of tour operators from around the Europe and making a friendship that I am sure will last forever. I look forward to a deeper collaboration among all of us, that I am convinced, will bring lot of business success and benefits, for both, our agencies as tour-operators and you, as one promoting the great potential the Danube region possesses for developing the alternative tourism, in particular.
At the end, I would like to wish to each and every one good health and a lot of success in your business, sincerely hoping and looking forward to meet you very soon.
Faithfully yours, Macedonia Travel Igor Kimper
ul. Orce Nikolov 109/1-3 Skopje, tel./fax + 389 2 3112408 / +389 2 3112372, Mobile : +389 70 27 56 58, info@macedoniatravel.com, www.macedoniatravel.com
P.S.: Please send me a good recipe for diet as I have to somehow take away those additional 5 kilos I’ve put on me…
We recently returned from our trip to Serbia. Panacomp did a fantastic job organizing the tour. Everything was very professional and well organized. The guides and drivers were very knowledgable. Our guide Srdjan Bosckovic was especially knowledgable about European history. He was very professional, curteous, knowledgable and his english was perfect! His passion for history was clear and it really made the trip special. I would highly recommend him as a tour guide and would request him in the future. Thank you for an amazing trip.
Sandra L. Kopp, MD anesthesiologist, Mayo Clinic, Rochester MN USA
I am writing this note on the airplane home because I wanted to make sure that I completed it before getting home to my busy, relatively crazy life. I want to thank you for guiding us on both a physical and intellectual tour of your beautiful country. Your passion for history is contagious. Listening to you talk about the history of your country made the long bus ride not only bearable, but also very interesting. Although it may not be your goal in life, you are a terrific representative of your country and I will always think fondly of you and my trip to Serbia. I will send you a link to my photos in the next day or so when I get them in order. I know that you see these places all the time, but this is how I will remember the trip. I also think the pictures from the Monastery at sunrise are pretty amazing—definitely worth getting up early.
My best, Sandy – Sandra L. Kopp, M.D. Associate Professor of Anesthesiology
Phone: 507-266-2049, Email: kopp.sandra@mayo.edu
Mayo Clinic, 200 First Street SW Rochester, MN 55905 mayoclinic.org
Dear Ivanka, Sept 14, 13
Thank you so much for the lovely days in your country – SERBIA ! You were our great guide and inspirational leader telling us so many stories about your country and past and present events. Thank you, take care, the Finnish group
Well Hello Ivanka – it was so nice to meet you at Popova Kula. It’s a pity we only met as we were both leaving. Macedonia was a unique experience for me and one that I hope to repeat – I’m already planning my 4 week trip around the Balkans in 2014! You asked me to write a few words about my experience, so here we go:-
There is perhaps nowhere else in Europe that welcomes tourists with such warmth, but still receives so few visitors. Macedonians still seem slightly surprised to meet you, but almost universally want you to understand and enjoy their beautiful country.
Macedonia is a small land with big scenery. From the rugged mountains of the Navrovo National Park to the crystal waters of Lake Ohrid, from the quiet waters of Lake Prespa to the sleepy mountain villages of the southern mountains, Macedonia is truly beautiful.
Perhaps the strangest place is its capital, Skopje. Nowhere else in the world is a country building a city to rival Austro-Hungarian Vienna. Amazing neo -classical buildings, fountains and statues are springing up like spring flowers. This in a country with real poverty. You can argue the morality of how Macedonia’s government uses its resources, but you can’t but admire their vision!
I partied in Skopje, hiked in the Galicia National Park, chilled on the shore of Lake Prespa and stayed in a deserted monastery outside Braycino, all in this small country with a big heart.
I will return! Adrian Below is the link to my Dropbox photos of the trip Ivanka – if any of them are good enough you are welcome to use them. If you are ever in London call me http://db.tt/2b9rBWMT Kind Regards, Adrian, UK
Sehr geehrter Herr Knezevic,
ja, das Feedback gehört selbstverständlich dazu. Wir können Ihnen eigentlich in allen Punkten bestätigen, dass wir keinen Grund haben, nicht wieder über Ihre Organisation zu buchen. Im Gegenteil, wir können Sie jedermann weiter empfehlen.
Die Betreuung vor und während Guca (Fragen/Antworten per mail, telefonisch in Guca etc.) war sehr gut und angenehm! Auch bei der Gastgeberfamilie haben wir uns sehr wohl gefühlt. Vielen Dank nochmal. Gern kommen wir wieder auf Sie zu. Viele Grüsse, Jens & Catrin am Mihr, Germany
Lieber Herr Knezevic,
das kann ganz kurz erfolgen: bestens! Ich wurde hervorragend betreut von Ihnen und Ihrer Kollegin und wunderbar aufgenommen von Vladimir und seiner Frau. Ich kann und werde Sie sehr gern empfehlen und wieder auf Sie zukommen, wenn ich wieder nach Serbien komme. Ihr Land hat im Ausland ja leider ein kleines Imageproblem, ich habe es aber als außerordentlich freundlich, angenehm und interessant wahrgenommen. Ich hoffe, dass ich da in meinem Umfeld als kleiner Botschafter tätig sein kann. Haben Sie herzliche Grüße – Gerd Henghuber
Dearest Ivanka,
We arrived back in Bulgaria last night and now our time in Serbia just seems like a dream! We had some wonderful experiences and some lovely gifts from you as a great memory 🙂 Mark and I toasted our return last night with the Bermat :)) Now I will start looking at all the footage and start putting together some videos that I hope will make everyone on the team happy. Mark will write some stories. We hope to get the message out that the Western Balkans is SPECIAL place full of wonderful surprises :))
One quick question. I think I may have left a pair of tennis shoes in our room at the RTB Bor — probably because we slept like bears/babies there :). Could you contact them to ask? Not sure the room number, but definitely on 2nd floor– my passport says Melody Gilbert Wollemann is they are checking for the room number to see if the cleaning ladies found something. Thanks!!!
Cheers! Professor Melody Gilbert, American University in Bulgaria, Frozen Feet Documentaries – in charge of the West Balkans National Geographic documentary films
dear Ivanka,
thank you so much for your email and for the time you and your colleagues gave me last thursday. It was very helpful to receive your comments and also these contacts and you can rest assured that I will follow up! On a personal note, i want to thank you and your colleague Tanya for the royal treatment and the kind hospitality. I do hope we can stay in touch and I can see you in London soon! Let me know if you need any help either in London or Florence! Best wishes, Alessandra Alonso
Dear Ms.Ivanka tasic,
Great to have your email! I do remember that you organized wonderful event for University of Novi Sad, I enjoed very much! Also I noticed that you are a really exellent manager for tourim industry.
Yes, I will make careful reading to your information, and I will try my best to dig the chance to send Chinese tourists to visit Serbia with your excellent service. Keeping in touch! Xu Ming – Prof. of Donghua University, working for tourism department
Bilder für Sie : zur Erinnerung an unsere Tour anbei ein paar von unseren Fotos. Wir möchten uns nochmals ganz herzlich bei Ihnen bedanken für die schöne Reise durch die Tara und Zlatibor Berge und für Ihre freundliche und aufmerksame Betreuung. Die Reise hat uns sehr gut gefallen und wir fühlten uns stets gut aufgehoben bei Ihnen.
Meine Schwester und meine Nichten sind gestern wieder nach Paris zurückgeflogen. Wir haben den letzten gemeinsamen Tag vor der Abreise noch in Novi Sad verbracht und können jetzt sehr gut nachvollziehen, wieso Sie das Leben dort ruhiger und entspannter finden als in Belgrad. Viele Grüße aus Belgrad, Martina Held
Dear Sirs,
on behalf of me any colleagues i would like to thank you for your services during the congress and congratulate you for the excellent organization. Regards, Kastrinis Alexandros PT, MSc, alexkastrinis@yahoo.gr
Hello Ivanka,
We were very satisfied abouth the bus and the drivers. The drivers where very kind and patience. For me it was very easy with Dragan one he was speaking good english a little bit later also good dutch. Dragan two was the second driver, he came one day later he was also all-right. Only one driver was enough, now i had to pay more costs abouth the Hotel and eating. And we drive not so much kilometers, i reserved also just for one driver.
The next time i have a group in Servie, i give you direct a mail is a bit better with someone between.
Met vriendelijke groeten, Yours sincerely, Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Salutations amicales,
Gilbert Bastiaanssen, Westermeerweg 35a
8311 PE Espel, Tel. +31 (0)527-271685
Mob. +31 (0)6-22564393, Mail. gilbertbas@hotmail.com, Website. www.gibareizen.nl
Dear Tanja and Bosko:Thank you again for your wonderful hospitality and a great day in Serbia.
Best regards, Lex and Timmy Smits, USA
Good morning Ivanca,
I have spoken to Alan and he told me everything was perfect. Once again thank you for your fantastic organisation. Best regards, James Leigh, UK
Dear Ivanka!
My client Eduard Tüür with his family are back home and he said that the trip was success 100% and they very much liked the driver/guide as well.
Many thanks and best wishes! Annely Meidra
vanemreisikonsultant / Senior Travel Consultant
Estravel AS – American Express Travel Services Representative
Tel +372 6177125, mob +372 5214380, ylemiste@estravel.ee, www.estravel.ee, 24 h klienditeenindus tel +372 6266 266
Dear Dejan,
Thank you for your e-mail. Our group had a great vacation in Serbia, thank you for your help!
Regards, Maxim Khramtsov, Russia
Dear Mr. Prof. Tihomir Vejnović,
Thank you for your hospitality and warm welcoming during our visit in Novi Sad.
We were impressed by the friendly atmosphere and pleased to discover that we have so many common fields of interest; the discussions were interesting and helpful to identify new subjects for future academic collaboration for both institutions.
I, personally, feel that signing a new cooperation agreement between the two universities, will strength the relations previously established and improve the quality of interregional education; I also hope that your time schedule will allow you to visit our University soon.
Best regards and wishes for the upcoming Christmas Holidays and a Happy New Year 2013.
Prof. Coralia Adina Cotoraci, MD, Ph.D. Rector of Vasile Goldis Western University Arad, Arad, 11 December 2012
It was my pleasure and honor to be your guest. The organization was excellent and I enjoyed a lot to participate in such an important meeting, Best regards,
Enrique Freud, MD
Head, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Schneider Children’s Medical Center of Israel
Professor of Surgery, Tel Aviv University, 14 Kaplan str. 49202 Petah Tiqwa, Israel
Tel: 972 3 925 3735 Fax: 972 3 925 3039, e-mail: freuden@clalit.org.il
Dear Ivanka and Jadranka, Tanya and team,
On behalf of Dushan, myself and all of us at FEPPCON, we give you our heartfelt thanks for everything you have done to ensure our stay in Novi Sad was a memorable and beautiful experience! All your arrangements, including the weather, the place, people, atmosphere, culture, music, food, drinks, to front row seats at Leopold terrace with sunset over the Danube … and the feeling you leave in our hearts… wow, everything!! It was indeed an INcredibly BEAUtiful experience… 🙂 🙂 You are wonderful and we thank you sincerely from deep in our hearts !
Thank you too for all the thoughtful and beautiful gifts you give us !!! Teresa Shaw, FEPPCON, USA, Prof Dushan Boroyevich Thank you letter to Panacomp
Hi Ivanka, Yes just about recovered, it was a busy few days!!
Thanks for all your help and support, you guys were fantastic. Best regards, Leigh James, Wales
Dear Ivanka,
Now that we are safely back home here in Johannesburg, we want to thank you and your team sincerely for the wonderful time that you had organized for us during FEPPCON. It was not only very special to experience so much of the history and folklore of Serbia, but very special to make contact with the Serbian people and find them so accommodating, friendly and patient with strangers!
We wish Panacomp wonderful growth and prosperity!
Warmest regards. Daan and Ankie van Wyk J.D. (Daan) van Wyk – Visiting Professor (Research), Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Science
University of Johannesburg, Auckland Park Campus, Kingsway, Johannesburg, daan@ieee.org
Dear Ivanka,
after a fascinating and rewarding trip to Serbia and Novi Sad, we safely arrived at home last night. We had a very gentle ride to the airport, and also the flight to Frankfurt was just fine. The only delay we had (1 hour) was our domestic flight back to Hannover.
Many thanks to you and your team who made this wonderful experience possible for us!
With best regards from Axel and Beate
Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Prof. Dr.-Ing. A. Mertens
Institut für Antriebssysteme und Leistungselektronik
Fachgebiet Leistungselektronik und Antriebsregelung
Welfengarten , 30167 Hannover, Tel. +49-511-762-247, Fax +49-511-762-3040, Mobile 0151-124 421 86, email: mertens@ial.uni-hannover.de
Dear all of you from Serbia that made our stay so memorable!
It was sheer pleasure to come here: beautiful country, even more beautiful people (friendly, accommodating, patient) and unbeliveable wine and food. The attendants to FEPPCON had never before been spoilt like this.
Sept.9 2012 – Daan van Wyk (The father of FEPPCON)
Dear Panacomp
We had a fantastic travel to Serbia. Most people were open and friendly, and the prices were at an affordable level. We enjoyed the visit at Studenica Monastery. We had a nice big room with a view. The place had nice staff and good service. But there are room for improvement.
The supper was nice. But the breakfast was a bit strange. There was no vegtables like tomatoes an cucumbers. Tunar for breakfast is not my favorite, and it was quite difficult to get the oil of the cheese. Margarine should not bee served in a restaurant. It came to a suprise to us, that coffee was not included in the breakfast.
We enjoyed the stay at Jonovic Family rural household in Crnajka village a lot. Good atmosphere. Beautifull mountains, nice food and good company. Yours sincerely, Byrial Bjørst, Denmark
Dear Ivanka,
We have just come back from our holidays. We have really enjoyed very much staying in rural households. We have been delighted with the Vracaric family in Kremna. The room in the old house was very nice and Slavica is really a great cook. All the family is very welcoming and they were always doing their best for us. Even the little boys will be careful not to make noise in the mornings to let us rest until very late. Slavica is very patient and speaks slowly so we were able to understand each others and we were happy to try to speak serbian. It is really the best place to stay to visit Tara and Mokra Gora.
We have also enjoyed very much our stay in Gujanicic hamlet. It was of course less comfortable, maybe one more shower will be good (but it is cheaper), anyway we were staying with very nice people and the place is really great. You just have to walk a little and you can see the eagles and the Uvac. Ljubinka organised for all of us a day trip by boat on the Uvac which was very very great. Uvac nature reserve is worth seeing. She also cooks very well and very healthy and we tasted buckwheat specialities.
Staying in these households, we were able to meet and enjoy staying with serbian people. It is the best way to travel and it is better to spend some days there. The hospitality is always wonderful ; when you leave, you are leaving friends. I hope many people will visit these households, I am sure they will enjoy it.
Best regards, Sophie and Alan, France-Serbia
Hey Ivanka,
it’s Paula, one of the German girls you enabled a wonderful trip to Donji Milanovac. At first I want to thank you for your help, we appreciate a lot.
During our trip we met so many wonderful obliging and hospitable people as you, who were always willed to help us and want to show us their favorite place of their country.
Already at the bus ride from Belgrade to Donji Milanovac we got great impressions of the landscape. Especially the way along the Danube which is surrounded by the beautiful mountains on both sides deeply impressed me. As you told us we were already expected in Donji Milanovac. The two very friendly guys, showed us a little bit around and brought us to the wonderful appartement. Since, we arrived one day later, because of the trouble we had with the luggage, we couldn’t go to the national park. It was a pity, but we still had two very nice days there, just spending some time at the little beach or go hiking. Also here we met very nice and open citizens, who wanted to take us with their boats out of the Danube and show around. After those two days we left to go further east to spend some days at a nice mountain sea.
In the end we only had time left for Sarajevo but no other place in Bosnia. I actually didn’t expected such a beautiful city. Soon we felt totally comfortable in the little oriental streets and wanted to try all the different kind of foods and sit in the many little cafes. Guys we met their showed us around and helped us to have not a totally touristic view of the city.
We never expected anything like that, when we left Germany, we actually did not have a lot of expectations of Serbia and Bosnia. Actually it exceeded all my expectations. I am definitely want to comeback one day and I am seriously thinking about spending a semester abroad in one of this countries. Ivanka, we are very thankful for your help. Kind regards (also to the rest of your team), Paula, Germany
Hello, I have fond memories of both locations that I visited, this kind of travel helps me to get to know the people a little more. I could not have done this without your organization. Nikki Dabbs, UK
Dear Ivanka!
Peter, Robert and I spent some unforgettable, fantastic days in gorgeous central & west Serbia! We were totally surprised by the pure nature of the mountains in the regions of Tara, Golija and Kopaonik. The guest families were so friendly and the food delicious!
I’ll write you in detail, this week, when I’ll work out the program. Thanks 1000 x for your very friendly and helpful information, which made from our short trip an unforgettable success!
Hereby some nice pictures! See you soon, Wini Nagi
Tour through the Green County – West Serbia
Sehr geehrter Herr Knezevic,
Ihnen, Ihrem Team und allen, die die Teilnehmer unserer Reise Freunde der Archäologie: Serbienreise betreut, gefahren, geführt und bewirtet haben, möchte ich sehr herzlich für die gelungene Organisation, die ausgezeichnete Vorbereitung und Auswahl der zu besuchenden Örtlichkeiten und Hotels etc. danken. Die Teilnehmer sind sehr zufrieden mit vielen positiven Eindrücken zurückgekehrt und haben begeistert berichtet. Ich hoffe, dass wir im nächsten oder übernächsten Jahr wieder eine solche Reise anbieten können.
Nochmals herzlichen Dank und freundliche Grüße
Eckart Wilcke – Rechtsanwalt und Notar
Hogan Lovells International LLP
Untermainanlage 1, 60329 Frankfurt am Main
Tel: +49 69 962 36 0, Direct: +49 69 962 36 160, Fax: +49 69 962 36 100
Email: eckart.wilcke@hoganlovells.com www.hoganlovells.com
Roman Emperors in Serbia Tour impressions : Accommodation – overall adequate; Drive – Excellent; Activities – very good; Tour guide – Excelent +; Will recommend the tour to friends /assuming same tour guide and driver quality/
Pierre Louis Quervel, plquervel@aol.com Prof dr Gerda Sommer von Buelow Interview
Dear Ivanka,
thank you for an amazing experience in Serbia! It was wonderful beyond any words. Thank you! Special thank for Ivan, not only he is one of the best guide’s that I’ve met, but I can say that I acquired a new and dear friend in Serbia. Thank you! We’ll be in touch!
God bless you and your colleagues! You are the best! Fr. Ilya, Orthodoxtours, USA
Sacred Legacy of the Balkans tour Impressions
Accommodation – Very nice, very clean. The Food at the Monasteries was wonderful. I appreciated available computers in Excelsior; Drive – Very safe driving practices in difficult conditions; Activities – We enjoyed a wide range of medieval monuments in the beginning of our tour. The last day in Belgrade was varied and informative. The highlights were the St Sava Church and being able to see the fresco painters at work; Tour guide – Ivan was an excellent guide, He was very helpful and knowledgeable, his commentary was in depth and inspiring; Notes – A highlight of our last day was the musical concert and the Museum of Frescoes. Our last dinner together was very good and a nice way to end the trip, especially on the river. Barbara Nulty, USA
Accommodation – very adequate, loved staying at the 2 Monasteries; Drive – EXCELLENT bus driver; Tour guide – EXCELLENT, especially in Serbia, Linda Hayes, USA
Ivan, Blessed be the Lord for the gift He put on you, blessed are you to share them with us. Your guiding was very thoughtful, until the smallest details. Be sure that you and yours remain in my poor prayers, Please keep me in yours, Fraigneau Anne Christine, Canada
Accommodation – GOOD, Hotel Excelsior in Belgrade was VERY nice; Drive – Nenad great driver – I felt safe in every situation; Activities – Perfect amount of activities, very interesting and very nice surprises. Visit with fresco restorers was great and music concert was exceptional; Tour guide – Ivan is the best tour guide I have ever had anywhere !!! Wonderful !!! Notes – This was a great trip, Cathy Mc Donald, USA
Accommodation – Generally very good. On the whole as good as I expected. Better than in Russia. I enjoyed the Monastery accommodation; Drive – the coach was comfortable, The driver was great; Activities – Generally very good. The best activities were when we were able to interact with monks-nuns and local people. The singing concert was superb. Hospitality became legendary !!; Tour guide – absolutely brilliant – could not have been better. Gave us a lively and perfect image of Serbian people; Notes – the Tour turned into a pilgrimage which I thoroughly enjoyed, would have liked to have attended the Divine Liturgy ib Sundays but the Ascension Liturgy was wonderful, Marc Henry, UK
Accommodation – generally very good; Drive – professional; Activities – excellent; Tour guide – super knowledgeable; Notes – very positive, Riccardo Cazzaniga, Italy
Accommodation – variable – mostly good; Drive – Nenad excellent driver; Tour guide – Ivan absolutely excellent guide, extremely knowledgeable plus a genuinely good person, Michelle Constable, USA
Comme je vous le disais ce matin voici les coordonnées d’Ivanka Tasic, directrice de l’agence Panacomp, une agence spécialisée dans le tourisme rural en Serbie. Cette agence nous a trouvé de merveilleux endroits que nous avons la chance de découvrir (Trsic, Kremna, Carnjak) ce qui nous a donné l’occasion de rencontrer des personnes extraordinaires dans de magnifiques paysages. Par ailleurs,Ivanka et son équipe organisent les classes vertes de l’école allemande.
Panacomp, Ivanka Tasic, https://www.panacomp.net/, +381 63 529 435, office@panacomp.net
Anne Briset
Dear Jadranka,
after speaking with Iris and Johanna who have been on site in Novi Sad, I can tell you that everything was very well organised! My planning period with you was very efficient and on-site everything worked very smoothly! Continue your work with such enthusiasm and thanks a lot for your assistance.
Best regards,
Elisabeth – Ms. Elisabeth Sachsenhofer
European School of Radiology – ESOR
European Society of Radiology – ESRESR/ESOR
Neutorgasse 9, 1010 Vienna, Austria
Phone: +43-1-5334064-516Fax: +43-1-5357037 elisabeth.sachsenhofer@myesr.org;
http://www.myESR.orgesachsenhofer@esor.org; http://www.myESR.org/esor
Become a fan of ESOR: http://www.facebook.com/EuropeanSchoolof
RadiologyFollow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/myESR
We have enjoyed our stay in Crnjaka village very much. People were very nice and welcoming.
Sophie and Alan Birot
Dear Ms. Petrovic,
Thank you so much for the excellent organization of the Novi Sad conference.
Best Regards,
Alex – Alexander Yordanov, Ph.D. Consultant
Monrol Bulgaria Ltd.
Mladost 3 Bl. 301
Entrance Offices, Office 1
BG-1712 Sofia, BULGARIA
Telefon: +359 2 483 6081
Mobile: +359 878 37 56 85
Dear Ivanka,
Thank you so much for the adress you gave us. The weather was quite bad but the nature is so beautiful on Trsic, the house is so lovely and Pedja and his parents were so nice to us that we had 3 marvellous days. We really felt at home over there and both us and the girls were sad to take the bus back to Belgrade. Here are some photos I made : https://picasaweb.google.com/annegiustiniani/Avril2012Trsic
It was an unique experience to meet very nice serbian people… Hvala puno ! Anne Brisset and Family
Dear Ivanka,
I just had a look at your cd, it is very impressive and gives insight to the “real” Serbia. It shows your passion and love for this country!
My compliments and respect, Christoph – Christoph Brueckner
General Manager
Hotel Excelsior Beograd
Kneza Miloša 5, 11000 Beograd
Tel. + 381 11 32 31 381, e-mail: cbrueckner@bmp.co.rs http://www.hotelexcelsior.co.rs/
Sehr geehrter Herr Knezevic,
Ich bin gut nach Hause gekommen und möchte mich auf diesem Wege nochmal bei Ihnen für die ausgezeichnete Durchführung der Individualreise Serbien ganz herzlich bedanken.
Mit freundllichen Grüßen, Michael Dembowski
Hallo Herr Knezevic,
habe es leider erst jetzt geschafft noch eine kurze Rückmeldung von unserer kleinen Rundreise durch Mittelserbien zu geben. Es hat alles hervorragend geklappt, so wie wir uns es vorgestellt hatten – Belgrad – Zlatibor – Guca und von Belgrad wieder nach Hause. Wetter hat hervorragend mitgespielt – Land und Leute haben uns gefallen. Für die Zukunft werden wir in Zusammenhang mit einem Küstenaufenthalt an der Adria vielleicht noch einmal Serbien besuchen.
Vielen Dank für die Betreuung und alles Gute für Sie, Mit vielen Grüßen, V. Reich
Thank you for your kindness, to post that photos. You have a great site with recipes and photos and interesting and beautiful quality. Thank you and hope you are well in all. Best wishes, Liliana Dumitru, Romania
Dear Tanja, Marina and Ivanka!
Thank you for your Great Support regarding our group staying in Serbia. As I understand everything went well and everybody is happy! We are going to contact your company for sure as soon as we have group going to Serbia. Thank you a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Simeon Bashev, Norway
Med vennlig hilsen / Best regards / Mit Freundlichen Grüssen / Cordialement
Simeon Bashev | tlf +47 23 19 44 00 | dir +47 23 19 44 17 | mob +47 92 08 70 99
Expert Reiser as | Maxpulse as | Ut og Reis | GSM Global Partner
Dear Mrs Petrovic,
first of all I would like to thank you for the effectiveness and quality of the conference services delivered. The Conference held in Novi Sad has been successfull also because the back office was very good organized so as for the transfer services from/to Airport.
Best regards, Mara Pitaccolo
Project Manager
Project Research and Development Unit
Venice Port Authority (IT), Tel: +39.041. 533 4283, Mob: +39. 335. 741 3931
Fax: +39.041.533.4254, Email: mara.pitaccolo@port.venice.it
Dear Miss Tacic,
Thanks to your advices and the interesting documentation you offered us during the Brussels Tourism Fair of 2011, february, we went, indeed, for a few couple of days to Serbia last summer, during our yearly Balkan trip, and, honestly, it was a wonderful experience.
We visited Fruska Gora, the monasteries of Vrdnik, Jazak, Grgteg and Krusedol, keeping others for our next travel, had a very nice stay in the Tara mountains, had long walks, visited Raca, Jezero Zaovine and Mokra Gora. We crossed over to the Canyon of Ovcar-Kablar, visited the monasteries (Blagovestenje, Vavedenje and others), had a nice spa in Ovcar-Banja, went further to Zica, Studenica and unforgettable Sopocani. We rested out in the wonderful Pester area, crossing at last the border in Prijepolje to Montenegro.
We appreciated a lot the hospitality of Serbian people, their friendliness, their sense of humor, their helpfullness and their knowledge of foreign languages. We had very nice moments there, meeting local people.
Food was mostly very good, we specially enjoyed the veal and cheese of Pester, fish in Ovcar-Kablar, and all over the traditional breakfast, and the nice liquors !
We found comfort, quietness and friendliness, staying in the nicely designed and located rooms and appartements of Kavana Kurta in Kaluderske Bare (Tara); of Villa Sunce in Ovcar Banja and of Hotel Borici in Sjenica. Breakfast on the terrace of Santa Maria (Canyon of Ovcar-Kablar) was unforgettable too.
We had no problems on the road, no trafic jam, roads are good, landscapes amazing !
One word: perfect !
It was our first contact with Serbia, and for sure, not the last one. We expect to make our next trip there during this summer, trying to discover more of the western part, and going slightly further to the east.
We hope to see you during the next Brussels Tourism Fair in february, it would be very nice.
Thank you for your introduction to your wonderful country, warm regards, Patrick Greeve, Belgium patrick.greeve@gmail.com
Dear Ivanka,
thank you very much for your e-mail. Sorry for the late reply but I’ve just came back in Prizren.
On Saturday I was at the Monastry of Decani for the celebration..there were lots of diplomats and expecially your President. In that occasion I’ve recalled in my mind our conversations, when we met each other in Albania, on orthodox spiritualism. There was really a wonderful atmosphere!
I would to wish you an happy new year and I hope to reach Novi Sad in the future.
Best regards.
Matteo Brunelli
IPSIA – Italian NGO
Rr. Kolonel Ahmet Krasniqi, 3
20000 Prizren – Ortakoll, tel. +381 (0) 29 234 040, mob. +377 (0) 44 523 847
e-mail: brunelli@celim.it, web: www.ipsia.acli.it
Hallo Herr Knezevic,
Wir wollen uns noch einmal bei Ihnen recht herzlich für Ihre Mühe und Ihre Geduld zu unserer Reiseplanung bedanken. Wir hätten es uns wahrscheinlich noch überlegt, nach Serbien zu fahren, wenn wir nicht gewusst hätten, dass Sie für uns jederzeit da sind. Diese Gewissheit gab uns schon ein Gefühl von Sicherheit. Wir haben uns auch gefreut, Sie und Ihre liebe Familie kennen zu lernen. Also noch mal Danke für Alles. Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Albrecht Schmidt
Serbie – Kosovo – Macedoine 8 au 16 Septembre 2011
Hotels de bon niveau. A Belgrade petites chambres mais hotel bien situe. Bon accueil chez les moines de Studenica. Car des 2 permiers jours trop petit. Tres bons cars ensuite. Bien choisies – site culturels prestigieux. Bosko est un guide professionnel qui a bien pris en mains son groupe. Grande connaissance des sites visites. Prevenant et seviable. Jacques Tissot, jtvoyages@noos.fr
Hallo Dejan,
Etwas verspätet möchte ich mich sehr herzlich bedanken. Ich und meine Kollegin hatten eine wunderbare Zeit in Guca. Ein riesiges Dankeschön an unsere Gastfamilie sowie an Tanja und Marina. Die beiden hatten alles perfekt organisiert. Ich hoffe, dass es mich irgendwann wieder nach Serbien verschlägt. Mit besten Grüssen, André, Switzerland
Dear Panacomp,
Please could you send me the postal address of Vladimir and Dragana in Guca so that I can send them a thank-you postcard? Many thanks for arranging my trip, it was really perfect, and I would be happy to recommend to my friends going to Guca that they book with Panacomp. Vidimo se sledece godine! Rosy xx=, UK
Dear Ivanka and Tanja,
Our trip in the Balkans come to an end, we would like to thank you both for all your great advice which allowed us to discover all the Balkans’ beauty. In fact, being able to meet locals allowed us to discover Serbia and its inhabitants. It was a great experience. We would definitly recommand our friends and family to visit these places in the future. As promised we send you the picture taken at your office and pictures with Dragan.
Our itinerary: Ljubjana, Bled, Zagreb, Osijek, Novi Sad, Fruska Gora, Belgrade, Mokra Gora, Vilovi (Nova Varos), Podgorica, Sveti Stefan, Kotor, Durmitor, Sarajevo, Mostar, Dubrovnik, Korcula, Split, Zadar and Ljubjana.
Thanks again for your kindness! All the best, Justine, Juliette, Paul and Nicolas, France
Dear Marina and Tanja,
Peter, Kilian, Janine and I would like to thank you once again for your fantastic help enabling us to stay in Guca with wonderful hosts and providing us with such a fantastic end to an incredible trip through the Balkans. We enjoyed every minute!
I would like to send a photo and short thank you letter to Vladimir and Dragana too. Could you please let me have their address? Warmest regards, Sally Hofmeister, Germany
Dear Ivanka, Marina and Tanja
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I want to say a massive thank you to you all for all your help with this Guca trip. All the arrangements and accommodation were very well organized, the extra excursion we did from Guca was great and I especially want to thank you all for your help when I was taken ill. Please could you let me know the names of the families we stayed with as we can’t remember all their names. Also please pass on our thanks to all of them from me and the group. The group thought they were fantastic and loved the experience of staying with a family – they really were so welcoming. The breakfasts were amazing too.
It is great to know that we have such a fantastic partner in Serbia and very re-assuring to know that we have your support in a crisis. The directors were very impressed with your response and actions and would like to thank you for your assistance too.
Marina I am so sorry that I had the seizures on you and hope you have recovered from the shock now. Thanks you so much for looking after me.
All the group had a great trip and I look forward to working with you again with future groups. Tanja thanks also for your help with Edwin and the interviews. Hvala, Nikki
Nikki Cooper – Operations Manager
Tel: 0208 505 2582, The Tailor-made Groups Company, UK
Hallo Ivanka,
I returned from my journey to Guca. It was great!
Not only the music was a pleasure to me. Also Your organization and the real good job the two young ladies Marina and Tanja did. I lived for five days in a nice house with a very friendly family.
Thank You and warm regards to Serbia, Johannes Krisch, Austria
Hi Tanja,
Thanks a lot for yesterday. You will hear from us when we come home sometimes next week. Our best regards, Steingrímur and Arun, Island
Dear Ivanka,
dear Jadranke and Panacomp-team,
Thx for your particularly informative email !! We appreciate your efforts very much, and we’re quite sure that we would have enjoyed our stay the metropole Belgrade. But unfortunately we have to delay our travel to beautiful Belgrade & Montenegro for the time being. We are also looking forward to get in touch with you again. Warm regards, Michael & Johanna, Germany
I’d like to recommend two places we have discovered, in Lopatnica and Kremna. We had happy holidays there!! http://www.agritur-milojevic.com/
http://www.ivanovickremna.com/ I hope more people visit Serbia in the future, Mary
Dear Ivanka and Team:
Donna and I want thank you for our wonderful tour of Serbia. We especially enjoyed our meal at the Vila Melodija. Our driver/guide Zlatan was wonderful. And, yes, we did enjoy visiting the monasteries. We look forward to retuning sometime in the future now that we know a little about Serbia.
“Thank you for a wonderful meal! We enjoyed it greatly! We thought of our visit with your family as one of the special delights of our visit to Serbia. We arrived home safely to Peoria, Illinois-USA on May 29, 2010. Hopefully, Maria will let me know if she can read my letter alright. We loved the nettle soup also. Maybe Maria can send me the recipe by e-mail sometime. Thank you, again for all that you did to make our visit most memorable. Love, Donna and Warren Wilkins, USA
Hi Ivanka,
Thanks for your email. Sorry have not been in touch, have been meaning to, but things have been hectic back home. “The Taste of Serbia trip was the highlight of our 4 week travelling. Our guide Zlatan was awesome, it was a wonderful and memorable family experience. Great value for money.
The girls particularly enjoyed the trip to the organic farm and lunch with our hosts. They thought Zlatan was terrific, and often remarked after we finished the tour ‘we miss Zlatan!’
Due to the train to Montenegro leaving before we had a chance to say goodbye to Zlatan, could you please forward this email on to him.. Attached are a couple of photos. You can use any words, or photos. Regards, Thanks, Anne Brown, Australia
Dear Ivanka
We have just returned home, but our minds and hearts are still with Serbia!
We simply cannot thank you enough for all your kindness, generosity and sheer hard work over the last six days. The tour exceeded our wildest expectations, and we have many memories which we will treasure for the rest of our lives. You introduced us to so many wonderful people – monks, priests, nuns – and, of course, the wonderful people of Velika Hoca. We learned so much through your superb translating abilities and have now a real understanding of the challenges facing your beautiful country.
We have just finished looking at the many photographs we took – magnificent churches, monasteries, frescoes, scenery, food – and above all, the people. This has made us all the more determined to return one day.
Please say a big ‘thank-you’ to everyone who helped to make our tour so memorable and to Olga and your excellent team. And when there is news of Djuka, please let us know!
But especially, please accept our heartfelt thanks to yourself, for giving us the experience of a lifetime. We are privileged to have spent so much time with you, and feel we have a very special friend. With fondest love and best wishes, Margaret and Chris, UK
On our way home from Greece with our caravan, we had to travel home by Servia. We did not prepare this stay but we just happened to find a little camping about 15 km southeast of Belgrade. We did not know what to expect, but it was a great experience. The camping was small, but the surrounding was beautiful and quiet. Near the river Danube and small little villages. We were the only foreigners and maybe that is the reason why we didn’t have to pay for our stay and the owner even brought us homemade bread every morning for free too !
When we cycled to the river Danube we saw a fisherman and without asking he offered me his fishing, We found that people in Servia are very, very kind. We stayed 3 days longer than was planned. And I did not mention the delicious food yet ! This year we will go on vacation to Croatia, but on our way home we surely will stay in Servia for at least one week. People will never regret a stay in Servia, for it is a great country !!! And that what we will tell to everybody who asks us. Thank you for your hospitality ! H. Voortman Twello Holland
Sorry for my late response, but I was out on audits and trainings almost all days since I was in Serbia. Let me also thank you once more for perfect organization and set up! I had a very interesting time in Serbia and was very impressed by the country and people I met.
I also wish you a successful, happy and healthy new year 2011!
Best regards, Matthias
Agrar Ing. Dr. Matthias Grill
agroVet GmbH
Business Development Manager
Sommersbergseestraße 3, A – 8990 BAD AUSSEE
Tel: +43 – (0)3622 – 526 32, Fax: +43 – (0)3622 – 526 32 – 30
m.Grill@agrovet.at www.agrovet.at
Thank you very much for the invitation and for the very nice moments spent in Serbia. It was a great honor to attend the Symposium and to meet with our colleagues from Serbia, Montenegro and Republic of Srpska. I would like to thank you also for the excellent accommodation and program.
My best wishes for the holidays and the New Year
Dr Furau Cristian,
Medic Rezident Obstetrica-ginecologie Spitalul Clinic Judetean de Urgenta Timisoara- Clinica Bega
As Univ , Drd Universitatea De Vest “Vasile Goldis” Arad,
Rotaract Arad Cetate
tel: +40 722 981 369, email: cristianfurau@yahoo.com
Thank you very much for your help – everything was perfectly organized and I really enjoyed my stay in Belgrade and Novi Sad !
Best regards, Serban Costa
Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h.c. S.-D.Costa
Direktor der Universitätsfrauenklinik
Gerhart-Hauptmann-Straße 35, 39108 Magdeburg Germany
Tel.: (49) 0391/67-17310, Fax: (49) 0391/67-17311, Mail: serban-dan.costa@med.ovgu.de
Just a few words for you. How I decided in the beginning of 2009 to go to Servie, now finishing our trip we are very very glad we did it.
First of all, your country is so beautiful, the landscape, pure ! The mix of hills and valleys, the trees, much kind of flowers with so different colors !
The very kind people and their strength to develop and reconstruct their beautiful country !
Your country with its old history will survive because of its brave people !
One of them, you Ivanka, is the best and beautiful visit-card, a promoter, passionate, honest, with pure and lovely heart. It was not only the way how you explained the story of Serbia, its culture, but I saw the human Ivanka, with a golden heart and mind and none of bitterness. So to look in your heart is great present. Again I learn : forgive your enemy ! I’ll try it with more intention ! Thank you for all you did for us and may God bless you and your family. Hans and G, Netherlands
I want to say you a lot of thanks. Hotels were very good and dinner in Sirogojno was great.
Thank you very much! I hope to cooperate with you next year. I have group to Serbia and Montenegro next September. Best regards, Inese, Rigas Turist, Latvia
Fred and I made it back to USA on the 14th Oct with many wonderful memories and a persistent respiratory infection. Just wanted to let you know how much we appreciate your custom tour service for us on our visit to Novi Sad and the Vojvodina region. Each day went smoothly, was well organized and included everything we asked to do and see…..and even more. Our guide, Goran, was a fount of knowledge. Witty and agreeable, he was a pleasure to be with. The private driver was also personable and friendly, willing to add his knowledge to our many, many questions. Professional all the way around. I would recommend your agency’s service to anyone visiting Novi Sad and/or the Vojvodina region. You have a wonderful team. Thanks again, Mary and Fred Kerestesy, USA
Excellent, keep it authentic! Daniel – Streamtheworld
What a nice trip! Gerhard Wieser – ORF Austria
Dear Ivanka,
Yesterday have got well at home. A lot ot thanks for so amaizing and wonderfull tour what you and your team have organized! I had a lot of information what I will sutudy. In future I try to make programm for latvian tourists where I include alot of objeckts what I saw on this tour.
Warm greetings and thank you very much for your care !
Best regards,
Inese Kravale, Travel manager
Travel agency RIGAS TURISTI
Dzirnavu iela 43, Riga, LV-1010, Latvia
Tel.: +(371) 67281803, 67244314, 29470228, Fax.: +(371) 67281803
inese@rigasturisti.lv http://www.rigasturisti.lv/
First of all I would like to thank you the organization, the service and the guides were really perfect, the partners liked Dunav Restaurant very much. Best regards Orsolya Serfőző Bosch, Hungary
I am sincerely touched by your generosity and kind, hospitable invitation to visit your land. My admiration for its spiritual heritage is immense. I do hope to visit it in a near future, I very much want to see Decani, Pec and Studenica at least. I will let you know when my program will permit me. As for the images you sent me, and for which I am really very excited, I will make the mentions you indicated me, to which I would like to add here my deep and truly most sincere gratitude, which is beyond words.
With my very best wishes to you, my sympathy, in all admiration for Serbia and Serbian most imaginative and creative people, Yours most sincerely,
Nicoletta Isar, Docteur es Lettres /Sorbonne/
Associate professor
International Coordinator Art History and Visual Culture
Institute of Art History, Department of Arts & Cultural Studies
Copenhagen University
Karen Blixens Vej 1, 2300 Copenhagen S
Tlf.: +45-35 32 92 94 (work), Tlf.: + 45-60 94 83 08 (mobile), E-mail: isar@hum.ku.dk
Bemerkungen zur individuellen Serbien-Reise 20.-23.5.10
Mit der Durchführung der Reise sind wir sehr zufrieden.
Dies ist in erster Linie dem ausgezeichneten Reiseleiter Slatan Ilic zu verdanken und natürlich auch der Agenturleiterin von Panacomp, Ivanka Tasic, indem sie nämlich auf unsere Wünsche bezüglich des Reiseverlaufs eingegangen ist und alles dementsprechend organisiert hat.
Slatan Ilic ist ein erfahrener Reiseleiter, kompetent und ruhig. Er hatte gelesen, dass wir an der Architektur der Klöster und der Fresken-Ausmalung der Kirchen interessiert sind und hatte sich bestens vorbereitet, so dass er uns überall gut informieren konnte. Er hat überdies immer die Leute, die in den jeweiligen Klöstern oder anderen Sehenswürdigkeiten die Aufsicht führten, gebeten, uns etwas zu erzählen.
Von sich aus hat er uns vorgeschlagen, noch weitere Klöster, die in der Nähe unseres Weges lagen, zu besuchen, auch wenn sie nicht im Reiseplan standen. So haben wir viel Schönes erleben können. Dafür sind wir ihm dankbar.
Der Fahrer, der uns am letzten Tag nach Belgrad fuhr, kann – entgegen der Auskunft zum Reiseverlauf – nur ganz wenige Brocken Englisch . Wenn etwas Unvorhergesehenes passiert wäre, wäre ein Gespräch mit ihm unmöglich gewesen. Aber zum Glück war Ivanka Tasic zur selben Zeit wie wir im Hotel Balasevic und konnte ihn vor der Fahrt genau instruieren.
Wolfsburg, den 24.5.10 Monika und Christian Klarhoefer, Germany
Accommodation was acceptable, people very hospitable and kind. Meals were delicious, with great variations. Often too much for us – old people. Drive with three persons in a car from our excellent driver – our Tour leader. Activities : all things of our interest are visited. Communication very good. Everywhere we were waited for ! We are received like V.I.P.s and as old friends. Especially the friends of DJERDAP !!!Our tour guide Ivanca Tasic made our tour a 100% success ! A fine combination of nature and Culture of Serbia. Many minor road are horrible ! Start of the rout very complex :
Departure at Shiphol was planned on May 17. Six O clock : No Flying possible because of the ash-cloud. Surely till 14,00. Advice on TV : do not come to Schiphol. On TV many departures canceled, but Belgrade delayed till 15,00 O clock. We phoned at 11,00 to ask how to handle and advicewas : come immediately to the Airport. We managed to get the 11,52 train in Moppel and arrived 13,37 on the airport. No Belgrado on the scale !!! Information told us Belgrade was canceled ! We went to Departures III in search for the JAT Desk. After a while we found an empty desk. We tried to phone for information but no success. 14,15 a man appeared, lated on another. It turned out that their passengers had gone to Brussels by bus at 14,00. We waited till 15,30 and then came the advice to go next day : at 11,00. We should be at the JAT Desk. So we took the train to go home. One of the JAT persons put the blame on us : We were too late !!! Quite unfriendly !!! On May 18 we had to pay 110 EUR each to change our tickets.
After that we had no problem and more and have had wonderful holidays in Serbia !!! Durk and Joop Van der Zee, Holland
Dear Ivanka and Jadranka!!!!
I do remember the nice time we had in Novi Sad with you both!!!! I often look at the pictures and smile… happy memories of our time in Serbia. From Toronto, we want to WISH YOU A VERY HAPPY CHRISTMAS AND THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR 2010!!!! Hugs from us both, Renate and John, USA
Hello! We had a wonderful time in Serbia!
Thank you for your help in planning this special part of our trip. Our driver was fantastic. Nicholai was very friendly and kind and patient, and a good driver. He was very helpful during our time in Crvenka. Please send our best to him as he finishes his studies.
We also really enjoyed the tour with Goran to the winery and fortress. This was very interesting. We learned so much. Your country has many beautiful sights and historic treasures. And although we were a little hesitant because of events in the news, we found the people to be very warm and friendly. Once again, thank you for your help. Warm regards, Marti Gutwein, USA
Thanks for your hospitality and all your efforts in planning the conference, and efforts of your staff. Overall, I believe the conference was worthwhile venture for us as a company – although it is always difficult to judge the commercial success of a conference, especially so soon afterward.
For me personally, it was one of the easiest exhibition experiences I have ever had, largely due to your efforts. I had a good stay in Belgrade, short as it was, and look forward to returning in the not too distant future. Regards, Kent Falkenstein, Seistronix
From Tirana I am expressed to you our gratitude for the your hospitality, friendship, and attention toward us during the Congress days in Belgrade. Thank you very much. For many years we will remember our stay in Belgrade. Please transmit to all your team our cordial congratulations!
With much respect and best regards, Sincerely yours, Alfred
Prof. Dr. Alfred Frasheri
Faculty of Geology and Mining
Polytechnic University of Tirana
Home address: Rr. Durresit, Pall. 7, Sh.1 Ap.6
Tirana, Albania, Tel: +355 4 2225160, Mob: +355 68 2380260
We thank you for the successful organization of the 5th BGC in Belgrade.
We found that our accommodations in Hotel Continental Belgrade and the congress facilities were perfect. We hope that this congress will open an opportunity to perform a future scientific initiations between the Balkan countries in the frame of EU supported projects or bi-(multi) lateral cooperation. On the other hand, representations of the friends in Panacomp, and their approaches were also so kind, highgrade professionally and excellent even during the stressful and endless requests of the Turkish participants. We appreciated them for their patients and helps.
By the way, during our half day visit to Kalamegdan on May 12 (Tuesday); we also clearly understood that why the lungs of Istanbul was called “Belgrad Ormanlari-Belgrade Forest” when we looked from the Kalamegdan to the green forest where Sava and Danube rivers joins over there. Really so beautiful.
Best regards from Izmir city, capital of the Aegean region of Turkey.
Group of Izmir for the 5th BGS:
– Ms. Ayca Yurdakul (PhD Student)
– Mrs. Elcin Gok (PhD Student)
– Dr. Orhan Polat (Assist.Prof.Dr.)
Dokuz Eylul University
Engineering Faculty, Department of Geophysics
Earthquake Research and Implementation Center (ERIC)
Kaynaklar Campus of Tinaztepe
Buca 35160 Izmir,Turkey
Phone (work): (+90.232) 412 72 66
Phone (gsm): (+90.530) 505 13 05
Fax : (+90.232) 453 83 66, E-mail: orhan.polat@deu.edu.tr
WEB: http://people.deu.edu.tr/orhan.polat/index_en.htm
You are the supreme organizer of conference planning – your enthusiasm and professionalism are excellent /including your budgeting skills/ ! Thank you for smiles and wisdom during the Balkan Geo Conference 2009.
We value you at the SEG !
Pamela Terekhova, SEG Global Relations
Thank you for all your assistance with the Conference. You have been a great help in making this conference a success. I can not imagine a more professional group led by a highly professional woman – Ivanka. Kerry Cosby SEG
We are very grateful for the hospitality and for the kindness. All the organization team is very friendly and efficient. This was a good congress, very well organized. Thank you sincerely,
Orlando Leite, IRIS INSTRUMENTS France
The EXPO was interesting and well organized. The event staff were extremely helpful. My only negative point was that the expo hall was too hot !!! Please install modern air conditioning !!! Thank you again for all the help.
I was glad to participate to the meeting of BGS. Greece and Servia were always aside. I hope I did the same to the Servian colleagues. Prof. George Apostolopoulos, Greece
Thank you for the arrangements and all the work you did for the conference. I appreciated the help and the arrangements, including the hotel, were good. I had brought my camera with the intention if getting pictures of the people that I met and worked with.
Unfortunately, I did not do that. Would you have pictures of the people that helped with the conference? If you do, could you please send me a copy? Thank you, Alan Mencin, Chemical Engineer Professional Engineer, MBA
Good afternoon Ivanka
First of all many thanks to you and to Goran for putting so much time and effort in planning and implementing the second “Johns Tailored Tour”. Also thank you to Boris and Victoria for being such excellent guides. I saw so much in just three days that it feels as if it is more than a week since I was last working. It was also a pleasure to meet Anna – Goran’s girl in Belgrade. She is delightful. He is a very lucky guy. Not only does she look great but she has a fantastic personality! Kind regards and many thanks, John, UK
It was really a great pleasure to cooperate with your team at our PSI Constituency Meeting for Central Europe held in Skopje, Macedonia, on 12-13 January 2009. Your services were very professional. But I also appreciate your friendly behavior and the fact that you were willing to travel to Macedonia to help us in the last moment in a difficult situation…
Thank you very much on behalf of PSI. I hope to continue cooperating with you. This year we plan to organize various activities in our sub-region including Serbia. E.g. we will have a meeting for energy trade unions from South Eastern Europe in Belgrade on 17-18 September and it will be in the Continental Hotel where you have opened your office. So that it is an opportunity to use your services again.
Looking forward to hearing of you and seeing you again, Best wishes, Josef
Dr. Josef Krejbych
Public Services International (PSI)
Secretary for Central Europe
Office: W.Churchill Sq. 2, 113 59 Prague 3, Czech Republic
Phone: +420.234 463 559, Fax: +420.234 463 557
E-mail: Krejbych.Josef@cmkos.cz PSI website: www.world-psi.org
Dear Ivanka and Miroslav,
Thank you for the cd’s of Serbian beauties that I will certainly enjoy and distribute to friends. Miroslav, we had a very educating tour last Saturday and I thank you for the interesting discussions and introduction to the monasteries in Fryska Gora and for the Vergin of Snow. All the best and many wishes for a successful summer tourist period.
Professor Leonidas H. Duntas Endocrine Unit, Evgenidion-Hospital University of Athens
“Hi Ivanka, we had a pleasure meeting you at Taktons. It’s such a shame in only happens once in two years ! We’ll try to see you before that ! Once again, many thanks for everything, and our best wishes. Edo” Edvard Potisk, AVITECH Vienna
Dear Srdjan,
THANK YOU! It was a very special day despite the difficult roads. The other guide/driver (M…) was very nice and turned the music off. You have been first class so…no worries!
Miranda, United Kingdom 12.06.2014.