Erdevik Rural Tourism
Erdevik is the largest rural settlement in the Sid Municipality in western Fruska Gora, and one of the most beautiful villages of the Srem district, with around 3500 population. Erdevik village is located at the elevation of 140 meters, on the gentle hilly southern slopes of the western part of Fruska Gora Mountain, in the triangle between Ilok in Croatia (17 km), Sremska Mitrovica (26 km) and Šid (16 km). Erdevik is sleepy village of the west Fruska Gora, of features, attributes and landscapes that can be seen only on old photos. Once Erdevik was widely renown and recognized by its delicious wines of unique characteristics, while today it attracts visitors to the outstanding gastro festival of the Srem Kulenijada – the festival of kulen, the special hot sausage. Every May, traditionally, during the Srem Kulen Festival, along with the amazing cultural and folklore program, samples of kulen made in natural and synthetic casings compete for the best Srem Kulen, by registered producers and companies. It is six kulen /sausage/ features to judge by – outward and cross-cut appearance, consistency and strength of cross-cut, aroma, flavor, color and color resistance, that determine the best kulen of Srem. There are around 100 shops along the whole Erdevik Park during the Sremska kulenijada Festival, where proud producers display delicacies and specialties for taste and trade : kulen, ham, various sausages, cheese and wines, honey, and other related products. Lovers of homemade fresh, juicy and tasty fruits and vegetables, as well as natural honey, and the beneficial royal jelly nectar also enjoy in Erdevik.
Erdevik if the village of Fruska Gora, surrounded with beautiful lakes of Moharac, Bruje and Sot, whose center is adorned with centennial park of platan, linden, cypress and chestnut tress, established in 1905 and under the state protection. Besides the wonderful natural beauties of Erdevik, visitors claim that the best advantage of this settlement make its multi-culturality and diversity of customs and traditions of the locals, who are mostly engaged in agriculture. Representative of Serbs, Slovaks, Croats, Hungarians, Ruthenians, Jews, Montenegrin, Macedonians, Slovenes, Roma and Yugoslavs and other nations and ethicities live in Erdevik and greatly contribute to their personal and common wellbeing and wealth. Colorful traditional costumes, gastronomy and handwork are highly appreciated and well preserved by uniquely hospitable women gathered in the associations, that are famous all around Serbia for their skills and unique products – handmade and handwoven and hand-knitted rugs, scarfs, baskets, blankets, honey, homemade cakes and cookies – strudel, apple pie, pan cakes with sweat cream and cheese, noodles filled with plums….
Erdevik experiences exceptional natural and cultural inheritance, of the ancient Sirmium, Gomolava site near Hrtkovci village, Gradina site on Bosut river, Museum of Srem, Painting Gallery and Memorial house of Sava Šumanović, „Ilijanum” Gallery-museum, „Sremski front” Memorial, Morović, Lipovača…. Seventeen Medieval Monasteries renown for its specific architecture, frescoes, rich treasures and libraries make the special feature of Fruska Gora Mt, among which the closest to Erdevik are Monasteries of Kuveždin, Đipša, Petkovica and Šišatovac.
The Moharac Lake has been created when the Moharac stream was dammed, and is located at the right hand-side road on the exit from Erdevik, direction Ljuba. The Moharac lake is 1 km long and some 300 meters wide, with the average depth of 3,5 meters. The Moharac lake features arranged spots for excursions and thanks to its prominent setting, makes an ideal relaxation place in Fruska Gora and Vojvodina. The Bruje lake is the second artificial lake in Erdevik, approachable by the paved road. The thermal bath of the Bruje lake, around 1 meter deep, which is fed by surrounding springs, has been used more than 1700 years ago by Romans for relax, curing, recovery and leisure. Forests of linden, oak, beech, acacia, spruce and pine and medicinal herbs cover an area of 1500 hectares of the Fruska Gora National Park, and understandably provide allurement and pleasures to nature lovers and health-life lovers. Thanks to this, the bee keeping is well developed in Erdevik, especially modern and useful ways when honey is used as the medicine, and when it is best performed used for prevention, so visitors of Erdevik gladly and with special respect get their honey and related products. Wine is the symbol of the Erdevik village and was traditionally awarded with respectable prizes on the domestic and international Wine fairs that made famous sorts of Erdevik wines – traminac, riesling, sauvignon, burgundy and the white table wine incorporated among the most famous vines of the Central Europe. Locals of Erdevik village /used to/ live and survive and prosper by cultivating the fertile land and producing wines.
The archaeological finds prove that the Erdevik has been constantly inhabited since the Bronze age. During the Roman rule, in the 2nd and the 3rd century, the Roman Emperor Probus had recognized the supreme conditions of Erdevik and surroundings for wine growing and wine production, when the first vineyards were planted. In the historical records the settlement is first time mentioned in the 14th century, and on the Srem map it was noted in 1730, since then exist the monuments with the Old-slavonic inscriptions. With the Turkish conquest in 1523, Erdevik was seized by the Suleyman the Magnificent army, whose invasion was blocked in the vicinity, by Ilok. After the defeat in Vienna, Turks withdrew, and since 1697, the town of Ilok and the large part of Srem, as well as Erdevik itself, came into the hands of the Austria-Hungary, and the rule of the Prince Livius Odescalci, which lasted until the First World War. Since the Middle ages, the settlement was known by the name that were later pronounced by Hungarians as Erdővég, which means the place near the forests, most probably for its location at the very edge of the Fruska Gora. Later it was renamed by Slovaks into Erdevik. The Orthodox church, dedicated to the transfer of the relics of Saint Nicholas, was built in 1804, in the baroque style. The wooden iconostasis has been completed by the Novi Sad woodcarvers Sigismund Egerman and Joanes Lašak, while icons were painted by the painter of Sremski Karlovci – slikar Georgije Bakalović. The Roman-catholic church of Saint Michael is one nave, the Neo-Gothic structure from 1890, built by Herman Bollé design. The Baptist church in Erdevik is modern and new building, maintained by Slovaks – Miško i Samuel.
Forests of Erdevik village that are spread on the area of 1500 hectares are home of various game, especially deer, musk ox and wild boar. Erdevik and its surroundings enjoy typical continental climate and feature numerous springs and wells and streams and three beautiful lakes, rich in fish – Sot and Moharac and Bruje Lakes, that are surrounded with lush vegetation and fertile soil, partially with the hunting ground of Vorovo, make ideal conditions for invigorating and relaxing vacations, discovering cultural heritage and enjoying the tempting tranquility of the small village and the charm of sleepy life of Srem area.