88 Rooms Hotel Belgrade

88 Rooms Hotel Belgrade

88 Rooms Hotel Belgrade 88 Rooms Hotel is modern, new, comfortable Belgrade 4-star hotel, located in Belgrade center, only 5.6 km from the Belgrade historical downtown. The concept of the 88 Rooms Hotel is based on a modern hospitality, thanks...
Aleksandar Hotel Vrnjacka Banja Spa

Aleksandar Hotel Vrnjacka Banja Spa

Aleksandar Hotel Vrnjacka Banja Spa The “Aleksandar Villa” Hotel Vrnjacka Banja Spa is 4 stars facility close to the famous spa park and one of the most luxurious and the most reputed hotels in Vrnjacka banja Spa, and also in...
Aqua Star Danube Hotel Kladovo

Aqua Star Danube Hotel Kladovo

Aqua Star Danube Hotel Kladovo The ''Aqua-star Danube'' Hotel is comfortable 4 stars spa-wellness hotel that provides pleasant vacations or shorter stay with lovely excursions throughout the year, situated at the nicely arranged beach of the Danube River in Kladovo,...
As Villa Vrnjacka Banja Spa

As Villa Vrnjacka Banja Spa

As Villa Vrnjacka Banja Spa „AS“ Villa is comfortable 4 stars facility situated in one of the most beautiful part of Vrnjacka Banja Spa, in the vicinity of the „Merkur“ Hotel and the beautiful green park, mineral waters and promenade...

Djerdap Hotel

Djerdap Hotel ''Đerdap'' Hotel, 3 stars is located at the Danube river's bank in Kladovo, and encompasses the tourist offer of the Đerdap region. Accommodating structure of the Djerdap Hotel Kladovo consists of 300 beds in comfortable suites, single and double...
Hill Hotel Jagodina

Hill Hotel Jagodina

Hill Hotel Jagodina The Hill Hotel is modern, newly built 4 stars facility in Jagodina, very suitable for business clients and tourists keen to discover Serbia and get relaxed. The Hill Hotel in Jagodina is located in the most beautiful part...
Hotel Aleksandar Vrnjačka Banja

Hotel Aleksandar Vrnjačka Banja

Hotel Aleksandar Vrnjačka Banja Hotel "Vila Aleksandar" /4*/ je jedan od najluksuznijih hotela i najreprezentativnijih objekata u Vrnjačkoj banji i regionu centralne Srbije. Hotel Vila Aleksandar se nalazi u potpuno obnovljenoj, prekrasnoj istorijskoj vili iz 1929. godine, u centru Vrnjačke...
Hotel Kralj Vrnjačka Banja

Hotel Kralj Vrnjačka Banja

Hotel Kralj Vrnjačka Banja Garni hotel Kralj, 3 zvezdice, se nalazi u Vrnjačkoj Banji kod kružnog toka, na ulazu u najčuveniji banjski centar Srbije, nedaleko od čuvenog romantičnog šetališta, glavnog banjskog parka i lekovitih znamenitosti Vrnjačke Banje. Hotel Kralj u...
Hotel Lider S Vrnjačka Banja

Hotel Lider S Vrnjačka Banja

Hotel Lider S Vrnjačka Banja Hotel Lider S je smešten pored centralnog parka u Vrnjačkoj Banji i najpoznatijeg medicinskog i wellness centra Srbije - Fons Romanus. Hotel „Lider S" je potpuno novi objekat kategorije 3 zvezdice u Vrnjačkoj Banji, ukupnog...
Hotel Merkur Vrnjačka Banja

Hotel Merkur Vrnjačka Banja

Hotel Merkur Vrnjačka Banja Hotel "Merkur" Novi Vrnjačka Banja je poznata srpska zdravstvena institucija za prevenciju, dijagnostiku i lečenje bolesti digestivnih organa i dijabetesa u Vrnjačkoj Banji, kao i Nacionalni centar za dijabetes Srbije. Merkur Novi Hotel se nalazi u...
Hotel Mir Zlatibor

Hotel Mir Zlatibor

Hotel Mir Zlatibor Hotel Mir Zlatibor je udoban zlatiborski turističko-ugostiteljski objekat, kategorije 4 zvezdice, smešten u mirnom delu Zlatibora, u zapadnoj Srbiji, 230 km od Beograda, 240 km od Podgorice i 180 km od Sarajeva. Smeštajni kapacitet Hotela Mir Zlatibor je...
Hotel Mona Zlatibor

Hotel Mona Zlatibor

Hotel Mona Zlatibor Luksuzni hotel "Mona", 4 zvezdice, nalazi se u centru Zlatibora - najpoznatijeg planinskog turističkog centra Srbije, 235 km od Beograda. Hotel Mona Zlatibor raspolaže sa 120 moderno i prijatno uređenih i udobnih dvokrevetnih soba i apartmana, tipova...
Hotel Olimp Zlatibor

Hotel Olimp Zlatibor

Hotel Olimp Zlatibor Zlatibor, na nadmorskoj visini od 1000 metara, zahvaljujući povoljnoj klimi i bujnoj vegetaciji, pruža izvanredne uslove za odmor i rekreaciju kroz brojne vidove rekreativnog, sportskog, lovnog, zdravstvenog i kongresnog turizma. Zlatibor je poslednjih godina svoju turističku ponudu...
Hotel Premier Aqua Vrdnik 5*

Hotel Premier Aqua Vrdnik 5*

Hotel Premier Aqua Vrdnik 5* Hotel "Premier Aqua" se nalazi u srcu banje Vrdnik, na južnim padinama NP Fruške gore, samo 24 km od Novog Sada i 70 km od Beograda. Hotel “Premier Aqua” Vrdnik je luksuzan, 5 zvezdica potpuno...
Hotel Solaris Resort Vrnjačka Banja

Hotel Solaris Resort Vrnjačka Banja

Hotel Solaris Resort Vrnjačka Banja Hotel Solaris Resort u mirnom delu Vrnjačke Banje je novi apartmanski wellness objekat visoke kategorije, 4 zvezdice, u blizini šetališta najpoznatijeg banjskog turističkog centra Srbije, koji je za vrlo kratko vreme ostvario izuzetne poslovne rezultate...
Hotel SPA Idila Zlatibor

Hotel SPA Idila Zlatibor

Hotel Idila Zlatibor Hotel-Spa Idila je savremeni, novi turistički objekat visoke kategorije /4 zvezdice/ na Zlatiboru, površine 1800 m2, u centru najpoznatijeg planinskog turistickog centra Srbije. Smeštajni kapacitet Hotela-Spa Idila Zlatibor obuhvata 8 udobnih, luksuzno opremljenih apartmana i 10 soba,...
Hotel Srbija Vršac

Hotel Srbija Vršac

Hotel Srbija Vršac Hotel Srbija u Vršcu, smešten u centru grada Vrsca, 15 km od granice sa Rumunijom, otvoren je 1983. godine, a od 2008. godine posluje u sastavu španske hotelske kompanije EIX Hotels sa Majorke. Iako Hotel Srbija Vršac...
Hotel Sunny Hill Spa Resort Vrnjacka Banja

Hotel Sunny Hill Spa Resort Vrnjacka Banja

Hotel Sunny Hill Spa Resort Vrnjačka Banja Hotel "Sunny Hill" Spa Resort je smeštan na svega 700 metara od centra Vrnjačke Banje, na mestu zvanom Sunčani breg. Ovaj luksuzni hotel apartmanskog tipa pruža mogućnost savršenog odmora i okupljanja poslovnog i...
Hotel Zlatiborska Noć

Hotel Zlatiborska Noć

Hotel Zlatiborska Noć Hotel "Zlatiborska noć" je udoban hotel 4 zvezdice koji se nalazi u zlatiborskom okrugu, na Beloj zemlji, 8 km od Užica, na magistralnom putu Beograd - Podgorica, na samoj "kapiji" Zlatibora, Tare, Sirogojna i Mokre Gore. Hotel...
Hyatt Regency Hotel Belgrade

Hyatt Regency Hotel Belgrade

Hyatt Regency Hotel Belgrade "Hyatt Regency" Hotel is the first 5 stars, modern, luxury and business Belgrade hotel, located in New Belgrade, right next to the Usce Shopping center whose advantageous location guests enjoy. The Hyatt Regency Belgrade is set...
Idila Spa Hotel Zlatibor

Idila Spa Hotel Zlatibor

Idila Spa Hotel Zlatibor Hotel-Spa Idila is a modern and luxury tourist facility in Zlatibor Mountain of a high category /4 stars/ which covers an area of 1800 sq meters in the center of the most famous mountainous tourist resort...
Jump Inn Hotel Belgrade

Jump Inn Hotel Belgrade

Jump Inn Hotel Belgrade Jump Inn Hotel Belgrade is fully refurbished 4 stars facility situated in the heart of old Belgrade, the famous Savamala district that stands for new design area of Belgrade dedicated to arts, design, culture, gastronomy, night...
Junior Hotel Kopaonik Mountain

Junior Hotel Kopaonik Mountain

Junior Hotel Kopaonik Mountain The "Junior" Hotel Kopaonik in Brzece is situated at the elevation of 1100 meters, at the foothill of the most famous Serbian ski-center Kopaonik, ca 270km south of Belgrade. The Junior Hotel Kopaonik boasts of 70...
Kralj Hotel Vrnjacka Banja Spa

Kralj Hotel Vrnjacka Banja Spa

Kralj Hotel Vrnjacka Banja Spa The Garni Kralj Hotel in Vrnjacka Banja Spa is 3 stars facility located by the circular road, at the entrance to the most famous spa center of Serbia, close to the romantic promenade, the main...
Lider S Hotel Vrnjacka Banja Spa

Lider S Hotel Vrnjacka Banja Spa

Lider S Hotel Vrnjacka Banja Spa Lider S Hotel is located by the central park of Vrnjacka Banja Spa and the Fons Romanus, the most famous wellness center of Serbia. The „Lider S" Hotel is brand new facility of 3...
Logos Hotel Katici Ivanjica

Logos Hotel Katici Ivanjica

Logos Hotel Katici Ivanjica The ideal height of 1000 meters above sea-level of magical Mucanj and Golija Mountains and Katići village, located 25 km away from Ivanjica, provides wonderful destination for genuine retreat in Serbia. This fascinating place deep in lush...
Merkur Hotel Vrnjacka Banja Spa

Merkur Hotel Vrnjacka Banja Spa

Merkur Hotel Vrnjacka Banja Spa "Merkur" Hotel Vrnjacka Banja Spa is a state-of-the-art medical institution of Serbia specialized in prevention, diagnosing, treatment and rehabilitation of digestive organs and diabetes, as well as the National Diabetes Center of Serbia. The Merkur...
Milmari Resort Kopaonik

Milmari Resort Kopaonik

Milmari Resort Kopaonik Hotel and villa in the Milmari Resort in Kopaonik are newly built 4 stars resort in Kopaonik Ski Center-National Park, in the Kopaonik weekend zone, 6 km away from the Ski Center, close to the JollyKop Mountain...
Mir Hotel Zlatibor

Mir Hotel Zlatibor

Mir Hotel Zlatibor Mir Hotel Zlatibor is a modern and comfortable Zlatibor hotel - high class /4 stars/ facility in a quiet part of Zlatibor mountainous tourist center-resort in west Serbia, 230 km south of Belgrade, 240 km from Podgorica...
MK Kopaonik Mountain Resort

MK Kopaonik Mountain Resort

MK Grand Hotel & Spa Kopaonik Mountain Resort MK Mountain Resort Kopaonik - MK Grand Hotel & Spa Kopaonik boasts more than 1500 beds in three luxurious facilities, and the Congress Center with 1000 seats and additional entertainment and...
Mona Hotel Zlatibor

Mona Hotel Zlatibor

Mona Hotel Zlatibor Luxurious "Mona" Hotel is 4 stars luxury wellness-spa and congress facility situated in the center of Zlatibor, the most famous mountainous tourist center of Serbia, 235 km southwest of Belgrade. The comfortable MONA Hotel Zlatibor features 120...
Mount Hotel Kopaonik

Mount Hotel Kopaonik

Mount Hotel Kopaonik Mount Hotel is luxurious mountain-style facility situated in Kopaonik Ski center, at the altitude of 1732 meters. Kopaonik Mountain-Ski Center is the most famous ski center of Serbia, with total of 25 ski lifts with capacity of...
Olimp Hotel Zlatibor Mountain

Olimp Hotel Zlatibor Mountain

Olimp Hotel Zlatibor Mountain Zlatibor Mountain is the most famous mountainous tourist center of Serbia, at the altitude of 1000 meters, which thanks to its beneficial climate and lush vegetation provides outstanding conditions for vacation and recreation by various kinds...
Park Hotel Ivanjica

Park Hotel Ivanjica

Park Hotel Ivanjica The Park Hotel is located in Ivanjica - center of the beautiful Moravica county region in central-south west Serbia, some 185 km south of Belgrade. Ivanjica is a small mountain town established in 1833, situated at 468 meters...
Pina Villa Zlatibor

Pina Villa Zlatibor

Pina Villa Zlatibor Pina Villa (4 star luxury accommodation – categorization in progress) is located in the center of Zlatibor tourist center, just a few minute walk from the lake in the most beautiful part of Zlatibor plateau. Pina Villa...
Solaris Resort Hotel Vrnjacka Banja Spa

Solaris Resort Hotel Vrnjacka Banja Spa

Solaris Resort Hotel Vrnjacka Banja Spa Solaris Resort Hotel in quiet part of the Vrnjačka Banja Spa is newly built, 4 stars apartment-style facility of high category, located close to the promenade of the most famous spa and tourist center...
Srbija Hotel Vrsac

Srbija Hotel Vrsac

Srbija Hotel Vrsac Srbija Hotel in Vršac, 3 stars, situated in the very heart of the town of Vrsac, and 15 km away from the border crossing with Romania has been opened in 1983, and since 2008 it is part...
Sunny Hill Spa Resort Vrnjacka Banja Spa

Sunny Hill Spa Resort Vrnjacka Banja Spa

Sunny Hill Spa Resort Vrnjacka Banja Spa "Sunny Hill" Spa Resort is situated just 700 meters away from the beautiful Vrnjačka Banja Spa resort downtown. Vrnjačka Banja Spa Sunny Hill Spa Resort is well known for its exceptional style and...

Termal Hotel Vrdnik

Termal Hotel Vrdnik Vrdnik Banja je ljupko naselje i klimatsko-banjsko mesto smešteno u severozapadnom delu Srbije, na južnim padinama Fruške gore, na nadmorskoj visini od 200 m, u okviru Nacionalnog Parka “Fruška gora”. Naseljeno sa oko 4000 žitelja, Vrdnik je...
Vila AS Vrnjačka Banja

Vila AS Vrnjačka Banja

Vila AS Vrnjačka Banja Vila „AS“ se nalazi u jednom od najlepših delova Vrnjačke banje, u neposrednoj blizini hotela „Merkur“ i čuvenog parka i šetališta Vrnjačke Banje - najpoznatije banje u Srbiji. Vila As Vrnjačka Banja raspolaže prijatno uređenim jednokrevetnim,...
Vila Pina Zlatibor

Vila Pina Zlatibor

Vila Pina Zlatibor Vila Pina je udoban i luksuzan objekat 4 zvezdice u strogom centru Zlatibora, na samo nekoliko minuta šetnje od jezera, u najlepšem delu prekrasne zlatiborske visoravni. Vila Pina na Zlatiboru raspolaže sa 14 savremeno opremljenih apartmana, sa...
Zlatarski zlatnik Hotel Zlatar Mt Nova Varos

Zlatarski zlatnik Hotel Zlatar Mt Nova Varos

Zlatarski zlatnik Hotel Zlatar Mt Nova Varos Zlatarski zlatnik Hotel is comfortable 4 stars new family hotel on Zlatar Mountain which features boutique style, very much wanted and appreciated in the world. The Hotel of Zlatarski zlatnik on Zlatar Mountain /the...
Zlatiborska Noc Hotel Zlatibor

Zlatiborska Noc Hotel Zlatibor

Zlatiborska Noc Hotel Zlatibor The "Zlatiborska Noc" Hotel (Zlatibor Night) is situated in Zlatibor county, in the Bela zemlja village, 8 km from Uzice, on the main road Belgrade - Podgorica, at the "Gate" of Zlatibor, Tara, Sirogojno and Mokra...